Not Under His Watch

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Zeirenne furrowed her eyebrows. Psychopath of The Year was how she phone-booked Miura Takumi. Why is this man calling me right now? She asked herself before answering the call.


"Glad you finally answered. I'm in the hospital's lobby, but the receptionists aren't telling me which room you're in so I'm calling to ask."

"What?!" Zeirenne's jaw dropped. "How did you know I'm in the hospital? Don't tell me..."

"Oh. You're thinking I was the one who wanted you ambushed on the highway? Well, that seems like a good idea. But you should know better. There's no way I'd let you die without suffering. Dying from a car accident won't suffice your death if I were to decide on it."

"Wow. Thanks. I'm sorry I ever doubted you." Zeirenne said with a sarcastic tone.

"Now tell me which room you're in before I barge inside the Emergency Room. I'd enjoy a good look on pools of blood if you make me wait even a second."