Weird Flex But Okay

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Zeirenne felt invigorated after eating. Once she finished praying her thanks, and set the spoon and fork down, she surveyed the three spectators who watched her Mukbang session from start to end--but their actions made it seem more dramatic than it actually was.

Jin clapped his hands with his legs crossed like a posh gentleman. Dorothy's eyes welled up with tears; her CEO's condition was getting better. With all the food she walloped within minutes, Dorothy could vouch for her CEO's recovery. Colton bowed his head in respect. He thought Zeirenne deserved all the respect for eating the way she did--unexplainable, especially for someone who had just woken up from a coma. Outstanding. 

Dorothy put a thumbs up. "I'm so glad you enjoyed your meal, Miss Lin. You'll recover fast if this continues."