Everyone's A Rival

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After dropping the call, Jin collected his phase and headed fast to Zeirenne's ward. But when he opened the door, he didn't see even a shadow of her. She was nowhere to be found, and he knew panicking won't do him to good, but it still managed to reach his head. 

"Where did she go again?" He hissed. "Tsk... didn't even bring her phone with her."

He grabbed Zeirenne's phone that was charging beside her bed before heading out to look for her. He ran around the entire floor and finished searching every nook and cranny without any hint of Zeirenne. A few more floors and he started ruffling his hair while regretting his decision of taking the GPS off on the necklace he gave her. 

"I swear to God... I'll be sure to install another one after this."

When he reached the lobby, he was just about to run for the exit, but a nurse approached him.