Ohana Means Family

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"Then," Zeirenne said, "Should we sneak him out?"

For a few seconds, Jin had to consider things like Renzo's condition, or how they'd be able to convince her mother to let him go--but Zeirenne misunderstood his silence.

She desperately wanted to take the boy out to have some fun, and unlike every decision she's ever made, she had to take Jin's decision for this one. He knew more about Renzo's condition, and Zeirenne wouldn't do anything that would put the child at risk. This time, if Jin says no, then it's a no.

"I guess that's not possible then," she sighed.

To her surprise, Jin patted her head, and she looked up to see him smiling. "If that's how you want to spend the rest of Valentines Day, why not?"

"Do you think that would be possible?" she said with a faint smile, "Won't it cause him complications if he gets tired?"