How Feelings Ricochet

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Even Renzo was stunned after succeeding a feat. He turned his head to both Zeirenne and Jin, and they both took their time to drop their firearms and offer him a salute. 

"Good job," Zeirenne said, "You just won enough points for a teddy bear. But that won't be enough right. Why not aim for the biggest plushie you can gift your mom with? I think you're strong enough to do that. Right?"

Renzo surveyed the crowd who was cheering for him before smiling up to Zeirenne. "Yes! I should aim for the best!"

Jin patted his head, and the trio warped their game faces again. "If that's what you want to do, then focus more--"


"Cause there's only one top prize, and I swore to give my girlfriend only the best of the best."

Zeirenne smirked. "Really huh? Don't be so confident, I'd like to see you carrying that huge llama home, and I'd stop at nothing to make that happen."
