The Back Hug

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"WHAT?!" Zeirenne yelped out, "WOW!"

If Jin didn't have his hands bound with hers, he would have started rubbing his forehead. "Just express one emotion at a time. Will you? I can't even tell if you're upset or fascinated. Tsk."

"Of course I'm fascinated! I mean. They planned this from the start, didn't they? Giving us low powered batteries just so that they'd die halfway--that's amazing. They're so smart," she said while turning her head to look at him. But in their position, and with the sudden black out, it didn't do much. Instead, with their faces close too each other, she ended up bumping her nose on his chin.


For a few seconds, Jin had to let go of Zeirenne's hand just to rub her nose. "Tsk. Be more careful."