Each Other's Dilemma

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"And that curiosity brought me places--all the best places, because it brought me closer to you."

There was a thump. A loud thump only Zeirenne could hear. It sounded like cage breaking, and it made her feel all sorts of emotions at once. She was left gasping for air while tapping her chest. The words he said were more than perfect, and the neck slice gesture she planned on doing was put into halt. He was forgiven that instance.

They held each other's gaze for so long, and if it wasn't for the amusement park employee opening their cubes door for them, telling them their ride was over, they wouldn't have snapped out of each other's eyes. Both would have drowned to eternity. 

Jin cleared his throat. Although he was disappointed how such a fine atmosphere would get interrupted, he hoped to carry the mood somewhere else. Perhaps, by the lake or maybe by the canoes?