The First Entrapment

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The breezy and comforting Bay Walk suddenly erupted into chaos. People started running around in panic after hearing a sound they could vouch as being a gunshot. Everyone scampered away, and amidst this commotion stood Zeirenne. She had sticky ice cream smeared all over her clothes, and elbows scraped from falling on the pavement. 

"Are you alright?" Jin asked her. He was lying on top of her, and just a few feet from them, Dorothy was also crouching on the ground--Four cradling her in his arms. 

Zeirenne nodded her head while whisking her hand away to shake the sticky ice cream. They were in a state of emergency, so right after checking one another, they all nodded their heads, and rolled their way to a nearby park bench. Within the gaps, they pinned their eyes on two men walking towards their direction.

"M-miss Lin... I think it's time we call the police for help," Dorothy said while cradling the phone in her shaky hands.