Falling For Her Traps

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"Brace yourself," Jin said.

Zeirenne looked at him with a poker face that was soon replaced by a smile. She started laughing without knowing why, and he couldn't help himself from getting dragged. Soon they were both laughing their hearts out. Maybe it was the air, or something in the atmosphere that made them feel lighthearted. Or perhaps just the comforting feeling they share with their presence.

"Are you going to watch me all the time?" Zeirenne said, "Like. ALL the time?"

"Yes. All the time."

"Even when I'm in the bathroom?"

Jin's ears turned red in an instance. He started laughing while shaking his head. "Of course except that," he wriggled his brows, "But if you don't mind, then I surely wouldn't."

"Say that to my face without getting flusterred. I might just believe you then," Zereinne rolled her eyes before grabbing a coat on the hanger. "Now let's get back to our agenda. Here. Wear my cardigan. It's cold outside."