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"Where are we going?" Jin asked Zeirenne.

She was holding his hand while pulling him out of that place. At first, he thought she didn't want him to start a fight with the husband who was literally hitting on her. But later on, he realized she was up to a different thing. Something he would have never expected.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"Out of this place."

"What do you mean? Imelda and George are still hiking. We can't just leave them behind."

Zeirenne rolled her eyes. "Come on, Jin. They spent their entire life together to know how to enjoy their time together."

"So where are we going?"

"Out of this place."


"We're going out of this joint trip with other couples," she said, "We didn't go to Japan to meet other people." She stopped walking and turned her head to Jin. "We came her to spend time together, so why should we let other people bother us?"