Tropical Rush!! Pt 16


It's already past nine and Maria still hasn't answered my messages or calls. Is she that afraid of Alberto? Or….

…. Is she mad at me? For talking to Alberto? Could she be?

...Could she?

Ahh! Enough already! This is the second time she vanishes like that. I'm beginning to get pissed off! She knows that she can trust me. Why am I being cast out as a complete outsider?

And what's with that heat!? It feels like it's still midday! There's no breeze coming through the window, and this old rusty apartment has no A/C. I can't sleep!


While still mumbling from the situation and the intense heat, on the table beside my bed, for my excitement and relief, my cell phone started ringing. It must be Maria! I rushed toward it and picked up:


"Hello, Miyuki?" - It was the voice of a man, for my disappointment, but arousing my curiosity for who it could be.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I was expecting a call from another person. Yes, it's her, who is it?"

"I'm sorry to call you at this late hour of the night, but it's Alberto, from earlier."

How the heck did he get my number?

"I'm calling you to say that I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't want to startle you or Maria."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Maria can be intense sometimes."

"Yeah, she is. But I also understand her. I've been an ass in the past; she must have told you. But I don't want to push this any longer; I respect her decision and I want to tell this to her someday. But, you know, Maria is still pretty stressed out about this whole situation. But… Time heals things, and one moment or another we will be able to discuss it."

"Right…." - This is becoming too personal. I don't want to get involved.

"I've told you that next week there will be the Annual School Festival, right?"

"Yes. I think you were actually helping with the festival decoration. Is that right?"

"Yes, I was! I play Cello in the University Symphony Orchestra and we were putting up some flyers to announce our concert at the event."

"That's cool…."

"Right? Hey, do you wanna come see us next week?"


"I… uh….."

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of people there! You won't be alone. If you want, we can even show you around the festival. We are a lot of fun, you're gonna love it!"

"No! I didn't mean to say you are boring, I'm sorry. It was just.. uh.. a bit sudden."

"So, it's decided then! You'll love it, I guarantee it. Be at the west gate entrance by 9:00 next Monday."

"Wait! I… Well…."

"Sorry again for the late call! And, ah, if you are wondering how, I got your number via the university system. Bye!"


How flawed and open are the university servers!?

What has just happened!? Was I just asked out? Was he just being kind to me? I am very confused! And what about Maria? She would be pissed off if I went to see Alberto. I'll talk to her tomorrow at the lab, if she shows up, and I'll explain the whole situation and then call Alberto to say that I won't be able to make it. Yes, that's it!

Next day, Maria was already at the lab by the time I arrived, with her usual big and energetic smile. She must have come very early, it wasn't even 8:00. That took me by surprise, having such a smile, considering she avoided me for the rest of the day yesterday after that event.


"Good morning, Miyuki!"

"I need to tell you something-"

"'I'M SORRY!" - Maria said while joining both the palms of her hands in an apologetic attitude - "I still have some strong emotions regarding Alberto. I don't hate him or anything; I've already told you that, but….. I'm just afraid of having to face him."

"You don't need to be, Maria. I just wanted to know that you can trust me if you need anything. Please, just don't disappear like this, I was really worried for you!"

"I know, I know…. I'm sorry! Won't happen again! I trust you; it's just that I tend to run away from my problems instead of facing them."

"I think we all prefer to choose the more comfortable option than the harsher one. There's nothing to feel guilty about. I too don't like to face many of my problems. It's part of our Japanese culture to choose the least conflictual path. But sometimes, it's just not the right one. But know that I'm here for you."

"Yeah, you're right about it, Miyuki. Thanks for having my back!"

"Always, Maria…"

"Anyway, we'll have one week off, you know that, right?" - Maria Inquired me.

"Oh, yes, I discovered it just yesterday and I wanted to talk about it with you-"

"I'm sorry, Miyuki! I also wanted to spend the whole week with you, but I've scheduled a last hour trip to my hometown, in the northeast region of the country."


"Yeah, my mom called me yesterday and it has been some time since I've seen them. I didn't even show up for the new year celebration as I was too busy with lab work. So, I guess it's time to see my folks, right?"

"Ha-ha, right."

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"Y-yes, y-yes. I was about to invite you t-to the beach next week, but t-that's okay, hope you have a blast with your family!

"Thanks, Miyuki!"

Considering what happened, no way I'll put even more fuel to the fire. If Maria will be out of the city next week, I can just resolve this situation with Alberto myself and let her out of it. That will be for the best. I think.

And so, the days passed, and our holiday week started. Maria took a plane to her home on Friday and I decided to call Alberto on Sunday, before the festival concert on Monday. I just didn't think it would be right with Maria for me to pass time like this with Alberto; especially with her not having knowledge of it.

Laid down on the bed, I typed in the number registered on my phone from my last call:


"Hello, Alberto speaking."

"Hi, Alberto, it's Miyuki."

"Oh, hi Miyuki! How are you? It is so nice to hear your voice!"

"Uhm… I'm good, thanks. Listen…. I need to talk with you about tomorrow."

"About the concert? Oh, I forgot to tell you about it!"

"What? No wait-"

"This concert will be used to highlight some of the university's recent achievements. And I told our professor supervisor about what you guys did with the navy. He was very impressed. So, he asked me to invite you to talk a little about your experience. You will be sitting alongside other students who achieved remarkable results this and last year; Since you will already be there I kind of forgot to ask you about it, sorry!"

"What?? Is everything already set up?"

"Yes, our professor will talk to you briefly before the concert to brief you."

"I don't think that's a good idea…"

"Oh, you don't want to?"

"No, it's not that, it's just that…."

"Good! Nice to hear it! So, it's settled then! I'll meet you at the gate by 9:00!"




Dammit! He sure is a pushy one. Since the university staff is counting on me, now I can't just skip the festival. What did Alberto get me into? The situation is now just too troublesome!

Well…. At least Maria won't be here during the festival…

Should I call her and tell her about it?

I scrolled my phone messenger down, seeing Maria's icon popping up on my screen. Just as I was about to click on it, I hesitated for a moment, and decided to put away my phone on the side of my bed. I didn't want to create an unpleasant situation with Maria; if she became mad at me, we wouldn't be able to comfortably talk about it over the phone or through messages. Besides, she'd be the whole week away, and planned to see her family. It wasn't fair to stress her out during her family holiday. I'll resolve this situation by myself.

"After the concert and my participation, I'll just slip away and come back home. I don't want to involve myself with Alberto unnecessarily, considering the whole situation with Maria…."


Monday morning, 9h15. Hot sunny day, as usual in the city where summer never ends.

Alberto was late, and I was starting to get pissed off by having to wait at the front of the gate, with the sun directly over my head and no cover to relieve the heat. I didn't want to but I felt like your typical girl waiting for her late date and counting the seconds for the time to pass.

Well, maybe the emotions felt between the parties weren't the same as on a date, but the discomfort of having to wait for someone who was late sure was. After more than 25 minutes over the scheduled time, he finally arrived.

He was running and waving his hand toward my direction, while carrying in his back an instrument case, presumably, his cello. Panting and sweating, he was wearing black formal clothes. On my side, I was really light, wearing a white tank top dress with red stripes, and sandals, while also using a ponytail; and, even wearing that, I was still feeling uncomfortable with the heat. I couldn't even imagine how hot it would be wearing a full black attire.

"*PANT*... I'm so sorry…. *PANT*... Miyuki!"

"It….. *PANT*... Wasn't my intention to be late. But the band took a bit more time to organize itself than I thought, so I ended up arriving late. I'm so sorry! Hope you didn't wait too long!"

"No, no… It's okay. Unexpected events can happen, right?"

"Thank you, Miyuki! You are so considerate!"

Whatever. With reason or not, I'm still pretty irritated having to wait 30 minutes in the sun.

"Oh my! What an amazing outfit. That dress really suits you. You look very cute!"

"W-what?" - I said, while blushing a bit. He was just too blunt.

I haven't actually planned on appearing cute or fashionable, just comfortable. But to be fair, I was actually looking quite cute….

…. I didn't want to give the wrong impression. Well, anyway.

"Ha-ha, you really do, it's true. Anyway, shall we go? I'll show you the stage and present you to our professor."

Following Alberto and passing through the main gate, after a five-minute walk, we reached the central square where the festival was taking place. A great number of foods, merchandise and game stands filled the place with an aura of fun and enjoyment. I could feel the hot dogs and popcorn smell while the sound of the crowd laughing and speaking out loud made me even more excited to participate in whatever was there to do. It was lively, colorful, and fun. I couldn't help but feel lost as soon as I arrived at the center of it; simply impressive.

One of these standings stood out to me. It was a plush doll shop. It was so cute and had so many models and different colors that I couldn't help but fixate my eyes on it. On top of that, it had a cute blue sea turtle that seemed like it was waiting for me to buy it. "Get me to your shelf, Miyuki!" That's when I realized,

Oh. This could actually be a good place for me to get a present for Carlos. I still need to thank him personally and I can use this opportunity to get something for him. Maybe it wasn't so bad coming after all…. And the festival indeed seems a lot of fun.

As we reached the central plaza, Alberto didn't need to tell me anything for me to realize that the big wood elevated platform with mics all around was to be the place for the concert. The professor was already waiting for us backstage. After the concert, together with three other students, I was to tell a bit about the significant achievement that we had with the university; you know, pretty standard stuff, shouldn't last more than 2 minutes speaking on the mic.

The concert was to start in 15 minutes, and the guests, like me, were placed at the left of the stage, at the front of the violins. Because of this positioning, I had a clear vision of the violas and cellos at the other side, where Alberto was. The situation was all a bit troublesome; I didn't want to attract any spotlight to myself, especially considering that it was Alberto who invited me, but having to speak at the mic, and being at the front of the orchestra the whole time didn't help any further. But, since I'm here, I might as well enjoy the show.

All the musicians looked pretty neat with their well-polished and lustrous instruments, many of them being tuned, while others were resting on the musician's arms. The brass instruments in particular looked amazing, all shiny reflecting the sunlight.

All instruments tuned, the professor stepped up to the stage and announced to the public the beginning of the yearly university festival and to commemorate it, the University Symphonic Orchestra would play Schumann Cello Concerto op 129, from 1850. To my surprise, as soon as the professor ended his speech, Alberto stood up and took a place right in front of the orchestra.

It was him that would do the full solo of the music!

He didn't say anything about that to me. I don't know if he didn't want to show off or something, but I was quite impressed.

Even more impressed the moment he played the first note. I have never heard it before, but I came to know that Schumann's cello concerto op 129 was a very beautiful and melancholic piece. It was also a very hard and complex piece for the Cello to play. I don't understand much about music, but Alberto started playing in such an emotional and precise way, that it struck me hard. All his movements, followed by the orchestra, seemed like a dance and an invitation to an argument, like if the Cello wanted to express some of his deepest and saddest emotions, while the orchestra responded with full force in a way that it seemed like it was comforting the cello and giving it life. It wasn't just me, but you could see the whole crowd mesmerized by the sheer skill and ability of the group, and especially Alberto's; even the food stand guys stopped their cooking to check out the astounding performance by the orchestra.

A big round of applause marked the end of the spectacular performance given by Alberto and the orchestra. This is something you'd usually see from top tiers orchestras in very fancy theaters, but it wasn't. Instead, it was an "amateur" university music group, but performing on an extremely high level.

They must have practiced a lot...

As soon as the orchestra ended its performance, the professor called us three to take place by his side as he would question what we had achieved that was to be praised for.

About the speech, I just said a couple of generic words thanking the university for the opportunity. It's not even worth mentioning. After such a performance, all of us there couldn't care less for what was being said. We just wanted to appreciate what just happened. As I left the center spot and turned myself again to the stage, I looked back at the orchestra, just to notice Alberto with his eyes fixed on me. He gave me a wink of approval (or that's what I thought), which involuntarily caused me to turn my head away. Damn, what a pushy one!

What a good performance; I can't even remember what I've just said. It was that good. And I think everybody is thinking the same. I wasn't expecting that AT ALL.

But anyway; it's over now. I'll get something for Carlos and get out here. Don't want to involve myself with this anymore than I already had.

With the orchestra putting away their instruments and organizing themselves, I took the opportunity to get out of the stage, picking up my purse and leaving.



It was Alberto. As I was about to climb down the stage stairs, with no worry whatsoever, he reached for and took my hand. Turning around, I could see he was looking right in my eyes, with his usual big smile. That made me feel absurdly embarrassed.

"So, how was it?"

"Wha… W-what?"