Tropical Rush!! Pt 19

As the ocean breeze hit us, Maria's hair flew in the direction of the wind, revealing a serious but serene expression. As I looked at her behind me, from over my shoulders, she seemed to have a much more mature aura than ever before.


"I… I must ask for your forgiveness" - I proceeded - "Especially because I hold you in such high regard. In such a short amount of time, you became a truly special person to me, someone who I truly hold dear to my heart."

"I am really bad at transmitting my feelings or dealing with complicated situations. I tend to always evade my own problems and to put my future in the hands of other people. It has been like this for quite some time; my family has been dictating my future for as long as I can remember. Because my parents were always so vocal when I expressed any slightly opposing opinion I got used to avoiding "creating" any sort of conflict around me. However, sometimes not being decisive or expressing your will makes you submissive to decisions made by other persons that can not only be bad for your life, but create trouble for the ones around you, even loved ones."

"My point Maria is that, what I'm going to say to you now may hurt you, but it was never my intention to, and it was the result of me being a weak person..." - Maria remained silent, but her eyes kept looking directly into mine. I was still trembling as I didn't want to lose her friendship which to this point had an important role in my life since I arrived in Brazil - "You know, the last time you saw Alberto talking to me? I- ..."

"Miyuki" - Maria interrupted me. She turned her back to me and started kicking dust with her right foot"

"I already know what you're going to say. I know Alberto approached you last week during the festival and that you shared some time. I have a close friend at the university orchestra who told me all about it."


I was speechless. Then, why didn't she seem to care at all? How was she so cheerful, why didn't she ask me sooner about what happened? I was so confused.

She turned her head back and looked over my shoulders. My hands were trembling, and I looked as white as a ghost.

"Sorry for not being frank with you from the start, I just didn't want to corner you. Yeah, I would be lying if I'd said I didn't get a bit mad at the start. After all, as you already know, things are a bit complicated between me and him. He is my savior, but at the same time, became one of my biggest fears. I got some traumas that I need to work on, especially because they are from a time I was especially vulnerable"


"I said I had chosen to trust you last time, didn't I? So, I trust you, Miyuki. And like I am a complicated person, you also have your issues, but I'm 100% sure you wouldn't want to harm me in any way. So, whatever happened I know you were not thinking only about yourself but also about the ones around you. You're just too gentle, Miyuki."

"The important thing is" - She approached me and held both my hands - "Is that we grow together and are here to support each other, no matter the circumstance."

That was too much for me. Shocked by what I had just heard, contradicting all my expectations, I couldn't hold the situation any longer and started crying copiously.

"I-I…." - I couldn't think straight and chose the right words - "Sorry…. I mean, thank you."

"You shouldn't apologize that much, Miyuki, you've done nothing to be ashamed of. And you should also think a bit more highly of yourself. You are not weak, don't say that to yourself, because you are one of the strongest and most considerate persons I've met in my entire life. Look at me."

As I lifted my head and brushed my tears, I could see Maria's eyes, also watery. Her expression was serene, and her smile was endearing.

Maybe this was the first time someone called me strong in my entire life….

"Please, keep looking up. I am here for you as you are there for me. Our friendship can move mountains!"

And with that phrase, she proceeded to hug me, as she pushed me hard against her chest. The tears started rolling again, and her warm body filled my heart with joy.

"That said, you really need to bulk up in the chest region, girl!" - Said Maria joking.

"W-what!?Where did that come from!?"

"Just saying, you know."

"I'm no milky cow like you! Most of us are not that privileged!"

"Ha-ha-ha, teasing you is the best Miyuki" - Said Maria, while pressing me even harder. I started to lose my air, but I didn't mind it, her warm hug overcame any discomfort. I wish things could be like this forever…

As we were about to take the bus back home, Maria halted for a moment and questioned me.

"Hey, Miyuki. Let me ask you something…. Have you already talked with Carlos after the incident?"

"What? Where did that come from?"

"It's just that…. I mean, during my holiday trip I was thinking about what had happened. Even though I hadn't had the opportunity to talk with him before, I have always judged Carlos pretty badly. And at that moment…. He was really worried about you on that boat, you know? It was out of character for him. Well… At least in my conception." - That came as a surprise for me. But she was right, it really was an unexpected move from him, but he really did save my life.

"So, I got a bit guilty for having judged him bad all this time…."

"Huh….. I can see your point. I too feel a bit guilty for having judged him previously. But why bring this up now?"

"Well, haven't you thought of buying him whatever, just as a token of appreciation for what he has done?"

"Hmm, to be fair, my friend from back home in Japan told me the same thing. But I still hadn't had time to think of something to give him, let alone buy a present."

"In that case…. Hey, Miyuki, wanna get home a bit later? I think I have the perfect present in mind for him!"

With that smile that could take over the world with happiness, and her big blue eyes that looked like a clear beautiful sky on a Sunday morning, Maria reached for my hand with determination and started guiding us.

Even though in a most anticipated holiday week with her family, and far from Rio, she'd still find some time to think about me, that was very sweet of her. I couldn't help but blush and feel embraced by someone like that. She has this unique charismatic way of communicating herself that draws people in her direction, like a little sun. Me, Ricardo, Oliver, Alberto, each one of us wanna be lit just a bit by the light shed by her, Maria really was a unique person.

"Aaaaand, here we are, I think you'll find something here for him"

Not far from where we were, Maria guided me to a rather interesting place, an old photography photo art shop. The shop facade was all filled with black and white photographs from a modern and old Rio, you could see that who took them really was a professional and a sense of nostalgia and calmness overfilled me while looking at the scenes depicted in them. An old lady was cleaning up the place, and, with a smile, upon seeing us enter the shop, she greeted us cheerfully.

"Welcome! Please, feel free to look around!"

How did Maria find this!

"Wow, I'm amazed, Maria, you really have outdone yourself."

"Right!? I know I'm amazing, thanks! Since Carlos cares so much about his photos, I thought that maybe you'd find something here for him, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I think so. There is so much to choose from that I'm confused about what to buy"

"What about this panoramic photo from Rio in the 1950s? It's classy, elegant, and beautiful!"

"That's a good choice, but…. I think Carlos is a bit more sensible and would prefer a less…. Common scenario."

"Hm, where did that come from? Did the prince give the sleeping beauty its kiss? Hmm…." - Maria was teasing me a bit.

"I-its just that when we kept Carlos's photos, you could see they weren't your average everyday scenario. Those pictures were trying to communicate a message, something a bit more subtle."

"Right…." - Said Maria, clearly not following me.

"Yes, just like…." - As my eyes roved the shelves, one particular photograph caught my attention"- … This one!

"What about it?"

It was a black and white photo, like most of the ones being sold at the shop, but it didn't have a particularly flashy scene on it. It was a photo of a girl, a child. You could see she wasn't the most fortunate one, wearing no shoes while her dress was clearly old and dirty. It was only her, at the center. But, despite the gloomy scenario, she was smiling, and the photographer was able to capture just the most beautiful and sincere smile ever. Yeah, it needed to be this one.

"Excuse me Mrs., could you wrap this photo for me please?"

Outside the shop, Maria questioned me.

"You sure you want to give him this depressing photo? I mean, not that Carlos is the most cheerful person, but…. Will he like it?"

"Hmm, not sure about it, but I have a feeling he will."

"Right…. Sounds like you know a lot about him already, huh? Ha-ha."

"Oh, stop it! You know it's not like this!"

"Yeah, let's see about that. I'd be at least a tiny bit interested in the man who saved my life."

"Well, it's true that I'm a bit curious about his motives for doing that, but.."

"Hah! See!? You're even blushing!"

"Oh, stop it, Maria! I'll talk no more!"

"Ha-ha, I like teasing you!