My Wish!

IMG: Softly snoring as he dreamt about Shira as he slept on his desk, I popped his bubble to wake him: in which he did. He jumped up in surprise, "Huh! Oh, it was just a dream."

His face filled with relief as he looked around and saw all his things back to normal, he rubbed his face, looked at his drawing tablet with a hazy vision and remembered what he needed to do.

"Time to start streaming the 360 Collab, that I have been putting off for a while."

After awakening his computer, he glanced at discord and noticed the icon displayed five unread messages. While scrolling through servers, he placed his head in the palm of his hand and asked himself, "I wonder who messaged me on discord?"

Then he noticed three direct messages: one from Godwars, Pieman, and Shira. The message from the user Shira struck him as odd as he remembered her just being a figment of his imagination. After choosing her letter, it read, "Hey, why haven't you returned my voice calls?"

IMG: Hatena360 stared at the screen in shock, thinking that he was still dreaming.

"Am I dreaming again?"

Hatena was lost for words as he stared at her username and message. "Could this be her?" he asked himself. He messaged her, saying, "I fell asleep, sorry about that." "Oh, I thought you were busy working on your animations or something else," she replied.

IMG: Hatena360 tilted his chair back and thought, Glitchiona... that does sound familiar?

A quick internet search turned up Studio Eraser's book (Hatena360 x Shuriken255), and after he read the description out loud.

"Glitchiona Yamada is an S class Hacker: she is capable of creating, recreating, erasing, and editing anything that has or does not have a source of power or existence. If it exists, it can be manipulated. If it doesn't exist, she can make it exist and erase it when needed, anything, and everything. Even this description itself can be changed to suit her superiority over anything, but her failure is herself," he resisted.

Hatena360 nodded his head, close the Google Chrome's tabs he had opened, and started to stream his animation.

After ending his stream, Hatena360 shut down his computer and headed upstairs. He saw a note on the fridge saying, "Dear Hatena360, we are going on a three-month vacation. Take care of yourself, love ~Mom."

"Okay... this is differently not my universe, and I would like to leave." Holding the note in his hand.

He turned to me and gave off an annoyed sigh. "What am I supposed to do? Like you are forcing me to fall in love with a fictional character... Why is that?"

IMG: I magically appeared laying down on his dining table and said, "You sure, you want to go back?"

I pouted, "Papa said, most make you happy so, I created this world for the both of you, and you can get away with anything here."

As he drew closer to me, he stated, "Really and truly, I clicked that message out of curiosity."

"Personal space, H360... please." I vocalized as I stretched out my hand, stopping him from coming closer.

IMG: He backed up, rest himself unto the fridge door, and slid down, "Can't you just teleport me next to her so I can confront her than having to waste my money to get to her?" I got up, took off my gloves, and slapped him with them. I grew into my older self as I stood over him.

"Have you listened to anything I said?"

He rubbed the side of his face and shrugged, "Just a little..."

I gave off a loud and irritated sigh as I shook my head, "You can get away with anything in this world... this world is legit on easy or peaceful mode, I should say."

"Were you trying to make a Minecraft reference, or was that just me?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

Immediately I thought, "He is hopeless... he is denser than the average harem protagonist." He got up from the fridge, still rubbing his chin and shrugged.

"I'm just messing around with you, I'm not that dense, really, but my question is, where is she?"

I squinted my eyes and said, "Why don't you just ask her yourself."

"Oh, right," he answered and headed back down the stairs to his computer.

IMG: He turned his computer on, logged on to discord, and searched for Shira in his discord server, he asked her to come into a voice chat with him, and she accepted it.

"Hey, Hatena, how are you!" she called. Her energetic voice stunned him as he thought what he was hearing back then was a part of his imagination.

"You seem extremely happy about something," he smiled.

"Of course, I am, I am talking to someone who inspired me to draw again so, I must thank you for that." Chuckling.

"Man, this might be nice and all that, but does she remember anything I told her back then?" he asked himself.

IMG: Discord sound for someone entering the call. It's Hexal.

"Yo, what's up!"

"That's definitely Hexal," Hatena replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's me, what were you two talking about?" Hexal curiously asked.

"We kinda just started talking until you buttered in," Shira stated.

"Oh... sorry, just saw the voice call active so, I JOINED!" Hexal replied in a funny voice. Discord sound for someone entering the call, Hatena clicked on discord, and noticed it was Remy and asked, "Hey, Remy, what you up to?"

Remy stretched, and said, "Just got off work, and I'm exhausted. I only came in here because of reasons."

"Why don't you just go to bed if you're that exhausted?" Hatena replied, feeling a bit concerned for him.

"I agree with Hatena, you need to sleep Remy," Hexal said.

"Sleep is for the weak, and you're not my dad so, you can't tell me what to do!" Remy replied as he blared.

"I'm just waiting for the others to join to make my day," Hatena sarcastically said while shaking his head.

IMG: "So, how is it going?" I asked as I stood behind Hatena360 as he contemplated whether he should ask Remy and Hexal to leave or not.

"It's fine, but how am I supposed to ask her? This was to be kinda an alone time, but I don't want to force them to leave."

"Truly, you are special... I like that," I said with a smile then vanished.

"She disappeared again, oh, that's great," he mumbled as he tried to comprehend what to do next.

"Oh, Hatena, I was to ask you something!" shouted Shira with a shy facial expression.

"What is it?" Hatena immediately asked after unmuting himself.

"I'm in New York, I finally moved so, I was wondering if you would hang out with one of your fans like you did with ManofJelly5," she said as she blushed.

"Umm... I don't really know," he answered as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wait, what's wrong with me?" he asked himself.

"Well, you can do a vote or something since she wants it to be just like ManofJelly5's, I guess," Remy said as he continued to play Yu-Gi-oH.

"I think Hatena doesn't want anyone to know that he has a love interest," Hexal replied, laughing.

"Hexal, shut up, I do not have a love interest for anyone," Hatena quickly responded.

"OOF!" Remy shouted as he lost the duel.

"Well, whenever you have the time, I'll be here on discord," Shira said before leaving the discord voice call.

"Wow, you just had a chance, and you messed it up so, quickly... are you baka?" I asked as I placed my head on his left shoulder.

IMG: Hatena360 jumped up in surprise.

"Okay, can you stop appearing and disappearing!" he shouted.

"K," I replied with a smirk.

"Okay, I'm going to help Shira since she just moved in... I find this to be a trap of yours, and who is your papa by the way?" he asked.

"If I tell you who my papa is you might be better off killing yourself right about now, however, your focus right now should be Shira," I replied as I stood up shrugging.

"Hey, don't disappear again without giving me a clue on how I should contact you!" he shouted as he tried to grab me, but I quickly moved my hand out of the way and slapped him.

"Ooh, No, no, no, Hatena. Shira, Shira, Shira, is all you need, Mr. Hatena," I said as I teleported him in front of her doorstep and disappeared.