*Time skip 5 years*
I was born into the Naruto world. At first I couldn't believe it, and honestly I still doubt it from time to time. There is just to many things people can do, and iconic characters that I have seen, for this to be any other world or setting.
Let me start from the beginning. In my previous life my name was Finn. I made a few stupid mistakes, and ended up dying as a results of these mistakes. However something strange happened when I died, what I can only describe as an otherworldly gem, took my soul and somehow reincarnated me to this world.
In this world my name is Anya, born to a single mother Kione. For some reason my mother has never mentioned or commented on my lack of a last name. Every time I try bringing it up my mother deflects it, so either I have to wait for her to tell me, or figure something out on my own.
Yes, you heard that right, my name is Anya and I am a girl. This would not have been such a big deal, if not for the fact that in my previous life I was a guy. I don't know why this is, but assume that just as in any other world the gender is a 50 - 50 chance for each birth. The first 6 months of my life here, I cried not wanting to believe that my third leg was gone. Good think I was a baby, that masked the reason for my crying.
From what I can see, and remember of this world, I have reincarnated to an unimportant civilian mother in Konoha, who is a maid at hokage tower. My mother or any other adult I have talked with does not talked about my father, but from what I can gather he was not from Konoha. My mothers name is Kione, and it seems like the only other family I have is my aunt Kiana. Kiana is a joinin in Konoha, and I have tried to get her to teach me ninjutsu for years now, however so far no luck. She says something about a child's body not being ready for that. I however thing she is afraid of teaching me for some reason. She and my mother have both tried, several times, to convince me not to become a ninja. But what is the point of me reincarnating in this world, if not to become a ninja.
But enough about my future, lets continue with what has been happening over the last 5 years of my life in this world. To be honest, I only remember parts of my life in this world. I suspect this is because my young brain is unable to handle my mature soul, which causes me to only be present sometimes, and the rest my brain is running on autopilot. Due to this, my development has been normal. I learned to walk a one year old, and have only recently started to run and learn basic martial arts. There is public martial arts lessons in Konoha, that I attend every second day, just to start my training somewhere. The martial arts, are very basic, and intended for civilians. I hope to get access to better martial arts when I enter the academy. I expect, that as time goes on, and my brain develops more, I will have better control, and no longer need the autopilot anymore.
I also figured out that I was born, some time between the second and third ninja war. It was confirmed one day, when I was attending the public martial arts lessons. While training I saw Namikaze Minato and Uzumika Kushina out on a date together. They are two very unik looking people, easy to recognize. I think they were around 18-20 years old now, and Kushina was not pregnant yet. With the general chatter that is ongoing in the village, about possibility of war breaking out, this leads me to believe there is 3-5 years until the nine-tails attack, and only 0-2 years until the third great ninja war will begin. Another big clue, is that the big rock mountain in the middle of Konoha, has only tree faces on it. The forth hokage has not been named yet, which mean the third ninja war is not over yet.
I also realized that this world is not 100% the Naruto world I knew from the anime/manga. The most simple evidence of this, is that I am in the world. I was not in any of the cannon material, so my only conclusion is that the world must be different from what I know. So far there has not been any major difference, but it is something to keep an eye out for.
It also took me some time, because it never really occurred to me, but I finally had a good look at myself in a mirror (for some reason, we have no mirrors at home). It happened when visiting a friend I made playing around on a public playground. Apparently, when I am on autopilot, I am very good at making friends.
When I looked into the mirror, and took a first real good look at myself, I saw a child about 1 meter high (tall for her age), long red hair, olive skin with still a good amount of baby fat, mostly in the face. I was shocked a bit, as many things were falling into place. In both the manga and anime of Naruto, the only people with red hair, were always of the Uzumaki bloodline. If I was of the Uzumaki bloodline, then it would somewhat make sense that both mother and aunt would try to hide it from me and others. However Konoha and the Uzumaki clan were ally's, so why would that be a problem? Another question to be answered, at a later time.
Today is my fifth birthday, and my final attempt to try to convince my aunt Kiana to teach me some ninjutsu, before I start at the academy. The academy should start in about a months time, and I know that my mother and aunt will use today to try and persuade me a final time from becoming a ninja.
As on every other birthday, my mother and aunt were there, with cake. I swear cake in the Naruto world, is somehow magically delicious. Especially chocolate cake, don't get me wrong, cake was good in my old world to, but here its so much better. Never mind, back on track. Mother and aunt are sitting around a table, with cake, singing this worlds version of happy birthday, while I am sitting listening to their song, secretly planning the optimal way to divide the cake (so that I can get the biggest slice).
After the singing and cake feast, were getting around to just sitting around, making small talk. I see my mother and aunt exchanging looks several times, until my mother sighs, and starts to talk:
"Anya, sweetie, we need to talk" Kione said "It is about you father. If you are insisting on continuing the path to become a ninja, there are somethings you need to know. So let me ask you one final time, do you want to become a ninja?"
I was looking at her, something about her tone, made me think that this was serious. I hesitated a bit, mulling it over, but finally decided to follow the path I had wanted for the last 5 years.
"Yes, I want to become a ninja" I said, with as much confidence as I could muster.
Another sigh, from my mother, and then se continued:
"Your father, is from a old bloodline called Uzumaki. His name was Gano Uzumaki, and he and I was only together for a short while." Kione said, taking a drink, and continued "Many years ago, the Uzumaki secret village was destroyed, because every other village, though they were becoming to powerful".
I nodded and asked: "But why hide this, aren't Konoha and the Uzumaki allies?"
"Before answering, let me ask you a question first. Do you know what a Missing-Nin is?" Kione asked.
I was unsure about how much knowledge to reveal, but as the existence of Missing-Nin are not a secret, or hard information to come by, I decided to answer:
"Yes, I know about them"
"Your father was a Missing-Nin from Uzushiogakure, thus not everyone in this village or other villages, are a fan. We decided that it would be best, to keep this information from you, until you were ready for the information. Not that we think you are ready yet, but if you want to be a ninja, you should know all information" said Kione after a pause, she continued: "There will be people, ninja an other, that will target you just because of who you are. So if you are really sure about this, I will allow for your aunt to teach you, until the academy"
I was a bit surprised about this. I never though that mother would allow her sister to teach me, even if it was just for a month.
"I want to be a ninja. I want to be the strongest ninja, there ever was" I said with a much conviction and strength I could muster.
My mother and aunt looked at each other, seeing the determination in my eyes, my aunt finally said:
"Good determination. You will need that if you want to reach that goal" Kiana said looking into my eyes, taking out a storage scroll unfolding it and continued to say: "Your mother asked me to keep this safe. It's from your father. He said that it holds much of the secrets from his clan, but that only someone from the Uzumaki bloodline can use it."
Kiana then summoned a book from the scroll, and handed it over to Anya. The book was a small black notebook. The frontpage of the book had what looked like scribbles, but I recognize it as fuinjutsu. A quick look at the frontpage looks like it a kind of lock, so I press my finger onto the frontpage, but nothing happens. Must be some other way to open it. A problem for another day, as aunt Kiana starts talking again:
"It's getting late today, and you seem to be distracted." Kaina pointed at the book" The next step of you training require some preparation, so I think this will be all about ninja training today. Lets continue this tomorrow morning at sunset"
I nodded before going towards my bedroom, exited about tomorrow.