I woke up the next day, eager to get ready for ninja academy. One of the things I was looking forward to was meeting some of the characters from the anime. Both because I enjoy the characters from the show, but also because it would help me narrow down the timeline better. So far I haven't seen any other characters from the show, except Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, and that still only narrow the year down to a three year window.
As I am not part of any ninja family, and technically from a civilian family, I don't have access to information about the goings on of the ninja society. I hope this will change when I am in the academy. Not that I expect to get crucial knowledge or ninja secrets, but the general knowledge would also help me determine better when important events are going to happen. The next big event that's going to happen in this world is the thirds great ninja war, being in the academy should give me better info on when the war starts. In the war several events are going to happen, like Mardara taking Obito in and converting him to help with his master plan. From what I remember, Obito would "die" at the start of the war, and instigate the nine-tails attack on Konaha, sometime shortly after the third ninja war ends. The nine-tails attack, will be the first real test, I will have in this world. Not that I think I can influence that event at all, my goal is just to make sure my mother, aunt and myself survive it. However that is a problem for later, now the first hurdle; Ninja School.
First day of ninja academy, every year is started with all applicants meting outside the ninja academy building, for a welcome. From what I remember from the anime the third Hokage had a welcome speech, and it seems like in this world that's no different. I am standing in a row, together with a bunch of other 5 year old kids, facing a podium in front of the ninja academy.
It seems like there are way more children here, at the start of ninja school, than what I would have expected. I think there is about 100 kids here starting in the school today. I guess that would be about 700 kids in total for the entire academy, which seems like way more than the anime. I later found out that more than 50% for students drop out over the years, and the pass rate to become a graduate is about 20% from the beginning. So each year would only have about 20 students that graduate, some years more and some less. For such a big village like Konoha, that doesn't seem like much.
I looked around, and see that very few new students are from ninja clans, the vast majority are from non-ninja clans or homes. Either I am in on of the years with very few ninja clan offspring, or there are a vast majority of non-ninja homes in Konoha. I am slightly disappointed that I don't recognize any of the other students, but do see a few from the Hyuga and Uchiha clans. Members of those clans are easy to recognize, but the other ninja clans not so much.
I was doing all this observation and thinking, while different instructors and important figures, are having long a painful speeches. At times like this, I really whished that I could control my auto-pilot mode, to skip all these speeches. After what felt like days to a 5 year old kid, the third Hokage finally took stage, for the last welcoming speech of the day. He looks almost exactly like his anime counterpart, just somewhat younger than what I remember. Hard to believe that this kind grandpa figure, is one of, if not the strongest current ninja.
During the speech, the third Hokage explained that we would be divided into 3 classes, of about 30-35 students. Each class is called 1A, 1B and 1C. In 1A most of the promising ninja kids, who already has some ability, will be placed here. So this class can be called the elite class, where most ninja clans kid are placed. 1B is where students with promise is placed, but who have not yet demonstrated any real ninja ability. Lastly 1C is where student who have shown no promise or ability yet is placed. Each year every student will be evaluated, and placed in a class according to their progress and talent. Class 1A will have the best teacher, and most resources for teaching. 1B will have less, and so forth.
The third Hokage finally ended his speech, with telling about the "will of fire", which is a strange concept to educate 5 years old kids about, but I assume the "brainwashing" has to start sometime. As the third Hokage finished of his speech, everyone applauded, and another ninja took the stage. This ninja (a chunin and instructor at the academy, I think) had a clipboard and started listing names, and appointed them to a class. I was surprised when I was finally assigned to class 1C, but didn't mind that much. I can just prove myself later, and get into a better class. I also later found out that my aunt had a hand in my placement, something about being a better motivator for me.
Once all kids were assigned a class, we were herded into the building, and into our classroom.
"Welcome class 1C to your first lesson towards becoming full fledged ninja" A chubby ninja stood at the front of class, and continued: "My name is Lemmy, and for the next year, I will be your ninja instructor. Understood?"
"Yes, sensei!" the entire class answered, like it was something they had rehearsed.
"Good" Lemmy said "Today will be an introduction to your schedule, and free time, to get to know your comrades. To that end, we will go around the room now, and you all introduce yourself to the whole class. Starting with you" he pointed at a brown hair kid with glasses in the front row.
The kid was surprised, and clearly nervous, but after some time, he finally stammered an introduction. The introductions continued around the room, until all had introduced themselves. Lemmy did raise an eyebrow when I said my name, as I was the only one in class with no last name. However I was not asked to elaborate, so I assume my aunt had notified the Hokage about it, and he squared it with the academy.
From my memory none of the names in class rung any bell, so I don't think there are any plot important people in this class. A bit disappointed, I have to go find out who are in the other classes, to determine what year this is.
With all the introductions done, we continued with the schedule. It seems like we won't have many different classes, but covering most of the basic stuff. The basic covers topics like: Math, world history, chakra theory, taijutsu, throwing weapons and physical fitness. Every month, there will be a test in each topic, ending in a taijutsu sparring session. The goal of each test is to determine if the class is ready to move on more. With the plan, when we get to fourth year, we will start to learn ninjutsu. The three academy standard to begin with.
To me this seems incredible slow, and I don't understand why it would take 7 years, to get through this program. However it could have something to do with 5 year old kids, don't have the discipline to self-study or learn ahead of the schedule. I will however have to learn at a more advanced pace, to be of any use to mother when nine-tail comes knocking.
*Time skip 6 months*
It has been 6 months in class 1C, since the start of school year. During these 6 months I have learned much. Not really that much in regards to my ninja abilities, but I have finally confirmed what year it is.
I have not found anyone of importance to the plot in my year, which is a clue in itself. However what finally confirmed the year, is that I saw some of the kids in the year above me. Umino Iruka and Uchiha Shishu were both in class 2A, this finally confirmed for me that the year is now 5 years before the nine-tails attack. Or more correct between 4,5 and 5 years to the nine-tails attack, as I don't remember what day the attack happens. I do however remember that Iruka graduates from the academy just around the same time as the nine-tails attack.
I also saw a very young looking Itachi one day, when Shishu was escorted to the academy by, what I assume is, Itachi's mother Motoko. All of this leads me to conclude that I am currently in year 60 after the founding of Konoha, and that I must have been born in year 55. So that would make me about 10 years older than Naruto, and should make me about 22-23 years old at the start of the Naruto story.
I have also continued to train in taijutsu, chakra control and chakra level, like my aunt purposed, besides following the training from the academy. This has lead me to be the best in class 1C in both chakra control and taijutsu. According to Lemmy, I am a natural close combat brawler. I am not sure if I am happy about this, but it's probably better to play to my strengths for now.
My stats, after these six months look like this now:
Notebook performance
- Hand to hand combat: E
- Throwing weapon: F+
Stealth: F+
Stamina: B
Chakra control: E
Chakra level: B+
I have added a few more lines, that are crucial for ninja, to my performance tracking. I have compared my stealth and stamina to the other kids in class. I can really start to see how important my Uzumaki bloodline is, as both my stamina and chakra level are way above the other kids, and even some adults.
I also managed to make a friend, from class 1A. Her name is Uzuki Yugao, while I vaguely remember her from the anime, I don't remember her having a big or crucial role. We have begun to train together after the academy, but she seems to be much more interested in sword use or kenjutsu. Thus we do mostly chakra control and chakra level expanding exercises together, and the do separate training.
I meet my aunt once every month, if she has time. We talk mostly about training and how to improve, and I have to admit, my aunt is very skilled in taijutsu. At least she is so good that I have no chance against her, even when she holds herself back to the same level as me.
My mother has also started to spend more and more time away from home. I assume as I am more out of the house, she has nothing to do, so she spends more time somewhere else. I have not asked her, but I assume she either has a boyfriend, or works more. To spend more time with her, I have asked her to teach me how to cook. Its just to spend time with my mother... it has nothing to do with a mad ambition to be able to create chocolate cake whenever I want. Nope nope nope, just spending time with mother.
With my goal now set, a known timeline for important events and my training schedule clear, there is nothing much to do, but stick to the schedule. I have no plans to graduate from the ninja academy while the war is ongoing.