After I heard the name of our new mentor, I didn't think anything of it. I am pretty sure I heard that name somewhere before, but without a face to put to the name, he was probably not someone important.
The rest of the day, the three of us, stayed on top of the Hokage monument, and trained. Since Shira and Yugao was at the academy before me today, the decided that they would pick our training. We ended up having a three way taijutsu sparring, with blunt weapons. When we where to exhausted to continue, we did individual training. I trained on my fuinjutsu, while Yugao trained on her chakra control, and Shira trained one her sensing through her insects.
As it got darker, we decided to go home, to get up early for tomorrow's test, and after we helped Shira down from the monument, we split up and headed back. Tomorrow is going to be exiting.
I awoke at 5.00 in the morning, and started to pack what I expected would be needed for today. Dried food, kunai, change of cloths, some of my homemade storage seals with weapons of different kinds. Oh yea, my fuinjutsu is so good now, that I can make my own storage seals. Though if you would rank fuinjutsu seals, the storage seal is the beginner seal, requiring almost now chakra infusion, only the correct sequence of writing, with minimal chakra. And to be honest mine were not even that good, even ranked compared to storage seals you can buy, mine were inferior. The upside is that they don't cost me anything but time.
As I got ready, there was a half hour until the designated time, and I left my home heading for training ground 21. I should be able to make it there with 5 minutes to spare.
I arrived at the training ground, with a few minutes to spare. Yugao and Shira already there. Shira was looking like she always did, but Yugao is not a morning person. Her purple hair, normally smooth and beautiful, was looking like a crows nest. I swear I could see actual black lines under her eyes, and she had the stare of a dead fish. Yup, she was really not a morning person.
As I approached them, I said good morning. While Shira said good morning back to me, Yugao was mumbling something unintelligible. We sat down and waited for our new mentor to arrive.
After a few minutes, Shira made motion and said:
"He's here"
A mummy in ninja cloths, with a black trench coat appeared out of nowhere. No a lot had changed about Ibiki, since we saw him yesterday.
"Ah, I see you are all on time" He said.
We nodded, but didn't say anything.
"Good, then I think we can start the testing. However let me first introduce myself proper. I was still under medical orders yesterday, and had to wear these bandages. However, today is finally the day, when I can take them of." Ibiki said.
As he said this, he took out a kunai from a holster, and started cutting his bandages of. Slowly but surely, we got the first real glimpse of the man underneath all the bandages. When he was done, a young man stood before us. I would guess he is about 16 years old, tall and like any ninja in this world, quite handsome. Or at least he probably used to be. The bandages he had on, covered all of the newly healed wounds he had suffered, on his entire body. Worst was his face and head. Two large diagonal scars ran across his face. One scar started just below his right eye, and ran across his right chin, down to his neck. The other larger scar, started from very close to his left eye, across his left cheek, through is upper and lower lips, and stopped just as his chin began. There were several scars on the top of his head, briefly visible, before he covered them up with his forehead protector. To me it looked like scars after his head had been set on fire. His other visible skin, on hands and feet, were also covered in several scars, some freshly made and very visible, others had been there for some time and the scars had started to fade.
"What happened?" Yugao asked, horrified.
"You mean my scars? Not much, this is sometimes the price we pay for following our ninja path." Ibiki said, clearly not sugarcoating it for us kids.
"Now let me continue with my introduction." Ibiki said, and after a brief acknowledgment from us, he continued: "My name is Ibiki Morino, newly appointed leader of group 42. I am a chunin, and passed my exam just a few months ago. That was actually where my most recent batch of scars come from" He smiled at this, like he was telling a joke only he knew the punchline to.
As he saw us not having any questions about him, he continued: "The most important part of being a ninja is intelligence. Knowing a situation before jumping in it, can give you opportunity to prepare, and that can be the difference between life and death. Thus it follows that a crucial skill, and arguably the most important skill, for any ninja to have, is the ability to gather information. With that in mind, the test you three will have today, is on the topic of gathering information."
He paused briefly to see if we had any question. We didn't, and assumed he would continue, and so he did:
"The test for today is a follows. Around this training ground, I have burrowed two wooden boxes. Each containing vital information, that is classified as information that could save lives. Whoever presents me with this information, before noon today, will pass this test."
"But didn't you say that there was just two boxes burrowed?" Yugao asked.
Ibiki nodded as said: "Correct, thus at least one of you today will fail this test"
While it wasn't the bell test I know from the anime, this had a very similar ring to it, and I immediately knew what was up.
Ibiki continued: "Shadow clone jutsu" 3 other Ibiki appeared.
"Each of these clones will disperse into the forest, they know the location of the wooden boxes. Your task will be to capture the clones, and get them to give up the information to you." Ibiki said, and continued: "The clones will only use evasive maneuvers, but if you dispel the clones, it counts as if you killed the person with the information you need."
"I suggest you use whatever means you deem fit, to get the information, as fast as possible, as time is running out" Ibiki said, and made an hand gesture, after which the three clones dispersed into the surrounding forest.
"Oh and also, the training ground around here, are full of traps. Now get going!" Ibiki said, while gesturing for us to get a move on. Immediately we disappeared into the forest.
I was running through the forest, following after the person who was trying to move silently through the forest ahead. I was unsure who it was, but as I got closer, I was relived when I saw who I hoped it was.
"Yugao, wait up" I said to the person just ahead.
Yugao looked back in surprise, and said: "What are you doing, were supposed to catch the clones running around the forest"
I looked at her, and said: "And don't you think that would be easier if we do it all together?"
She contemplated a bit before saying: "That is true, but there is only two pieces of information, so one of us will fail."
"That is something we will find after we actually get the information, right Shira?" I said
Out of a shadow of a tree, Shira appeared: "How did you know I was there?"
"Wasn't that hard, I saw some of your bugs before when running, and just a moment ago I heard someone 'sneaking up' to the tree." I said
Shira looked insulted, but quickly got over it: "Ok, then what's the plan?"
"Lets think about this, and what we know. There are two wooden boxes burrowed around this training ground. The only one who know where they are is Ibiki, and his three clones are running around the forest, right now, trying to avoid us." I said.
"First problem is getting a hold of one of the clones. Second is, how to get them to give up the information about the location of the boxes. Third is to get the information from the boxes, when only two can pass" Yugao said.
Shira and I nodded.
"A small correction, the first two problem take precedent, so lets ignore the third problem for now. I also have a crazy plan for the first problem, so let save that. So how do we get the information about the location from Ibiki?" I said.
"I have no idea. Did you see the scars on him, he has clearly gone through something before. I don't think we can scare or force him into giving us the information." Shira said
All three of us nodded at that.
"However I don't think he would design this test, with no way of getting the information right?" Yugao asked.
"Maybe tricking him to give the information up?" Shira said, and continued "Maybe with genjutsu?"
"Wont work. None of us are good at genjutsu, and even if we were, Ibiki is far stronger then we are, the genjutsu wont have much or any effect." I said.
"We can only conclude, then that the clones must be carrying something, that will show us the location" Yugao said.
"Yes that seems logical. Did any of you see Ibiki give the clones something, before the started running?" I asked.
The both turned their head from side to side, in the gesture meaning "no".
"Ok, then that should gives us something to go on for the second problem" I said.
"But we still need to find and capture the clones. And with all the traps around, that will delay us a lot" Shira said
I smiled: "There is one other person, aside from the clones, that has the same information they do. And who is not running around, trying to avoid us"
Their eyes widened as they realized what I was saying.
*Ibiki POV*
I was finally rid of those annoying bandages. After having to stick with them since my chunin examination, it was a relief. Although all of my new scars were itchy, the fresh air still felt good.
It had been about 30 minutes since the test had initiated. So far none of my clones had dispelled, which was a good sign. Also none of the traps with explosives had gone of, also a good sign. Must mean the girls are taking care in their pursuit of the clones. The three of them are very promising, and intelligent. Just the kind of students I was hoping for. If they could pass the test today, I would be happy to teach them.
Aburame Shira uses bugs, and has a very unique and potent sensing ability. If she could continue to expand this talent, and learn to hide her bugs better, should would become the best information gatherer Konoha had ever seen.
Uzuki Yugao was almost single-minded focused on the kenjutsu, but was not lacking in any other area. All she needed was a push and with her talent, her arsenal could expand to all other areas as well. While I don't think she would become and information gathering powerhouse, with enough training, she could become an excellent protector of information or information gatherers. And while she hides behind the other two, she is by no means not intelligent herself.
Anya Uzumaki. She is clearly intelligent, and has incredible deduction, according to the Hokage files. I have yet to see it, and that is unusual for me. I can pretty much figure out other people just by looking at them. That must mean the Hokage was wrong, or she is good at hiding it. Also I have never seen anyone at that age, with so much chakra. She even surpasses some jonin with her amount.
As I was standing in my own thoughts, there was a sudden 'wush' sound, and I registered about 10 shuriken thrown at me, from at least three different positions.
An attack here? In Konoha, shouldn't the barrier around the village, have informed the ANBU about ninjas not from Konoha? I was thinking while dodging the shuriken.
The shuriken hit the ground, where I just was a second ago. That's strange, the speed of those shuriken were not at a level, where they should be, if this is an attack from another village.
Several more shuriken approach my current position. Again from three different starting positions. This time I stay where I am, and use a kunai to deflect the shuriken.
As the last shuriken is deflected, I feel something behind me, from the wind movement and the sound, I guess a sword is swung at my back. I jump out of the way, and finally I get clarity. And I can help but laugh.
"Ha ha ha... you girls really are clever" I say, as I see Yugao finishing a two handed sword chop, where I used to be. I finally understand what is going on. Instead of using time to hunt down my clones, they have correctly guessed that the clones and I have the same information. So instead of going for targets that know they are coming, then went for a surprise attack on the only unsuspecting target.
I see Yugao smile, and then she says:
"Were not done yet"
Several more shuriken and kunai are thrown at my current position and to the position where I will be in a second. Forcing me to change my current position. While a full blown jutsu would take to long, I reach my hand out in front of me, and release a burst of chakra from my palm, while jumping. The burst of chakra propel my momentum opposite of my hand direction, avoiding the shuriken and kunai.
Yugao sees this, and set off to engage me in close combat range, with her sword. I have a second to think it over, and I am pretty sure they are forcing me to dodge in a specific direction, because they have a trap set over here. All right, lets see what kind of plan you have created in such a short time. I decide to not disrupt the flow of battle, and just react to what they are doing.
I continue to dodge Yugao sword, and shuriken from two different direction, all forcing me to a certain point on the training ground. I must say, they are pretty talented. If I wanted to disrupt their plan, I would have to go all out, and use elemental jutsu or high level genjutsu. Since this is just for training, I wont go to that length.
Finally after about 30 seconds of herding me, I dodge to a place. They ground gives way, and I can feel a classic trap with leaves over a hole in the ground. It is not very creative, and I am almost disappointed in this kind of trap. Just to be safe, I draw a sword that was hidden under my trench coat, and stab it into the ground at the edge of the pit. Standing on the handle of my sword, I prevent myself from falling down, and also avoid a few shuriken in the progress. I look into the pit that is now revealed.
Good think I didn't allow myself to fall down, I see a bunch of insect swarming over the pit.
"Chakra eating bugs I assume" I say to Yugao, while smiling at my victory.
Yugao is still charging at me to engage in combat:
"Yes" she says. I can't help but notice she is still engaging me, and she is smiling. I can only conclude that this attack is not over, the pit was not their final trump card. I smile to myself, not so disappointing after all.
That is when I see a change in the pattern. Another variable. Yugao attacks with her sword, but she keeps a bigger distance from before. Also there is still kunai and shuriken coming from one direction, while from the other there is also a windmill shuriken involved. I see, that how it is. Why suddenly include a much bigger shuriken in this attack. My only explanation is that it must be Anya that is transformed, so that when it misses, she can still attack from an unexpected angle. I play along, and avoid all thrown weapons by jumping backwards over the pit.
As expected, when the windmill shuriken misses, it transforms into Anya, and she throws several Kunai at me. Several shuriken are coming from a further away location, I presume Shira is there. Now I also see Yugao taking something out and throwing it at me. This is perfectly setup. The three of them are at a 120 degrees angle around me, leaving me no room to avoid their throwing. Anya and Yugao is also so close, that I have almost no time to react to their weapons.
I take a quick look at what they are throwing. Anya throws 6 kunai, Shira throws 10 shuriken and Yugao is throwing 3 ropes, with two stones at each end. A weapon clearly intended to snare an opponent.
Prioritizing to not get hit by the deadly weapons, like kunai and shuriken's, I focus and dodge them. Resulting in me dodging all the shurikens, kunai and two of the ropes thrown from Yugao. One of the ropes entangle around my torso, binding my left arm to my body. I jump away and stand faceing the girls.
Shira has joined the two others, while Anya is on the ground trying to catch her breath.
"Nice try girls. A well planned and execute plan of attack. However you didn't know enough about me and my abilities to formulate a flawless plan. That is why you failed in this attack" I say.
The girls look defeated, and then Shira says:
"We know. We tried our best, with the limited information we had. Deciding to attack the only unaware opponent, with the knowledge we need".
"An admirable attempt, however the time limit is not over yet. You still have time to try and capture my clones, as was the assignment" I say.
"You are right sensei. But before that, can I ask you one question" Anya asks, still looking defeated.
"Sure, what do you want to know?" I say.
With a smile on her face, she ask a question I would never forget: "Did you know that ninja insects can use simple jutsu, like the tranformation justu?" Anya says.
I look at her in horror, and then hear Shira say:
Suddenly the rope around my torso disappears, and a bunch of insects are swarming over me. My small remaining chakra is drained super fast, and I pass out.
*Anya POV*
After we won against Ibiki, we were all exhausted. Going up against a chunin is not easy, when you just barley graduated from the academy.
After catching our breath, we started to search Ibiki. I guess that black trench coat is for more that just looking cool. We found 3 additional longswords on him, 10 knives, several scrolls and much more, hidden in the trench coat. We also found what we were looking for. A crudely drawn map of the training ground, with several possible sites marked of as. I counted 12 in total. It would take us some time, to go through these sites. And by that time maybe Ibiki would have woken up again.
With a sigh we set of for digging.
*Time skip 3 hours*
Worst part of the test so far. Trying to dig in a place marked on a badly drawn map, with no idea how far down you have to dig. It took us 3 hours to dig, and we didn't even go through all the sites marked. Luckily the site 5 and 9 on the list was correct, and we didn't have to dig through 10, 11 and 12.
We were returning to the place where we left Ibiki before. This was the place where we are suppose to hand in the information we dug up. The information we dug up, was a wooden box, like he said, and inside a piece of paper, with Ibiki's chakra infused, so there was no way for us to fake the paper.
Ibiki saw us approaching. He did not look happy.
"Ibiki-sensi" I said. I added the sensi to try and butter him up a bit. "Were here to hand in the information."
His stone cold face didn't react to my sensi part. Well I tried.
"Who is handing the information in?" Ibiki asked
"The three of us are" I said.
"There is only two pieces of information, so only two can hand it in" Ibiki said.
"Actually, what you said was that whoever handed in the information would pass, you did not specify that it could only be once person who handed in the information" I said.
He smirked at this.
"You know girls, you might just be to clever for your own good" Ibiki said, before continuing: "You were tasked with hunting down three clones, to get the information you needed. Instead you attacked you mentor. You were suppose to hand in one piece of information per person, but instead you circumvent the test, and hand it in as a group"
As Ibiki was talking, I swear he was getting bigger and bigger. A kind of killing intent was flowing out from him. With those scars of his, he was pretty intimidating.
"Also yesterday, you were suppose to finish the scavenger hunt, to find your new mentor. Instead you cheated the system, and found my by other means" Ibiki said
We were getting paler and paler. Damn he is very intimidating. I swear there is a shadow monster forming behind him now.
"So it is clear, that in regards to following the rules, you three clearly FAIL!" Ibiki yelled the last word, and continued: "In regards to this test you..."
He took a very long dramatic pause here. This felt like hours to us.
"PASS" Ibiki yelled at us and smiled. I swear that smile deflated him back to human size again. No killing intend, or shadow monster behind him.
We were flabbergasted, and none of us spoke.
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy. Your creativity, adaptability and quick thinking is invaluable as a ninja. The way you have cleared all of the tasks I have set for you, show that you will go far in this world. Your understanding that what neither of you can do on your own, you can do as a team, is the basis of a great teamwork. And your disregard for the rules, but still completing the objective, will help you greatly in the future. Like you abandoning the hunt for my clones, and coming at me, was disregarding the rules I set forth. However it was also the correct choice, as I gave a much higher chance of completing the objective. Which you did in splendor." Ibiki said.
"So it is with great joy that I declare team 42 officially formed. Welcome on board" Ibiki said.