Chapter 22: Hidden village among the leaves


Author note: Hey all. First thank you for even reading this story. I have had a very hard time starting up on the next part of the story. Several times starting over and scrapping the next chapter, until I finally realized it would not work the way I intended. So instead I kind brainstormed a bit about this story and where/how to move it forward. As such I have made some changes to the original pacing/story telling. I fully still intend to move the story forward, with the overall plot I have always had in mind, but at a different pace.

How will this effect anything in this story, you might ask? Well hopefully it wont be something you, as a reader, will notice. However, the first immediate thing you might notice, is that this chapter is still part of book 1, even though in the last chapter I did say we were moving on to book 2.

This chapter however, will serve as a kind of recap, about the story so far, and highlight the differences in this story versus the canon story.

Also let me know, what you think of this kind of "Epilogue chapter". If you guys like it, I will include it every once in a while.

Author rant over, now back to story writing/telling.


*3rd POV*

*Unknown amount of time after the Root incident*

Konoha, village hidden in the leaves, home to about 80.000 people, had recently been rocked by several events. To the almost 60000 people, who were not ninja, and knew very little about the ninja way, the most impact they felt was the increased ninja activity. There had even been several fight in the village, that had broken out, and unfortunately involved several innocent bystanders.

To the about 20.000 other people, who had some degree of direct involvement with the ninja, the last period, had been one of a flurry of activity. Several clean up mission had been handed out to each ninja team, and what was unusual was that the mission almost all was inside Konohas borders.

Most genin, and lower ranked ninja teams, didn't know what was going on. As ninja, they were taught to not question why a mission was given. As all of these current mission were all handed out from Konoha and the Hokage themselves, they saw no reason to ask for further details as to the origin of the missions. The few genin or chunin that did ask about it, were met with a wall of silence, and told to focus on the mission. The turmoil thus remained a mystery from most of the ninja population as well, although they did know a bit more than the civilian population.

Among the jonin, very few knew the entire story behind the activity in Konoha, but all suspected the reason behind it. The activity had started around the time of the assassination of a Konoha elder, Danzo, and as jonin they were well versed in the political play of a village. All jonin collected their own data, from rumors and general talk among the ninja, and all came to the conclusion that the latest activity was clean-up after the Root organization. However there were some among the jonin that suspected something more was going on. A few even came pretty close to the truth, however none got it exactly right. Only two people in the village knew exactly what was going on.

One of these two people was situated behind his desk, in the Hokage tower. Smoking his pipe and watching the sun set over the horizon, from his office window. This was Hiruzen Sarutobi, 3rd Hokage of the hidden leaf village, and currently getting close to the age where he wanted to retire. At the age of 62, closing in on 63, Hiruzen was one of the oldest living Ninja. A feat in and of itself, as ninja rarely have a long life.

It had been a long day, and even longer few months, but the clean-up after Root was finally nearing its completion, and he was looking forward to less stressful days, where Konoha once again could offer ninja service to outside forces. While the clean-up had been going on, Konoha accepted only the bare minimum of outside mission. Now the treasury was almost depleted, and Hiruzen was looking forward to getting back to normal again.

As Hiruzen was in his own thought, a knock on the door signaled that someone had arrived, and wanted to enter his office.

Hiruzen had expected this, as it had become the norm over the last few months, and he would get an end of the day progress report from his chosen Hokage successor.

With everything that had happened ever since the Root incident, Hiruzen had to look at the chain of command in Konoha. While Hiruzen was Hokage, and would continue to be so for as long as the village needed him to be it, in the situation that he was no longer here, there was no one to pick up the mantle. With the fourth Hokage gone, Hiruzens backup had always been the Konoha council, but that was no longer and option. The only two remaining elders on the council, besides himself as Hokage, represented the civilian population, and with Danzo gone, the last seat had not been filled yet.

So Hiruzen wanted to start grooming a new Hokage, to take over in a few years, as he was still a bit to young in Hiruzens mind. Hiruzen would then retire again, and take up the vacant Konoha council elders spot.

As his chosen successor started his new training towards becoming the 5th Hokage, he had also delegated a few tasks to him. Tasks such as overseeing the Root clean up, in the village. This would free up Hiruzen himself to interact with, and check up on Naruto, as he had promised Anya he would.

"Come in" Hiruzen said, and motioned at the chair opposite him, for the newcomer to sit in, his mind wandered back to the Root clean up task, that had taken up so much of their time and resources lately.

Immediately after Danzo had been killed, several Root ninja had fleet the village. Fearing retribution or prosecution from crimes committed in Root. One of the clean up tasks, that Hiruzen had left to Anbu to deal with, was hunting down these ninja, and taking them back to the village. While they had not collected all of the Root ninja, they had caught about 80% of them. Which was a win in Hiruzens book. The remaining 20% were declared missing nin, with the highest of the reaching a B ranking, and an appropriate bounty was placed on them.

But that was only one part of the clean up after Root. While many former Root ninja left the village, about 3 times more, choose to stay in Konoha hoping to be integrated back into the normal the village ninja system. Hiruzen personally talked with more than 100 of these ninja in the first week, but eventually had to delegate some of these ninja to others, like his chosen successor. Most of these had strength around genin/chunin, but all lacked severely in social skills. Thus for most of these Root ninja, they were given a new identity and made part of the normal ninja population. A few of the stronger and more talented former Root ninja, were assimilated into Anbu. All of this took time, but was handled with several weeks.

However, this was were the real headache began. While talking with the Root ninja, it was made clear that Root was much bigger than Hiruzen had thought. There were mentioned of at least 20-30 additional secret bases, in Konoha or the immediate vicinity of Konoha. It also turned out, that Danzo had secretly worked with Orochimaru, and several former Root ninja told Hiruzen about previous unknown Orochimaru bases in and around Konoha.

Each such base would require several ninja teams, working for a few weeks to clear out. Danzo was super paranoid, and each secret base had many traps or deadly creature/insects guarding it. To minimize danger, clearing out each base was a slow progress. But finally the task was nearing its end, and if there was no further delays, today the last base should have been cleared out.

A thud sound was heard, and Hiruzen was brought out of his thoughts. The sound was a person almost throwing their body into the chair, that Hiruzen indicated before. The display was meant to convey "I am tired" feeling, by only using his body language. Hiruzen knew for a fact that the man across from him, would not be physically tired yet, but it could be mentally. Although that would be highly unlikely as well.

"Regretting saying yes to being groomed for the next Hokage already?" Hiruzen asked the man.

"Never" the man said, and smiled from ear to ear.

"Good. As I expected of you, Shisui Uchiha" Hiruzen said, and smiled back.

The two talked well into the night, about the Root clean up project, about the duties of Hokage, and about the state of the village. Both men were more convinced then ever before that Konoha was going into a new bright and prosperous age.


Itachi Uchiha was angry. Angry at Anya for leaving the village, angry at Anya for winning their fight, and most of all angry at himself for not having the strength to stop her. He had pulled out everything he had in their fight. He even unlocked some new ability in his eyes, he had never heard about before. He did however know that they were powerful, and even then Anya had still won their fight.

Itachi had spend almost a month in the hospital, after his fight with Anya. During that time he had a lot of time to think things over. One of the first things he noticed, was that it was much easier to breathe. His breathing had never been difficult or labored before, but he had a constant pressure in his chest, that had suddenly disappeared. It was one of those things that you don't notice until you notice it, and then you wonder if it had not always been like this. Whatever had happened during their fight must have done something to clear his airway.

His girlfriend, Izumi Uchiha, visited him almost every day. During their talks, Itachis anger gradually faded away, to leave a feeling of helplessness behind. He had talked about this with Izumi, who was for the most sympathetic. However after a few weeks of Itachi doing nothing but complaining about his lack of strength, Izumi kinda snapped.

"So what if you are weaker than her!" Izumi had raised her voice a bit, after Itachi for the millionth time that day had sighed and complained of his lack of strength. "Its all you have talked about since you had a fight with Anya. Talking about it further will not change anything."

Itachi looked at Izumi with a shocked expression in his eyes. Since he had known this 13 year old Uchiha girl, she had never once raised her voice at anyone. She was usually kind to everyone, an unusual trait among Uchiha member, who mostly were arrogant and viewed non-Uchiha members as lesser existences.

Itachi knew at this point that he had ticked Izumi of, and he made his, most likely, best decision of his life. He choose to let Izumi rant, without him interrupting her.

With Itachi not interrupting her Izumi then launched into almost 5 minutes of pure rant, about everything that was bothering her, but mostly about Itachi and his complaining. Somehow the rant ended up here:

"Anya this, Anya that!" Izumi continued: "If you are so depressed about her being stronger than you, then do something about it!" To add extra effect to her speech, she stood up from her chair, with such force that the chair tipped over, leaving Izumi with a beginning blush on her face. She herself didn't know if the blush was because of her long winded rant, or the realization of her outburst. Maybe a bit of both.

Itachi just looked at Izumi, a bit dumb struck by her out of character outburst, and then he started to laugh.

A healthy infections laughter, that Izumi join in after a few embarrassed moments.

"You are right Izumi. Just because Anya is stronger than me today, does not mean she will continue to be so. Once I am out of the hospital, I will renew my commitment to becoming stronger. The next time I meet her, I will be sure to bring her back to Konoha, where she belongs" Itachi smiled at Izumi.

Izumi could see some life return to Itachi, and while he often had a face with very little or no expressions, there was sometimes he smiled. More often when they were alone together. It was one of those smiles, he was giving her now. Izumi knew that they understood each other, without use for further words.

As such Izumi just sat next to Itachi, holding his hand, no need to exchange more words between them for now. They stayed like this the rest of the day, both in deep thoughts, but happy to have each other. When visiting hours were over Izumi left the hospital, and Itachi went of to dreamland, with a small smile and new resolve on his face.

About a week after Itachi had reaffirmed his resolve, he was almost ready to leave the hospital. At the last day, his father came to take him home. While it wasn't the first time his father had visited him in the hospital, it would be the first time they had a bit more time together, due to his fathers busy schedule.

This would be the best opportunity for Itachi to ask his father about his new eye powers.


Fugaku Uchiha was worried and happy. Happy because for the first time in his life, there was not a secret battle going on between the Konoha leadership and the Uchiha clan. After Fugaku had had a chance of heart, one evening while discussing the situation with one of the younger genuis from the clan, Shisui, the Uchiha clan and Konoha's relation had begun to improve. Fugaku had realized that the actions of the Uchiha clan, would lead to an internal conflict in the village. They winner of the outcome was unsure, but one thing was sure, there would be massive loss of life in the clan. A loss of life that Fugaku was not willing to let happen. Thus a new direction was determined for the clan. One of true corporation with the village.

This new direction however, was not received well by all Uchiha members. Especially the older generation, had been very vocal about their objection of the new direction. The younger generation though was equally as vocal in support of the new direction.

Thus that is where Fugaku's worry came from. He was worried that some of the older Uchiha members would start trouble with the village. Thus Fugaku had to constantly keep this group in check. While it required much of his time to do so, he had been very successful so far.

Between his leadership of the clan, and position as one of 2 jonin commanders, Fugaku had barely any time left over for his family. Thus he had only been able to visit Itachi, after his recent injuries, a handful of times, and only for a few minutes.

Today however Itachi would be leaving the hospital, and returning home. Fugaku had insisted on going to pick him up, and had barely entered into Itachi's room, before Itachi told him:

"Dad, we need to talk. I could use your help with something." Itachi had a certain look in his eye, that made Fugaku pause for a moment.

"Hmm" Fugaku said. He had never a man of many words or facial expressions. If he could convey his intent without using worlds, he would.

Itachi had taken his "Hmm" as a ok, and without exchanging another word, they both left the hospital, and arrived at one of the Uchiha private training grounds.

Once there, Itachi started to describe his fight with Anya Uzumaki in detail, not skipping over anything.

Fugaku was quite surprised by what he heard of the fight. Especially when Itachi talked about his new eye power. However what surprised him the most, what that even with this new eye power, Itachi had still lost to Anya.

During Itachi's explanation of the fight, Fugaku would ask a few questions, but otherwise remained quite.

"And at this point I blacked out" Itachi ended his story.

Both father and son looked at each other a few moments in silence. Fugaku then raised one of his eyebrow, as if to say "and?". Itachi got the hint, and continued:

"I was hoping that you could tell me more about this eye power, so I might get stronger." Itachi said, with a glint in his eyes.

"Show me" Fugaku said, not elaborating further, but Itachi understood.

Itachi took a step back, and his eyes turned from black to red. In his pupils there were 3 black tomoe. After a few seconds, they 3 tomoe started to rotate and change, ending up looking like a 3 sided shuriken, on a red moon background.

Fugaku looked at it for a moment or two, then nodded to Itachi to end it. Itachi did so, and his eyes turned black again.

After a few moments to collect his thoughts, it was the first time Fugaku had seen anothers mangekyou sharingan after all, he started to talk:

"As you already know, 3-tomoe sharingan is the pinnacle of the sharingan" Fugaku started to talk, and Itachi nodded at his father before he continued: "However that is only true for the basic sharingan. There is another level beyond the basic level, which we call mangekyo sharingan. From what we know, of the records left behind, only a handful of Uchiha have ever awakened this form."

After a short pause to let this sink in, Fugaku continued:

"Because so few had awakened this sharingan form, we know much less about this, than the base sharingan form. However, we do know that not every Uchiha member can archive this form, and to archive it, the ninja must endure a great sacrifice.

We also know that the mangekyo sharingan is not the final form, as it is an imperfect eye. This is evident in that each use of the mangekyo sharingan power, will deteriorate the users vision, eventually resulting in permanent blindness."

Fugaku once again stopped here, to let this sink in, while observing Itachi response.

"What is the perfect mangekyo eye then?" Itachi asked.

"Only one ninja in the history of the world, has ever archived this form. The eternal mangekyo sharingan. All of the power, with none of the drawback." Fugaku said, and continued: "The most powerful of all Uchiha ninja, Mardara Uchiha."

"While there is a way to unlock this form, it is not something that you are ready for yet" Fugaku said.

After a few moments of silence, Fugaku, unusually chatty today, continued:

"Do you want to get stronger Itachi?"

Itachi stuck in his own thought for a moment, was surprised by the question. Why wouldn't anyone want to get stronger?

"Yes" Itachi said.

"Good. Then I have an offer to you. From tomorrow I will train you. Both in the use of your mangekyo sharingan, Uchiha taijutsu and to become the next head of the Uchiha clan. However you must do something in return" Fugaku said, and to prove he had the ability to teach Itachi, his eyes turned red, with a black 3 sided shuriken with 3 dots between the blades. This was Fugaku's mangekyo sharingan.

Itachi taken aback, took a step back. Those eyes exuded danger.

"What would you need me to do?" Itachi asked, fearing the worst.

"I need you to look after, and teach Sasuke" Fugaku said deactivating his mangekyo sharingen, and plastered and big smile on his face.


Sasuke was happy and a bit jealous. His brother and father had been spending a great deal of time together. Whenever he asked about it, his father would brush it of, saying it was a secret. Whenever he asked his brother about it, his brother would just say it was training.

When he heard this, he wanted to join in on the training, but was told he was to young, or not strong enough.

However as compensation, Itachi had decided to help train Sasuke when he had free time. This made Sasuke happy. However he wanted to spend more time with his dad to, so he could receive his acknowledgement. Thus without really knowing what feeling he was having, he was jealous of his brother spending time with their dad, when he never got to.

However he was also happy, because his brother was taking more time than ever before, to help Sasuke in his own training.

Recently Sasuke had even mastered the Flame Bullet jutsu, and had begun training in the upgraded verison of Great Fireball jutsu. While Itachi had shown these jutsu to him, Sasuke was training them in secret, so he could impress his dad.


Naruto was sad. At first he though that Anya was just away on a mission. She had been away for long times in the past, but always returned. This time however was different. She had never been gone for this long. And from what he could tell, she was not coming back anytime soon.

While he had read the letter she had left him, he had just kind of hope it was a joke. But now that several months had passed, and still no sign of his big sister, he had to face facts.

The only adult, who he had regarded as family, had left him alone. While it still hurt, and had done so for some time now, he was also hopeful. His sister had given him a goal to work towards, and in the letter she even said they would meet again.

So after moping around for some time, Naruto decided that he would put his all into effort into becoming stronger, so when he would met his big sister again, she would be proud of him.

While his big sister had taught him some training exercises, ninjutsu and taijutsu it was hardly anything to advanced for Naruto, and he soon hit a wall. Thus he decided to start learning from the only real material available to him, Anya's black book that she had told him about before, and in her letter.

Apparently this book contained some secret jutsu and abilities, that only someone from the Uzumaki clan could master.

As Naruto tried to understand even the basic of the book, but it was a slow progress, as it required a lot of learning. Naruto was never a guy to sit still a learn, he was more a learn by doing kind of guy. Thus an and all progress in fuinjutsu and Anya's black book was slow.

That is until one day, when Naruto met a stranger when he was training.

Naruto had never really trusted adults, as most of them would call him demon, fox, demon-fox or worse. After Anya left, he even heard some people, talking about how the Uzumaki family was all a bunch of traitors. Unfortunately this also leaked into the younger generation of Konoha, and several kids would taunt Naruto with his traitor big sister. Naruto, never one to let insult effect him publicly, started several fight with kids his age and older, as he would not let insults stand against his big sister.

So on this one day, while he was alone in one of the public training area's, trying to work on his taijutsu, a stranger approached him.

Naruto was instantly on alert, but soon relaxed as he recognized the outfit of the person. While he didn't know much about them, his big sister had once told him about the village Anbu, and that they were the "good guys" as she had put it.

This Anbu member was wearing the standard Anbu outfit, dark grey pants, gloves and undershirt, while light gray armless coat was covering his upper body. On each of his hands, atop his gloves, he had light grey arm-guards. On his back there was a thin sword, in a dark grey holster. The person was also wearing a white mask, with several markings on it. To Naruto this looked like a cat mask. As the person appeared a few meters away from Naruto, he spoke:

"You are doing it wrong" The person pointed at Naruto's feet.

Naruto still being wary of adults, said in a defensive tone: "This is how my big sister showed me to do it, so there is nothing wrong here." He then turned around, continuing his taijutsu practice.

The Anbu ninja sighed, and said: "That might be so, but to get better at anything, you have to improve in steps. I know your sister is not here anymore to show you the next steps, so why not let me show you?"

Naruto hesitated, but asked the masked Anbu ninja: "You know my sister?"

"I know of her. I know her reputation. I even met her a few times, but I never had the pleasure to work with her personally." The figure said. He was aware of Anya Uzumaki, by all accounts a very powerful ninja, but also a traitor to the village. He was only bringing up the good points he had heard/observed, as he wanted to help Naruto a bit.

"Yes, you are correct. Big sister really is the best. Ok you can teach me" Naruto said, suddenly a lot more trusting.

So the Anbu ninja, and Naruto spend some time improving Naruto's taijutsu training. At the end of the training session even Naruto could see the improvements. Before they each went on their way, Naruto stopped up and looked at the Anbu ninja:

"What is your name?" Naruto asked him.

"Hmm... you can call me Tenzo" The Anbu ninja said.

Over the next period of time, Tenzo would show up now and then, and help Naruto improve his training. Naruto eventually started to think that there might more adults, besides his sister, that are fine.

Eventually, Naruto even asked Tenzo to teach him about these symbols in the black book he had. Tenzo recognized them as fuinjutsu. Tenzo did not read anything in the book, as he recognized the book for what is was. So Tenzo started to test his patience, with teaching Naruto fuinjutsu.


Tenzo (A/N: This guy is Yamato, although that is a name he will get later in the canon story) was indifferent. Feelings was never anything he was thought in Root. Actually that not true, he was taught that feelings was a weakness. Ever since he had left Root, with the help from Kakashi feelings was something he wanted to learn.

He had been working with Kakashi in Anbu for some years now, but feelings were still something difficult for him. Although the work in Anbu was hard, and very strenuous, Tenzo was just glad to be away from Root. Working in Anbu was the best years of his life so far, although so far he never really got the hang of feelings.

Then everything changed. The Root seal placed on Tenzo disappeared one night. That could only mean one thing, Danzo was dead. For the first time in his life, Tenzo felt that there was no longer a shadow looming over him. He was finally free from that damn seal. After this even, positive feelings, like happiness and excitement became easier to Tenzo. However, as he would find out, some negative feelings also started to get stronger.

Eventually, Tenzo did learn what had transpired with Danzo. They were never given full details about it, but Anya Uzumaki had broken into Root headquarters, assassinated the head of Root, and fled the village. This event, and impressive abilities she had shown, had branded Anya Uzumaki as Konoha's latest S-rank missing nin.

Tenzo had been conflicted about this. On one had, he was grateful to Anya for freeing him from the seal, but he would also have to fight her, and bring her back to the village, if they ever met. While he could do nothing to show his appreciation to Anya, for ridding him of the seal, he put it to the back of his mind.

Some time after the Root headquarters even, Tenzo was summoned to the Hokage office. The Hokage had assigned Tenzo a new mission.

It was a simple, but time consuming mission. Watch over Naruto Uzumaki full time, until he starts in the ninja academy. At this point that would only be a few months. However after Naruto starts in the academy, though not part of the mission, the Hokage was kindly encouraging Tenzo to look after him.

When Tenzo asked while he was chosen to do so, the Hokage had told Tenzo the (not so secret) secret, that Naruto was the jinchuriki of the 9-tailed fox. The Hokage was afraid, that with the recent changes, Naruto might be more unstable, which could weaken the seal on the 9-tailed fox. Tenzo with his wood release, would be the best choice to to subdue Naruto if that happened.

Tenzo started to look over Naruto from the shadows. While he did feel indebted to Anya a bit, he did not have any relation with Naruto, so he kept his distance.

However the more he observed, the more fond he became of Naruto. He could see that Naruto was walking on an edge, and that he was really hurting from being alone now. Thus after a few weeks of observation, Tenzo decided to reveal himself to Naruto, and strike up a conversation.

While only the conversation was intended, Tenzo soon found himself teaching Naruto. It was a new kind of feeling for Tenzo. Tenzo had never been a teacher before, and the pride he got from even the small improvements Naruto showed, spurred him on even more. Soon Naruto started his time at Ninja academy, but Tenzo would make time to teach Naruto each week. Making sure the young boy never felt alone for long.


Yugao was sad and happy, but for two different reasons. Though her time in Anbu she had changed and forged new bonds, while neglecting old bonds. She was happy, because her relationship of the future, was going strong. Her and her boyfriend, and kenjutsu sparring partner Hayate Gekko, had recently decided to move in together. They were both 18 years old, and had saved money to buy their own place. It finally happened last month, and everything was going great on that front.

However one of her best, if not her best, female friends had recently left the village, and been branded an S-rank missing nin. Anya Uzumaki, who Yugao had been on a team with for many years, had killed an elder of the village and fled.

While Yugao had known Anya pretty well in the past, they had been drifting apart recently. They both met up once in a while, but less and less so.

Yugao would never have though the Anya she knew could do such a thing, but it was later confirmed from Itachi, and Yugao had to face reality.

Thus Yugao was saddened by Anya not being in the village anymore. She was also sad that, she potentially had to fight her friend in the future. To be honest sad, and a bit afraid.

While Anya and Itachi had always been stronger than Yugao, since they formed their team, she never imagined that Anya was that much stronger than both her and Itachi.

As they are both in Anbu, Yugao has seen Itachi growth over the years, and long ago giving up trying to catch up to him. However she never imagined that Anya would win against Itachi, who Yugao would have no hope against.

So both because of past friendship, and due to her power, Yugao hoped never to have to engage Anya in a fight.


Shira was unaware for some time about what had transpired. She was no longer involved much in the ninja community of Konoha. Due to an injury she sustained many years ago, during a mission, she was no longer able to mold chakra.

As such Shira spend her time on breeding new ninja insects. As this was her sole occupation now, she had become quite famous in the clan. Every new Aburame clan ninja, would come see her first, to get their first insect colony. She had even started to help Aburame clan members to have supply of different kind of insects in their body at the same time. As not all insects require the same environment to thrive, this could prove quite a bit of challenge.

At some point, her old friend Yugao came by for a visit. Most likely to gloat that she and her boyfriend was taking things to the next level. However Shira didn't mind, she was just happy to be able to talk with Yugao again.

"So did you hear about Anya?" Yugao asked Shira, with a serious face.

"No. Something I should know?" Shira asked back at Yugao.

Then Yugao proceeded to tell the entire story to Shira.

After the story, Shira was shocked. This was not the Anya she knew. How could everyone have changed so much over time? She thought to herself.

Anya had been the one to show her a new purpose, after she had to give up her ninja carrier.

So while Yugao still talked, and stayed for some time, after telling her about Anya, Shira was not really paying attention to what Yugao said.

Shira would never be convinced that Anya had betrayed the village, something else must be going on. However as she was no longer a ninja, she could do very little to help Anya. She just had to believe the best, and believe in Anya.


In a cave, in an unknown location outside the country of fire. A figure is sitting writing in a notebook. The figure has long fiery red hair, and there are several cuts, bruised and abrasion over their body, that have only recently started to heal. This figure was the most talked about person in Konoha currently. Anya Uzumaki.

Anya finished writing in her notebook, and looked over what she had written, before packing up, and moving out of the cave.


Notebook performance

F = Academy student, E = Academy graduate, D = Genin, C = Chunin, B = Tokubetsu Jonin, A = Jonin, S = Kage SS = Beyond Kage SSS = Top of ninja world (like prime Mardara or prime Hashirama)


- Hand to hand combat: A


- Mystical Palm Technique: B

- Shadow clone: A

- Earth style: Mud wall: A

- Earth style: Hardening: B

- Earth style: Iron Skin Technique: A

- Earth style: Shadow clone: A+

- Earth style: Hiding like a mole: B

- Earth style: Vibration detection: B

- Earth style: Earth spike: B

- Body flicker: C

- Summoning: A


- Explosive note: A

- Image recording: A

- Pain seal: A

- Adamantine sealing chains (24 chain): S

- Adamantine sealing chains - chakra absorption: A+

- Adamantine sealing chains - earth style: A

- Adamantine sealing chains - barrier: A

Stamina: SS

Stealth: B

Chakra control: S

Chakra level: SS+
