Tales Of An Immortal.

"Immortality, something that all rich and powerful dream to have, for the strong-minded a blessing, for the weak-minded a curse, that causes madness, Alexandre was one of such immortal, a strongminded man, born in the slums of Rome way before the one known as Jesus was born, at the beginning of his life he had no idea he was immortal, living like any normal child in Rome that is until carious invasions by barbarians started to happen, Alexandre watched as his parent's house was burned, his sister and mother soiled in front of him before being killed, and in a spurt of rage using the same blade that took his family's life he killed the invaders, this, of course, led to him being absorbed into the ranks of the military as a prodigy and there he learned to fight, Battle after the battle he honed his skills, for years, reaching the position of general and then it came, betrayal, stabbed by his friends and underlings he was supposed to die... falling into a river his body went downstream where he woke up on the shore breathing heavily he got up only to discover that the battle he was suposed to lead was over with an overhelming loss to the Roman empire, wounded, tired and betrayed he ran, hiding himself in villages but even so he never stopped his training, sword, spear, shield, from then on he traveled, all over the earth, that at that time consisted of only europe and asia. (To their small knowledge) Alexandre was an incredibly sociable person, able to gain the trust of anyone he spoke to and that gift wasn't misused, from Egypt to China he visited, staying years and learning, customs languages, and the likes even going as far as having families but even so, he was lonely, after so long he didn't change while the world around him was, the Roman empire was on its fall, holding upon one of its last strands, in the end, the empire fell all while Alexander watched, from then on Alexander took upon himself to use that gift that he received to make the world a better place, a place where what happened with his family and with his home, never happens again, war after war, king after king, emperor after emperor, he fought, he bled and to this day his legends live on the one known as the immortal warrior, invincible with a sword and master of the pen."

"Any questions up to this point?" I looked at the class who were sitting at the table, looking at their cellphones with a smile on my face, the couple of students that were actually paying attention raised his hand.

"Yes miss Valentine?" I asked.

"This is a very interesting piece of history but when are we going to use this in our lives?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or the bullshit that every teacher speaks?" I raised an eyebrow and she just shrugged her shoulders returning to obviously doodling on her notebook.

*Ding Dong Dung *

"Well, let's keep this class here, for now, remember to bring page 38 of the history book answered till tomorrow." I put all of my material back in my bag and walked out of class, it was a sunny day today, birds were singing, I was happy today more so than normally, entering my car I quickly drove back home.

"Alexander!" An old man in front of the door smiled as he spoke, I looked at him surprised.

"Fisher, what a surprise you are actually still alive?"

"Ha, look whos talking, I still remember when you used to visit grandpa on the hospital but you are still as young as ever..."

"I guess, so what brings you here today?" I asked as I quickly poured a cup of tea to him inside.

"I'm just here to see you one last time."

*Cough * *Cough *

Using a small handkerchief to block his mouth, in the cloth a red stain was seen.

"You know do you never tire Alexander, of living... hell I'm already tired of that and I'm only 96 years old, who knows about you?"

"I did in the beginning but it's not something I control, but I know that my time isn't infinite too."


"Yeah, it has been some time already but I'm feeling weaker by the day, maybe my day is finally coming?"

"It makes me wonder Alexander, what will this world look like without you, the Immortal?" The old man laughed and smiled with a crooked grin.

"They can go on without me, I used all of my life to achieve peace and it has never been so close, but at the same time I feel that nothing I do will change the history course, my ability to influence the world is now basically zero no matter how much more time I have, I just hope that this world won't end up with a boom!"

"I don't think it will be thought after all the grand day isn't long away?... how about we go drink one last time together?"

"Sure." I smiled.


I looked at the casket being brought down into the earth once again, how many times was it already, thousands, hundreds of thousands? but soon enough I will be entering the earth too, I looked at my hands, the cold feeling on them made me think.

In the distance a bright light shined, this was the symbol of a new age...

"SS. Humanity, the culmination of humanity technology and my last gift to this world, now your future are in your own hands..." Feeling my body go cold, the feeling was good, I would finally be able to sleep, death... something that every man lives trying to avoid, and the thing that I craved all my life... an infinite void full of stars and endless worlds such a beautiful thing this was... I looked at the gigantic ship that lifted itself and flew into the skies and the world around me turned blurry... and dark, and infinite space of darkness so peaceful...

"What a bother, I guess I'm still not dead..." I spoke to myself looking at the bright sky above me once again cracking my neck I felt a tightness on my chest, looking down I noticed I wasn't using my normal clothes.

"This is... Intriguing?" I touched my chest feeling the big lumps on them and feeling the sensitive area at the tip, my hands unconsciously went down noticing something that was normally there, now gone, checking my surroundings, I was in the middle of a forest of some sorts, stone bricks covered in vines and moss, I seemed to be in the middle of a ruin.

The dress I was wearing was medieval, I remember that I made many clothes like these in the past, I also noticed a lot of bruises on my skin and some ripped parts on the dress, feeling pain in my right eye something shined in front of me.

[Amelia (Alexandre) (Age:16)]

[Level: 1]

[Titles: The Immortal, First System Tester.] (Press Here for more information.)

[Constitution: 1.5] (Above Average to a Normal Human woman.)

[Dexterity: 100% ] (Total Control over the body)

[Intellect: 1.2K ] (Thousands of years of Knowledge accumulated)

[Soul: Super Massive] (Bordering Divine)



[None] (Press Here for more information)

I looked at the strange window that resembled a computer in my vision, looking at the first bubble I pressed on it, a message appeared.

[I am sorry to forcefully bring you to my world, but you were the only one with the capability, I am no god of your world because of that I will try and keep things short, a massive change is happening in the multiverse, dimensions are colliding and causing a lot of problems, this system, as you can see, is something we are using to try and fix that, giving people a better chance of survival in case of a dimensional collision but it's under testing because it has the ability to give someone divinity ascending them to godhood, so we choose you that would have ascended to godhood upon death to test the system, we are sincerely sorry... just live life the way you want without scruples we will not judge if you are angry, just try and not destroy this world.]

"Well, I guess I can live a second life...?" I asked myself after all I had lived already thousands of years so whatever... looking down at the next bubble and pressing on it.

[Skills are empowerments based on knowledge, think of them as energy manifestation of a skill you learned, the more you know about that skill the faster the system Skill will level up, this will infuse that knowledge with power, because of that you will need to relearn all of them for them to be listed here and for you to gain the 'buffs' of them.]

"Understandable...? Well, then what do I do now?" I looked around, noticing a small pound I approached it, looking at my reflection was strange, to say the least, I was very beautiful to modern standards, long blonde hair, blue-colored eyes an oval-shaped face with fair skin, with no marks except for a small scar on my bottom lip, my body was well proportionated, my chest wasn't big but not small it just fitted my body, I was a little squishy tough, not like my old body that had literally rock hard muscles.

"Lets test this system thing first..." I looked around, plucking a decent-sized twig from a tree I swung it down, the same way I did for thousands of years, immediately after that a cold sensation spread on my body and I felt like my muscles became more flexible, a window appeared in front of me.

[Developed The Skill 'Swordsmanship (Basic) Lv.1' + 0.1 Constitution.]

"This... was very pleasurable... In both ways..." I looked at the twig in my hands, this feeling was different from when I trained back in my old body, it was like my body had no limits in growth, immediately I understood why this thing can bring a person to a god's level it removed all of nature's limitations in a person's body!

"I want to fight someone." I thought, growing up in Rome made me like to fight and that is something that never changed even in the thousands of years I was alive, I stretched a little and decided to explore around, the forest looked lush and the air was fresh, there was a little path of dirt leading to somewhere that I decided to follow.

"The Witch!" I heard a scream in the distance, I looked around confused as I barely understood what was said, the language seemed to be a mix of English and Portuguese it was very confusing to hear, soon a group of people 4 people showed up in front of me, all of them with wooden pitchforks in hand and using medieval clothes.

"What is happening, who are you all?" I asked confusedly.

"A spell! she's cursing us!" A young man screamed as he brandished the pitchfork in my direction I avoided to the side.

"Hey stop that!" I said as another one charged at me with a pitchfork in hands, I wanted to fight someone sure but these guys were complete amateurs there would be no thrill so may as well just beat them down for now.

I sidestepped the pitchfork and using the twig in a single handgrip like a rapier I struck on his exposed skin.

"AH fuck that hurt!" He screamed as he dropped the pitchfork on the ground, a red mark on his hand.

"Goddamn witch, what did you do to him?!" Another one screamed in their language and charged, the same thing happened once again, but he tried to punch me so I whipped him a couple more times.

"Fuck bloody hell this stings!" red markings covering his entire arms, with the screams of what I assume to be curses I was able to grasp some understanding of their language, I just needed a couple more words that weren't curses.

"So, can you stop now? It is not like you can hit me." I looked at the group, 2 of them on the ground with tears on their eyes and the other 2 scared to get near me.

"D-Damn you witch when did you become so strong I'm sure that sir Wellington defeated you in seconds before!"

I nodded my head, I was pretty sure I got most of their language now, after thousands of years learning new and old languages you just get a thing for it.

"What do you mean by a witch and who's this Wellington?" I asked in their language.

"How dare you call Sir Wellington's name without honorifics witch!" The third one seems to get some courage and charged at me, only to fall to the ground with red marks on his hands, legs, and face.

[Swordsmanship (Basic) Lv.1 > Lv.2] + 0.1 Constitution.]

"I'm sorry..." He spoke while kneeling with the other three, the fourth one was also there trembling

"Anyways who are you four?"

"W-What do you mean you are the witch Amelia!"

"Amelia?" Is that my name, did I reincarnated into someone else? that would explain the bruises, I'm sorry for whatever happened to this girl but I'm not her.

"My name is Amelia but I'm not a witch."

"Of course you are, how would you be able to defeat us if you weren't?!" The only one without red marks spoke, I stared at him and he started to tremble.

"Its called skill, I'm more skilled in combat than you four so I can beat the crap out of you four without even sweating, and you haven't talked about this Wellington guy yet, or should I hit you all again?"

"P-Please don't, w-we were just following Sir's orders, he's a prestigious knight of our city, he said that there was a witch named amelia that ran towards the woods and we should capture her... he, he would pay a hefty sum..."

"Ah, typical nobility just doing nobility stuff..." I sight myself as I looked at the four on their knees and I suddenly had an idea, it's probably not a good idea to go back to this city with this Wellington guy in there so midge as well makes use of these guys.

"I am no witch, but I do know how to cast spells..."

"What! then that makes you a witch!"

"Of course not, casting curses would make me a witch, casting spells to make me a Mage!"

"Mage? whats a Mage?" One of the looked confusedly at me.

"Mages are powerful people who are able to exorcise demons and ghosts from people's houses and bodies."

"Like a priest?"

"Yes, like a priest but of course we can also make a ghost follow you and slowly seep out your life without you knowing." I smiled wickedly and the four of them froze.

"Y-You wouldn't..."

"I would if you don't go to the city and buy me some stuff..." I smiled once again and noticed that their faces were now filled with fear, good just like I wanted."

[Skill Developed Intimidation (Social) Lv.1]