Video Game

We walked into a computer room. It was filled with 50 computers. Each of us sat down at a computer that was logged in with a zombsroyale account. The game was due to start in 10 seconds. We were planning to jump from the map, when it automatically teleported us into a building. This was a computer game. I was scared enough to think I was going to lose. I walked straight into a room and found a gold chest. I opened it and lucky enough for me, the best you could get: Mythic KGS Shotgun, Mythic AR, minigun, Mythic SMG, Thor's Hammer, and a Health gun. I walked out of the building and found an enemy tackling my friend. I sent the Thor's hammer to him and he burst into pieces. I revived my friend. He took what the enemy had: Epic SMG and an epic KGS Shotgun! We found Max in a team fight. I joined in the fight with my Minigun. I eliminated one, but I was low on health. I found a MedKit and started healing myself. I opened the door to shoot with my shotgun and I turned one into low health. I found a small house that I could put him in and 1 minute later, he was eliminated. I took all the ammo and started to fight the last one. I shot him with a KGS Shotgun and started firing him with my Mythic SMG because my minigun was out of ammo.