Demon Mating Season Part 1

Notice: This is a sex book through and through. Please stop reading if you are underage.

It was that time again when demons need partners to mate with to procreate and just fuck their hearts out and it seems that the Demon Prince of Lust is also not immune to this phase.

Asmodeus frowned as he watched Satan fuck Lilith senselessly on the wall while more demons wait their turn to fuck her. He wants to be the one to shove his dick inside that half breed's cunt but it seems that doing that would be harder than cutting an atom because the two are glued together like dogs. Asmodeus liked Lilith's vivacious body as well as her cunning but the demoness only sees him as a henchman or comrade and not a fuck buddy therefore he left the scene to blow off some steam in the human realm. Specifically, in the Endless Dark Forest where great monsters can be found. He would battle them and hopefully bloodlust will tone down his sexual desires.

Along his way are more demons copulating with each other. Some are in groups, some are of the same sex, some are with other species like humans and elves (most likely kidnapped and being raped), while others just masturbate or rub their genitals on the copulating masses.

The scenes are the same everywhere and it annoyed Asmodeus to no end to see people fucking blatantly while he can't get what he wants. He just clicked his tongue in annoyance and increased his pace to get out quickly. He noticed scared human and elf women in cages as he neared the exit. They all looked like they were going to die any minute now due to terror, he smirked at them to scare them more and the maidens gave him the expression he wanted to see; fear and terror. The door of their cage opened as orcs hulled them out. The instant that a maiden left the prison a demon was there to tear her clothes and shove his cock inside her womb. Screams erupted from the maiden's lips before hard cocks were inserted in their throats.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, my lord. Don't have anyone to mate with even though your boner is very much wild by now. Does none of our. . . options suit your taste, my lord?"

"Oh, it's just you Mammon. Yes, Lilith is my best option but she is busy filling her ass, her cunt, and mouth with thousands of men's cocks. I don't want used up second use pussys, I want first-class tight virgins, not something already defiled by others."

"I think there are women who fit your description in this batch, let me get you a few of them to choose from."

"Nah, nah, nah, those women are pitiful. They're scared as kittens, I want a fierce one."

"A ferocious virgin I suppose is what you are looking for. I don't suppose we have that one here." the shadow demon looked around to prove his point.

"I suppose not." Asmodeus moved away to leave the creature behind and proceed with his destination.

"Wait." He stopped in his tracks to face the shadowbringer with an annoyed scowl on his face. "What." he spat cruelly.

"Take this my lord and wound the maiden you want to mate with if she is reluctant to give you her purity. One scratch and she would be so aroused she'd open her legs willingly to you. It's basically an aphrodisiac and a little bit of a love potion." Mammon handed him a glowing red slender spike and smiled at him.

"Good luck my lord." Mammon bid him farewell and left. He trusts the object in the bands of his pants with no intention of using it and teleported to the Dark Forest to look for monsters he could kill to blow off some steam.

In the Dark Forest corpses of dead monsters scatter there and about like fallen leaves of a tree. Asmodeus wandered through the monster-ridden forest looking for more preys to kill when a bullet shot past him almost hitting his tail. None followed which probably meant that it was just a stray bullet but more gunshots resounded coming from the direction where the bullet came from. He followed the sound in curiosity, wondering who could be brave enough to wander the Dark Forest. He saw rose petals fly his way as he came closer to the source of the commotion.

He reached a clearing where cut off wolf limbs, torso, and head fly here and there and litter the ground like confetti. In the middle of it all is a girl wrapped in a red cloak cutting down the wolves three at a time. She swung her weapons, a scythe and a gun with great skills and excellence as if it was weightless even though it must have weighed a ton because it was made of metal. She released a shock wave that cut off the heads of four wolves.

He watched her in silence impressed by her skills. She has golden blond hair that curls at the end and a pretty pair of emerald eyes. She had a beautiful doll-like young face and a petite body. She was wearing a white blouse while a brown leather corset hugs her perfectly curved waist. A short bright red frilly skirt hung from her waist exposing her sexy thighs.

Asmodeus can feel his cock pulsing as he observed the girl. Her body surely is not as vivacious as Lilith's or her breasts as developed as Semiramis but she is beautiful. He can't put his finger on it but there was something about her that makes her superior than the two demon whores and he is sure that she's a virgin. A ferocious virgin. Just like what he wanted.

He licked his lips in lust. "Just wait little princess, the demon prince will devour you."

When the girl finished killing the wolves, she started to head into the woods with a wooden weaved basket probably carrying food and beverages. Asmodeus followed after the girl like a shadow unnoticed. He sneaked behind her and took out the thin spike Mammon gave him. He waited for the perfect opportunity to scratch her with the needle to make her his.

"I don't know what you want from me but if you're planning to do something unpleasant I won't hesitate to cut you down with my scythe." She pulled her weapon holstered in her lower back and entered a battle stance

"I am Scarlet Edelweiss, the Grim Reaper Of The Dark Forest, show yourself!" she yelled while observing every movement in her surroundings.

A rabbit came flying towards her and she dropped her weapon in impulse to catch the helpless animal. She caught the rabbit in her arms and nestled it in her breasts. A crimson flash heading her way caught her eyes and it collided against her. The person or whatever it was cut her thigh which made her scream in pain. Her attacker crashed his lips against hers and nibbled on her upper lip which greatly surprised her.

She impulsively let go of the rabbit to push him away but he grabbed her wrists and bound them behind her back with one hand as he caresses her body with his other one. He groped her breasts and butt and traced the curves of her waist.

His kiss was wild, hungry, and lustful and Scarlet couldn't comprehend the reality of what was happening. She opened her eyes to see who it was. The guy had a purplish skin tone, long disheveled vantablack hair, and a pair of curved horns, while dragonic wings protrude from his back.

A demon!! She squirmed more in an attempt to break free from the demon's clutches but it was futile. He was so strong and forceful, wanting to dominate her every inch. She felt his tongue push inside her lips and he twirled it with hers in a filthy French kiss.

She hated what was happening, how he was groping her, and how confidently he was kissing her but she can feel her nether regions throb and lubricate as her skin turn sensitive under his touch. She moaned in the kiss as the demon pinched her nipple and he seemed to smirk at her reaction while still kissing her.

It felt like an hour before he pulled away but he kept her wrapped around his arms as he gazed at her dazed form.

"Who are you and what do you want from me? Why did you kiss me and why are you hugging me?" she weakly asked as she placed a hand to separate herself from him.

"My name is Asmodeus, Prince of Lust, and let's just ignore your questions, grim reaper, and make a deal." Asmodeus tightened his hold on the maiden by wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his hands on her lower back as the girl moved to escape from his embrace.

"Why would I make a deal with a demon like you?" Scarlet jeered in annoyance. Her frown worsen when she felt something hard poke her thigh.

The demon prince just smirked and lower one hand to her rump and gently caressed it. "Well princess, one reason is that you're also horny. Does being molested turn you on? Hmm... what a lewd girl you are."

"Why would I-ahhhh" Scarlet's retort was interrupted with a soft moan as his finger plunged in her labia and played with her plump clit.

"Now you will listen to me. You will become my mate and in return, I will give you everything you want. I will also pleasure you in the process, princess you only have to say yes and our deal is sealed. Say no and I will rape you without mercy until you become a useless bitch. Either way, I'm still going to fuck you."

Scarlet looked away with a blush as Asmodeus inserted an inch of his finger inside her. It felt strange yet erotic to have someone you barely know play with your pussy while threatening to rape you in all the choices that he gave. It doesn't seem like she'll be able to get away from him so going along with what he wants will be the best option until she finds a chance to escape. And also, her pussy is begging her for an orgasm and he seems like the type of man who can give her a strong one.

She looked up and meet him in the eyes with an embarassed stare which he returned with lust while he twirled his finger inside her.

"How do we do it?" He pulled his hand from her cunt and placed his wet finger inside his mouth to taste her juices. Scarlet blushed at how lewd the demon was and just buried her face in his chest.

"Good girl." He kissed her forehead and tore open her blouse after removing her corset. He detached the garment from her body and threw it aside.

"Hey, I like that shirt!" she protested making a cute annoyed face at him.

He smiled sadistically at her and pinched her cheek. "You're so cute, I bet your pussy would be too. Don't worry I'll make up for it, so you don't need to cry."

"And now let's see your breasts." His lust-filled eyes roamed her torso, inspecting every line and curve, especially her breasts. Her skin was milky white and smooth as the still water and there were gorgeous lines on her stomach indicating her active physical lifestyle which honed pretty abs. He caressed her stomach in admiration and set his hand on her thin waistline, tracing her hyperbolic waist with his palm.

His attention turned to her average-sized boobs, obviously still under development but has the potential to grow very large and erotic, he'll just have to wait for them to be ripe. A sexy wine red bra covered her breasts and the mere sight of it made Asmodeus' cock pulse. The garment has a black strap and black lace which made it more erotic in his eyes even though her bust was not big but it fits perfectly in his palms as he cupped it with his free hand. "They will do. Now, why don't you show me your panties, I'm curious what type of lingerie my mate wears." Scarlet unhooked her skirt and slid it down her legs.

"Well aren't you a slut." He whistled as he gazed at her almost naked body.

Her panties match her bra, having the exact shade of red and the black lace design which Asmodeus loves. A black garter belt was wrapped around her waist and connects to her black stockings. Her whole undergarment was very erotic and sexy and worn by someone beyond her years but she brandished them excellently with her young body.

"Are you really a virgin or a pedophile's whore? This thing looks so good on you I just want to eat you up. And maybe I'll do that." He pounced on her bringing her to the ground and attacking her neck with kisses and bites. The girl moaned as he licked a ticklish spot in her neck which made the demon tease her more with kisses and bites that left red and purple marks on her porcelain skin. His lips traveled to her collar, down to her chest, and settled on her breasts, leaving trails of love bites everywhere his lips touch.

He looked her in the eyes and saw that her cheeks were flushed red and her breathing became ragged as she suppressed the moans trying to erupt from her throat. He gave her a smirk and placed a kiss on her cleavage before pulling her bra down to fully expose her bosom. Her pink nipples are erect and hard as his actions arouse her. Asmodeus licked her areola and bit the mounds of her breast and did the same to the other one to tease her while he slowly caressed her body.

Asmodeus took a nipple inside his mouth and sucked it like a hungry child while he fondled the other one making sure that it also received attention. Scarlet placed a hand around his head to show him affection as she released small suppressed moans and mewls. This continued for five minutes after which Asmodeus decided to see her nether regions.

He forcefully took off her panties and spread open her labia to see her beautiful pussy, wet and red. "You really are a virgin even though you're a bit of a whore. Your pussy is tight and I can still see your hymen. Who would have thought that I would stumble upon such a gem in the forest? However, I think you're old enough to have hair in here, why is it clean? Did you shave it?" Asmodeus teased her already plump clitoris and smiled sadistically at the whimpering girl.

"Please be gentle." Scarlet whimpered.