Ruby is For Nobility part 2

"Is it alright if I take my coat off? I feel hot as well, the temperature sure is changing."

"I suppose that's okay." Candor unzipped his coat and placed it on the vacant chair. He was only left with a sleeveless black shirt and his gray pants and he smiled seductively at the younger girl. Claire blushed and placed her hand under her skirt. She caressed her leg and imagined that it was Sigmund doing it to her.

She parted her pantie and started caressing her sensitive hole. It was wet with a thick gooey substance so she inserted her middle finger in and started pumping it in her hungry cunt. She blushed at her shameless action.

Masturbating while having a man beside you who was ignorant of what you are is quite erotic and arousing. The prospect of being discovered is making Claire hornier. She gazed at her companion's crotch noticing a little bulge and added another finger in her kitty and yelped a little in surprise. She wasn't used to being stretched with two fingers, she usually use one or just rub her clit.

"Are you okay Claire? Maybe I could help you if you need something." asked his companion.

"No, it's nothing. I think an insect bit my feet or something but I'm fine." she lied smiling at him.

"Are you sure? I can help you make your kitty feel much better than your hands."

Claire paled at this and she instantly removed her fingers from her cunt. "What are you talking about? I don't know what it is you are referring to."

Candor suddenly grabbed the hand she used to pleasure herself and sniffed her wet digits. "Yeah, then why does your hand smell like pussy juice? Just admit it, Claire, you were masturbating. Who were you think thinking about? Is it Sigmund, Henry, Herieth, or me?" Claire blushed red and tried to pull her hand away but he won't let her go.

"No one, I just want to play with my cunt." she answered.

"But you could have asked me to go out so you can have privacy. Why didn't you? But then I saw you look at my crotch and moan. What's that about?" Claire whimpered in surrender.

"I saw Sigmund fucking Mera. I was envious and jealous. I want him to undress me, tear my hymen, make love to me, and cum into my pussy. But he doesn't want me and you're here with me. I feel hot, I feel horny and then I want you to touch me and make love to me. But I don't think that you like me so I'll just play with my kitty thinking that it's you and Sigmund." Claire said truthfully, ashamed of her fantasy.

"It's okay I do it too so no need to be so shy, love. Let me do it for you, my precious harmony." Candor licked her fingers and gave her a lustful gaze.

"Fine but don't tell this to anyone, especially Sigmund. It's just the two of us." Claire ordered looking away from him.

"I promise."

"Also, please don't expect for my love. After this, we will never speak of this again. Swear it."

"I swear."

Contented, Claire pushed her chair back and made it face his direction. She lifted her skirt allowing him to view her clothed womanhood. He tore her stockings. He discovered that Claire's pantie is actually a bikini therefore he pulled the strings and it came off instantly, leaving the girl's private parts vulnerable to his desires.

"Well isn't this the prettiest pussy I've ever seen." he commented running his thumb over her clit which elicited a moan from the virgin. He pulled her labia apart and gazed at her magnificent tight hole.

"Let's see here. It's very tight and there's still a hymen. You wouldn't mind if I tear it, would you?" He asked as he caressed her thigh.

"No. Not that, I'm reserving that after marriage."

"Fine, but I will be the first man to make you orgasm so I think it's fair enough. If it feels too good just moan my name. I want that bastard Sigmund to hear my name from your lips. He's fucking Mera outside, isn't he? It's so unfair that they're the only ones having fun that's why we should too. My precious harmony."

Candor inserted his middle and index fingers inside her cunt and she placed her legs on the armrests to give him better access. She released a lustful moan at his intrusion. Eins bolted in attention and growled at the man seeing him as a threat to his master. The animal bared its teeth and prepared itself to pounce on him but Claire uttered a command in German which made her pet calm down and leave the room through the balcony.

Claire kissed Candor in apology as he inserted another finger inside her hungry gender. He was careful not to damage her hymen but forceful enough to give her pleasure. His lips locked with hers again as he fingered her cunt while his other hand played with her tits. His kiss was full of passion and love, finally getting what he wanted.

Candor pulled away from her lips and trailed kisses down her jaw, neck, cleavage, nipple, and stomach. He placed his tongue on her knee and traced it up to her thigh, a ticklish spot that made her tremble.

He placed a kiss on her hole and traced the line of her slit with his tongue. He started with a slow upward movement on her clit while he massaged her labia with his thumbs.

Claire can feel her heart warm-up at their debauchery. His tongue is wet, warm, and soft and she couldn't help but moan out as he stimulates her clitoris while his hot breath made her kitty shiver with excitement.

He inserted his tongue in her hole and twirled it inside making her lose her mind in the pleasure of oral sex. She bit her lip as his tongue moved wildly inside her. Candor played with her clit as he ate her young inexperienced pussy. Her clear thick juices are flowing out and into his mouth as if a seal has been removed. He drank her cum, loving its salty taste because it was his Claire's pure and delicious juices.

Candor pulled away which made the girl complain and beg for him to make her cum.

"Just wait princess." he suddenly pulled her butt open and licked the hole of her ass. She threw her head back and howled a loud moan. Having her ass licked is very weird but she can't deny the fact that it felt so good.

"You like that? How about this?" Candor placed his tongue in her ass and wormed it inside however it won't go in because it was very tight.

"C-Candor that's dirty! You might get sick." Claire moaned but pushed his face away from her butt.

She lifted his chin and swiped his lips and tongue with her gloved fingers. She sipped tea and forced it inside his lips to clean his mouth of her filth. When Claire parted from the marksman, she saw him blushing vibrantly due to her action.

"What?" she asked.

"You're just too good at making my heart jump it's so unfair that I don't get to keep you." He kissed her lips once more and placed his middle finger back in her pussy and coated it with her warm slippery juice. When he was satisfied with its coat he inserted it inside her ass.

Her eyes watered at the sudden intrusion. The feeling of the foreign object in her rump is so odd and so filthy she wanted to stand up and run but she trusts his sexual expertise so she just stayed still and allowed him to do what he wants.

"Candor, it feels weird." she voiced.

The marksman ignored her statement and inserted a small circular object inside her rump as well as her kitty. He added another inside her cunt and gave her girly part a gentle kiss.

"Candor, what are those things?"

"You'll see."

Candor pulled out a remote of sorts and set it to moderate. Claire felt the orbs vibrating inside of her which shocked and alarmed her at first after then all she felt was pleasure. She can feel her juices flow from her cervix to her canal and out into her vulva where he obediently lapped it up, not wanting to waste any of his beloved's juices.

He removed her clothes but the lady didn't seem to notice because she only moaned and buckled up her hips as the vibrators stimulate her arousal. She felt her body lifted from the chair and down into the carpeted floor where her lover trailed kisses all over her body.

"Tell me if you're close. I want to cum with you."

Claire moaned in agreement. Candor was the first man to give her such attention and focus more on her pleasure than his own that's why she will do her best to return the favor. She slipped her slender hand inside his pants and took out his cock. It was tall, sufficient in girth, and hard as stone. It was twitching like a very excited snake ready to pounce on her tamed cat. She started giving him a handjob as he placed her on his lap and started playing with her clit.

Candor lifted her chin with his free hand and made her face him. He crashed his lips against hers with so much hunger and longing Claire could have orgasmed right there and then because of his overwhelming feelings. He attacked her lower lip and nibbled at it with greed making her moan at the intensity of his kiss. She parted her lips to let him explore her mouth and twirled their tongues with each other. He tasted every bit of her orifice leaving no nook and cranny untouched. He wanted to conquer her and mark her as his but her status and name forbid him to tamper with her heart and claim her as his.

He felt her small body shiver. She must be close, he thought. He laid her on the floor and went between her legs. Her cunt was vibrating and lubricating profusely at the approach of her orgasm. He placed his head near her womanhood and traced the line of her slit with his tongue.

Claire whimpered at the simulation. She loved the way he licks her and eats her kitty like an obedient dog. She moaned his name to encourage him and he complied. Candor started attacking her clit with his tongue with a vigor and energy that nearly drove her to the edge but she held on wanting the experience to last longer.

The marksman turned the vibrations to maximum, which made the girl squirm in absolute bliss. She couldn't think straight, only focusing on the pleasure of having a man desecrate her sacred female part. She moaned and mewled and begged for him to fuck her and impregnate her, never minding the consequences of what she is ordering him.

Her words even though clouded with lust and mindless pleasure made his heart melt. Hearing her moan and call his name is the greatest sonata he ever heard in his whole life and he wants to hear it for the rest of his life.

"Candor I'm cumming!" Claire moaned.

The said man increased the pace of his stimulation on the girl's delicious clit and one by one placed his middle finger, index finger, and ring finger inside her innocent hungry hole, leaving the girl a moaning mess. The intense vibration in her pussy and asshole combined with his oral sex and fingering brought her to her orgasm. She felt an intense pleasure surge from her clit to her whole pussy before coursing through her whole body making her hips buckled up. She felt her cunt tighten pleasurably around his fingers and the little toys he placed inside.

"Candor something is coming out of my kitty."

Candor took his fingers out and pulled the toys off of his lady before diving for her precious love juices. He placed his mouth in her opening and licked her stray juices. She released a loud moan followed by a great flood of her cum which the man drank with no hesitation. He allowed her cum to flow down his throat and drown out his longing.

When her orgasm subsided followed only by a few pleasurable spasms, Claire laid there in exhaustion while he started jacking his strong healthy cock, imagining that he was fucking the lady before him. She offered to give him a blowjob but he refused saying that he doesn't want to dirty her precious mouth with his lustful organ. She offered her ass instead and this time the musician agreed.

The noble lady laid on the ground on all fours presenting her ass to the marksman. He pushed his erect strong cock inside his mistress's virgin ass hole and mercilessly pounded her anus. The pain was overwhelming and degrading but she held on without complaint wanting to pleasure her lover as well. He was twitching and growing inside her and her hole only tightened around him in a very tight fit. To keep her mind off of the pain she focused on counting how many times he pushed it in.

1,2,3,4. . ., 11,12,13.

On his thirteenth push, things started feeling good but she still counted.

. . .,16,17,18. . .

She started massaging her clitty again which was still very sensitive after the orgasm.

20,21,22,. . ., 47,48, 49, 50

They came together. Candor's thick liquid flows inside her ass and she can feel his tiny sperms swimming in her anus. She felt full as they both laid on the floor.

He cuddled her little form in his strong healthy chest and run his calloused hand in her golden silky hair. No words were exchanged between the two, the only thing that can be heard is their heavy breathing and the loud beating of their lonely hearts that finally found love and joy.

Claire listened to his heartbeat that seems to sing her name. She ran her fingers in his hard stomach and sighed in contentment. She breathed in his arousing manly scent.

"Why don't we run away? I will provide for the both of us. I will love you like no man can, Claire. I will treat you like a goddess." Candor suggested cupping her cheeks.

Claire removed his arms around her and stood up. She picked up her scattered garments and laid them on her bed.

"You know very well that we can't do that. I cannot abandon my family, my status, my duty, and my father. He'll be so heartbroken if he loses me as well. Please abandon that thought from your mind."

"Claire I-" his words were interrupted when a gentle knock hit the lady's door.

"Who is it?" she asked, composing herself.

"Claire, your father told me to fetch you. Your cousin, Guinevere, has come to visit you. She brought gifts for you, she said, and she wants to see you immediately because she misses you dearly." They heard Keith's voice from beyond the wooden door.

"Please tell them to wait a moment. I spilled some cake on myself that's why I'm going to take a bath." she answered.

"Right away." The white-haired replied after which they heard footsteps going away.

Claire turned her attention to the man. "We better clean up. Thank you for your time and attention. Now I must clean myself and greet my cousin."

"I will clean your body since I was the one who defiled it."

"Very well." Claire said and led the man inside her bathroom where Candor provided the lady with a very sexual cleaning making her cum twice more.

After finishing her bath he insisted upon drying her body and helping her dress up. He chose the garments she wore and did the basest things in dressing up such as putting in her pantie and hooking her bra. He chose a wine red dress with white laces and red ribbons. It was embroidered with white elegant designs and fitted well with her beautiful body. Candor helped her with her corset and slipped her feet in shiny black shoes.

He sat her in front of the vanity and combed her golden locks, untangling the knots, and decorating it with roses making her look like a stunning fairy. Claire smiled at her beautiful reflection in the mirror and thanked her companion for helping her.

"Shall we go, my lady?" Candor held out his hand and the girl took it with a smile. Her pet wolf came prowling from the balcony and going to her side to protect her from all harm. The three left the room and went downstairs to meet a certain violet-loving mage who can wrestle with a bear while wearing a dress.

Unbeknownst to any of them is a dark entity stirring in his cage deep underground where no light dare touch his cage. He fluttered his giant bat-like wings to remove the dirt and dust that had accumulated and swayed his tail in excitement.

The strong feeling of pleasure and the first orgasm of a pure and powerful maiden had awakened him from his sleep and he will do everything in his power to have her in his grasp.

It's only a matter of time before the wheels of fate weave their destinies together and create the most beautifully horrendous tapestry of passion, wrath, lust, and ruin. So before that time comes he will heal himself and rest till the princess comes to his arms.

He released a low dark chuckle. Yes. He will wait for her.