My Stepbrother is The Devil part 5

"Cipher this is insane! Please let's just talk about this! I'll listen. I'll hear you out!" Khali begged, squirming out of his hold.

"Very well, listen. I've loved you since we first met, you were the only one who was nice to me. You didn't treat me like garbage or pretended to like me because you needed something from me, you were kind because you were kind. And I loved you for that." Cipher released her from the embrace and made her face him.

"But I guess I wasn't good enough for you because you were all about that Alfred. God I hated him for taking all of your attention and I wanted him to die, however, someone else got to him first before I did. Do you know who? You know him very well." He said with an ominous playfulness.

"No. No. It can't be! You're lying!" Khali yelled in denial.

"I wouldn't lie to you. I actually caught everything on video it's in my PC but I took screenshots. Here." Cipher handed her another batch of photos which contained images of Granger pointing his gun and shooting Alfred in cold blood.

"This is not true! He won't do that to his best friend!" She reasoned, yet knowing full well that what he had shown was the truth.

"Deny it all you want but you yourself know the truth. Now, these images, the videos I've saved, you wouldn't mind it if your father sees them. Your mother? The whole world? Or even Granger?" He threatened with an evil smirk, placing a kiss on her cheek. Khali shook her head gently indicating a "no".

"What do you want in exchange?"

"I told you I want everything from you. Your body, your heart, your soul, and your love. I want all of you but for now, I guess I could share with that boyfriend of yours. So here's the deal. I fuck you and you pretend to like it. You will not complain, you will moan my name and accept everything I want whenever I want."

"Cipher, please! I have a-"

"I don't care! Do you want to be feasted upon in the internet as some double-timing whore who fucked her own brother or do you want to keep that a secret?" He yelled. Khali shrunk and turned her head away to avoid eye contact.

"I'll do what you want." she said in submission.

"Very good. Now show me that you love me."

Khali reluctantly held his cheeks and kissed his lips with great hesitation. Cipher was displeased by this therefore he punished Khali with a hard slap on her bum, making her yelp. "Kiss me like you mean it or I'll bite you. Come on be a good girl and give me a good smooch."

Khali placed her hands on his chest to feel his strong muscles and started kissing his jaw meekly. She trailed the kiss down to his neck where she started sucking his surprisingly soft skin. Cipher actually smelled nice and his body is very dreamy. She let go of the spot she was sucking leaving a dull red mark and moved on to another location.

Cipher released a low growl from his throat and grabbed her chin harshly. "Do it harder! Make sure you leave a bright red mark like this!" Cipher swept her hair out of the way and started sucking at her pristine alabaster skin like a hungry wolf. He even used his sharp teeth to graze against her neck, drawing out her crimson blood which he happily lapped at.

He pulled away and stared down at her face filled with discomfort, a sight he does not want to see when he wants to pleasure her. He sighed before pulling out a small zip lock bag from his boxer shorts and handed it to her.

"Here this should help you get in the mood. We better make it quick because our parents are on the way. You wouldn't want them checking up on what we are doing, would you?" He smirked at her distraught face.

Khali accepted the object and pulled opened the plastic. She realized that she can do nothing to oppose him since he can easily overpower her and use the information he has to ruin her life, therefore submitting to him is the only thing that can temporarily help her.

"One should be enough. Save the other for later. That should keep us going till morning. I heard that it also helps increase the bust size, so hooray for you."

Khali popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed it without hesitation before facing him. She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her level for an intense kiss. She nibbled on his lips like a hungry beast while he wrapped his arms around her waist to deepen the kiss. She forced her tongue inside his mouth and twirled it with his own. They battled for dominance which he won but he allowed her to explore his mouth. Cipher turned the knob of the shower washing away the bubbles on Khali's body as well as his.

They pulled away to take a breath, a string of saliva connecting their lips. Khali wiped her lips and started trailing kisses on his jaw down to his neck. She sucked at the part where his neck connects with his shoulder eliciting a moan from his lips. Khali was sucking and biting him making the mark much more vibrant and painful for the male but he preferred it that way.

"Very good." He praised. He gently pushed her away to get a good view of her face and noticed a blush spreading on her cheeks. The drug was already taking effect.

"We don't have much time. Let's go to the bathtub." He ordered grabbing her wrist and leading her out of the shower cubicle.

They sat opposite each other inside the circular tub already filled with water to the height of Khali's breasts. Cipher ordered her to spread her legs apart and present her cunt to him. Khali had a terrified expression on her face but she complied, afraid of what he might do if she didn't. Cipher lifted her hips out of the water making her lean on the tub's edge for support and stared intently at her wet cunt.

"What a beautiful pussy. I've always wanted to touch this and pleasure you." Cipher commented, running his thumb over her clit. He pulled her labia apart and started eating her cunt. He trailed his tongue on her slit, running his wet muscle over her hole and up to her clit. He inserted his tongue inside her vulva tasting her juices and feeling her warmth.

He soon pulled away and gazed at her pleasured face. He smirked and gently let her down before sitting in front of her. "Play with your pussy." He ordered, grabbing his cock.

"What?" Khali gaped.

"I want to see you masturbating." He ordered. Khali had an ashamed face, reluctance was very evident in her features but she meekly complied. She brought her hand down to her pussy and inserted it inside her hole to get a good amount of lubrication before playing with her clit. Cipher watched her intently and started jacking his cock.

Khali brought her hand up to her breast and fondled her soft mound. She toyed with her nipple making it hard and sensitive. She twisted her pink bud and moaned in entertainment. Tickling her nipple added to the stimulation of her arousal, sparkling up the flame for her to take it up a notch.

The blonde inserted two fingers inside her pussy which had actually tightened since Granger's departure. She was fingering herself with a quick and hurried movement, alternating between her hole and playing with her clit.

"I love your fucking pussy." Cipher mumbled staring intently at her activity. Khali added another finger making herself moan in pleasure. The cold water was also entering her cunt and chilling her clit.

"I love your breasts, I love your ass. God your perfect ass! I wanna fuck it! I wanna fuck you so badly." He pounced on her and started attacking her neck with more love bites.

He positioned himself in her entrance and forced his way in her depraved sex, pushing cold water along inside. Cipher moaned in surprise and pleasure as her devil of a brother take her. His cock slid easily in and out of her well-lubricated walls in an extremely fast pace driving her mad. Her mind couldn't keep up with the intense stimulation combined with fact that it was her own brother doing this to her. She felt dirty and disgraced, cheating on her loving loyal boyfriend for her stepbrother, but something inside her is telling her that it's good. This shame is good.

"Cipher. . ." she moaned.

When it comes to the size of cock, Granger wins in the length category with Cipher only a few millimeters shorter, but when it comes to circumference, Cipher is obviously thicker which allows him to spread her pussy wider while still hitting the back of her cunt to stimulate her g-spot. Their techniques are also extremely different. While Granger fucks her in a sure way, giving all pleasure in every pound keeping her satisfied, Cipher fucks her in a way that makes her want more which does not imply that he's not doing a good job. Quite the contrary, the way he pushes his cock inside her cunt teasingly makes her want to keep fucking longer even without the influence of aphrodisiac. He's making her want him. She doesn't favor one more than the other in terms of satisfaction but the fact that Cipher is her family makes it hard to completely enjoy their activity.

Cipher had increased his pace which signifies that he is approaching orgasm. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and the squelching sound Khali's pussy makes combined with their moans and the splashing of water filled the whole bathroom with a sonata of lust and sin. Khali's breasts are flapping wildly along with her body being violently rocked by his desperate fucking.

Cipher's cock pulsed before spraying a thick warm liquid directly against the back of her pussy, shooting his excited sperms inside her womb and filling it until no space is left behind. Khali's orgasm exploded along with Cipher's making them climax together.

Cipher eventually pulled away with a pop, leaving a trail of his semen floating in the water. He stood up and pushed his dick on her face and Khali got the message and took it inside her mouth. She licked the tip, before putting his head in and bobbing her head to please his cock. She deep-throated him and he once again came and sprayed his excess cum in her throat. She swallowed his cum with a tried face as she sat still in the water with her legs spread wide as his semen seep out of her pussy.

"I might get addicted to having sex with you in the bathroom. I fucking love sex." Cipher sighed in contentment while looking down at her obscene pose.

"Come on. Let's finish with our shower before our parents get here. I'll finger you while you clean my body."

"Yes." Khali answered in submission. A small mischievous smile decorated her lips filled with a hundred sinful meaning.

Double-timing your stepbrother and boyfriend might not be such a bad idea after all. As long as it's for love it doesn't matter.