Our Queen part 4

Ruby turned over and went on all fours to face Dyrroth while Martis inserted his fat rampaging cock in her constricting vulva. Her entrance allowed him to enter with no opposition so he slid in easily before continuing with his rapid thrusts.

"Sorry Ruby but I can't help getting jealous. Please... Let me fuck your beautiful face..." Dyrroth moaned as he shoved his dick inside her mouth and started thrusting his hips to move his length inside her throat. Ruby gave in and started stroking his cock and sucking it like he wanted. Dyrroth seems to be more sensitive as he flinches and moans to the smallest of her touches which Ruby found to be cute. She didn't hesitate to deep throat him even when he grips her hair to push himself deeper. 

Both of her lovers seem to be approaching their orgasm due to their more hurried thrusts and louder moans. They seem to be trying their best to not hurt her but their urge to dominate and fuck to their hearts' content seems to be stronger. She can already predict the possibility that she won't be able to walk tomorrow or any time soon as the two males relentlessly fucked her. Nevertheless, she won't deny the fact that their activity is making her feel really good. Never has she felt more loved or desired that what these two fighters are showing to her so she did her best to respond to their love. 

"Ruby... Mmmhhhh!" Dyrroth moaned gripping her blonde locks. 

"Ruby! You're my queen! You will rule my world. I can be the greatest king or fighter but for you, I can be your slave." Martis moaned as pleasure overtake his being. 

"She's mine! Yes, that's right princess! Make me cum, make me cum, let me breed you!" 

Dyrroth and Martis cummed simultaneously inside her, filling both her mouth and pussy with their warm bitter salty semen. Dyrroth filled her throat, nearly choking her with his large load while Martis shoots continuous jets of semen inside her sore pussy. Ruby didn't hesitate to drink Dyrroth's cum even though it tastes weird while her pussy enjoyed the warmth of Martis' semen that dripped from her vulva when he pulled out.

Dyrroth pulled her to lay on the pillow beside him while Martis laid on her other side. They panted to catch their breaths after their first threesome session.

"Geez, when was the last time the two of you masturbated? I feel that you guys squirted a month's worth of cum all in one go."

"A few hours ago after I borrowed your panties. The smell of your dried pussy juice is the best." Dyrroth replied, laying his head on her breasts.

"So you were the culprit for my missing panties. You bastards better get me new ones."

"Of course. We will give whatever that you need. Including our lives, if you so desire." Martis kissed her knuckles and laid beside her. 

Dyrroth trailed his hand on her belly leading it up to her breasts before rubbing one of her nipples while Martis pinched her other bud and sucked her neck. The two males lowered their faces to suck from her breasts like hungry children making the maiden confused why they're already starting again while they haven't rested yet. Ruby made eye contact with Dyrroth who teased her nipple by flicking it rapidly with his tongue while he rubs circles on her thighs that made her core lubricate and pour out their cum.

Ruby groaned as the stimulation of her nipples sent sparks flying through her body. Guinevere said that nipples are one of a woman's most sensitive erogenous zones and that it is possible to have a breasts orgasm that could shake your whole body. Perhaps these two perverts are doing just that.

Martis' lips sucked firmly on her sensitive perky buds while Dyrroth licked her thighs before proceeding to slurp her pussy. They lick, bite, tease, squeeze, and sucked her nipples and that alone made her back arch as the pleasure built up at the pit of her stomach. She feels incredibly horny just by having her breasts played with making her moans and screams fill the room with melodious music that delighted her lovers.

"What are you two up to now?" Ruby questioned but a sudden gasp escaped her lips when she felt both of their fingers playing with her pussy. Dyrroth rubbed her clit while Martis fingered her hole. At one point both of their fingers were inside her hole, simultaneously stretching her walls. 

"What type of men would we be if we didn't make our Queen feel good?" Martis questioned as they made Ruby moan in ecstasy. 

The combined pleasure on her greatest erogenous zones sent her mind soaring into the cloud of pleasure as electricity flowed within her body. Her blood coursed through her veins with a newfound excitement and profound bliss at the feeling of extreme love and desire from her two companions. It didn't take long for Ruby to have her double orgasm and the pleasure was indescribably incredible. Her breast orgasm felt like something sneaking inside her chest before unleashing an explosion that made her body tingle everywhere. Her pussy on the other hand did something spectacular.

It surprised the three of them when she squirted a clear stream of juices mixed with their cum that made her sheets wet. Her two insane lovers didn't hesitate to drink her cum like dogs before peppering her body with kisses and love bites. 

By now her body is covered with red and purplish marks while her lovers have scratches on their beautiful muscles. There were barely visible bite marks on their flesh but mostly on their abs since Ruby found these parts extremely arousing.

Ruby pulled away and sat up making a mixture of her cum and their semen to drip down her crimson sheets. The abrupt lost of contact confused the two males as they fear that Ruby doesn't want to continue anymore. 

"I'm so filled like a cream puff. My belly also seems inflated. This is bad. You two might get me pregnant." Dyrroth and Martis made eye contact as a mischievous idea crossed both of their minds. Ruby rummaged through her drawer and retrieved some contraceptive pills before popping one into her mouth and drinking some water. 

"Well, I suppose... Umh... I'm pretty tired. This was wonderful and thank you for your love but I don't think I can handle another round so can you two leave. We can talk about this tomorrow and-ahhhh!" 

"Why stop now? Don't you wanna try breaking the limits of what you can take? You're a tank now so shouldn't you be more enduring? Plus, if you can nail both of us on the battlefield then we can also nail you here in your bed. It's just fair game princess." Dyrroth whispered in her ear as Martis pulled her on top of him and positioned her entrance over his erected phallus. 

"Hey, I said pause. Why are the two of you hard already? And what's the meaning of this?" Even with her words, Ruby still rode Martis' dick and buckled her hips slowly to tease him. This cowgirl position really hits the right places. 

"Aww, is our kitten angry?" Martis cooed as Dyrroth took position behind her. 

"Wait! What are you doing? Why are you-?!" 

"Princess..." Dyrroth whispered to her ear. His hot breath tickled her flesh, sending electric jolts to her spine. Ruby looked behind her and saw Dyrroth rubbing his cock with some strawberry flavored lubricant. 

"Ever wondered what a double penetration feels like? Well, it feels just like this." Ruby felt something hard and slimy applying pressure against her asshole. Dyrroth held her waist in place and tried pushing it in multiple times but her tightness made it almost impossible. Almost. 

After a few more forceful thrusts, the head finally managed to slip in and Dyrroth began thrusting slowly. Ruby screamed in both pain and pleasure as she collapsed on Martis' chest. Dyrroth held her waist to continue thrusting inside her while the Ashura king whispered words of comfort to the whimpering girl. 

"It hurts... Dyrroth slow down! It hurts!" 

Their dicks simultaneously entered and exited her pleasure holes stimulating every bit of her being as their ministration sent fire throughout her body. Never has she felt more full before. It was painful and degrading, it was also shameful and dirty but why? Why does it feel oh so good? Soon enough the pain turned to pleasure as both males stirred her insides, pushing all her naughty buttons and sending her to the depths of a new and unknown pleasure. 

The three moaned and groaned in unison. Martis buckled his hips upwards to give Ruby's cervix a gentle kiss while Dyrroth enjoyed the tightness of her virgin ass. Ruby's soft warm walls ensure pleasure with every stroke. Euphoric jolts of pleasure surged from their dicks as her insides squeezed and tightened around them. They stretched her holes wider as their cocks spread fire inside her vagina and rectum.

"Fuck... D-DYRROTH! MARTIS! You're fucking me to shreds!" Ruby dug her red painted nails on his chest as pleasure overwhelmed her senses. This is surely going to be a long night.