Witch Hunter's Prey

Celestia Ada's eyes flickered open revealing her unfamiliar surroundings. Her body was numb and a bit sore. The room was dimly lit by torches attached on the wall where skulls and myriads of grotesque objects hang from. She saw tables laid with various dangerous looking tools and concluded that it must be a torture chamber. She tried moving her body but found her wrist and ankles bound by shackles on the slab of stone where she's laying. She also found herself only wearing a very lewd black lace underwear making her blush hard.

She tried using her magic to free herself but found it unable to be activated. No amount of willing made her power comply. It's as if she doesn't have magic at all.

She panicked. How did it become like this? What happened? Where am I? Thousands of questions raced in her head unanswered until he walked in.

"I see that you are finally awake." Cairus said as he walked into the room making Celestia frown.

Ah right. She lost to him, the Witch Hunter. He was about to shoot her with his witch slaying bullet but decided to knock her out instead. That's when he brought her to wherever this blasted place is.

"Where am I ? What did you do to me?" she asked in alarm.

"You're in my abode. This is where I torture witches and monsters like you. But right now for you, it will serve a different purpose." She saw him smirk as he approached her ominously. Her skin crawled due to the lustful look he was directing towards her.

"You want to fuck me don't you? That's why you brought me here. How hypocritical. A witch slayer who wants to breed with a witch." she pointed frowning at him.

"So what? I can do what I want and you will have no say to it. Well, other than moaning that is. This will be your personal hell and I promise you that you will hate how much you love it. Shall we begin?" Cairus smirked placing a hand on her stomach and caressing her soft white flesh.

"I hate you." she hissed filled with venom as his hand made its way to her breast and wormed under the thin fabric to tease her already perky tits.

"I can see the fear in those beautiful eyes of yours and I love it. Wait till we get to the best part, I will surely make you scream." he whispered in her ear before disgustingly licking her face with his vile tongue.

"Fuck you!" she spat.

"Hmm. I will do just that." He smirked before grabbing her face and kissing her mouth wildly filled with hunger and desire. His tongue entered her orifice and started invading every bit of her sweet mouth making her thrash around in a futile attempt to push him away.

One of his hands went under her head, grabbing her hair and keeping her head in place for him to execute his desires with her beautiful face. His other hand made their way with her breast, pinching, twisting, and teasing her sweet sensitive buds.

He soon pulled away to remove his tunic and reveal to her his scarred yet well built body, especially his well toned abdomen. He threw his clothes away and pulled her bra up to free her large round tits. He squeezed her left breast while sucking the nipple of her right one making her buckle up in pleasure due to the suction in her sensitive bud. His wet tongue rounded her sweet pink tits and made sure to pleasure the other one as well before pulling away and going in between her legs.

Celestia tried closing her legs tightly but he pulled it apart effortlessly and pulled her panties until it snapped. Cairus placed the fabric against his face and sniffed her aroma that lingered in the fabric.

"Your pussy smells so lewd. I bet I'm turning you on too."

"Go to hell and be done with it." she cursed looking the other way.

"Hmm, I don't think I'll be done immediately. After all a body like this deserves to be ravished repeatedly and pleasured until you break. You're a witch after all, you deserve to be punished." Cairus mused as his thumb brushed repeatedly against her clit making her shiver.

His face went between her thighs while his hands keep her legs apart. His tongue brushed up her clit and repeatedly played with it using his wet muscle. The erotic scent of her salivating core made his already hard cock perk up more in arousal and anticipation to feel her warm insides. Just the thought of their unholy union of an virgin witch and a corrupted witch hunter is already turning him on what more if her gets to be inside her to feel her warmth.

"Don't... Enough... Stop!!" Celestia protested as she trashed around. Cairus only chuckled as he kept eating her pussy, finding her distinct salty taste very delightful. He lapped at her warm juices, drinking her erotic essence.

He pulled away when he felt that she was at her limit and about to orgasm making her frown. He saw the disappointment in her beautiful young looking face and smirked at her torment. He went to the table of torture devices and grabbed a syringe filled with a clear substance.

"Is that Spanish fly?" Celestia questioned weakly.

"Ah yes, a very well known aphrodisiac I procured from the black market although I tweaked it a little. It will help spice things up and make every trust feel like a pleasurable bolt of lightning." Cairus went beside her and injected the substance on her neck. Celestia screamed in pain as the aphrodisiac invaded her system making her body feel warmer and her pussy more hungry to be violated. She felt weak and unable to protest as the witch hunter unshackle her, freeing her limbs.

Cairus mounted the slab and climbed on top of Celestia, caging her under his body as she whimpered due to the effects of the aphrodisiac. He stared at her face, admired her body and the glow of her silver beauty. He smirked and knew that all of it is his now.

He straightened up and lifted her waist, positioning her entrance in front of his large erection. Celestia tried pushing him away but she was too weak to repel him. Cairus effortlessly pushed his cock inside her due to her own lubrication, entering through her folds and penetrating her soft warm and tight vagina.

Celestia's eyes widen as he mercilessly pounded inside of her, desperate to fuck her and defile her. She couldn't do anything but submit to his molestation due to her weakened state and his ministrations somehow gives her tremendous pleasure. As he had said, every trust he made against her wall was like a bolt of lightning felt through out her body sending her through the depths of euphoria. She was unable to restrain herself letting her lips to utter despicable sounds of pleasure that delighted her captor.

Cairus took pleasure in hearing her enjoying their activity. He held her legs over his shoulders and fondled her soft breasts, teasing and playing with her nipples. He lowered his face closer towards her with a teasing smirk.

"How are you loving my dick so far? Judging by your moan I bet you've never had something as good as mine." he sneered fucking her deeper and harder.

"Oh please, a vampire's cold cock is much better than yours. Even though it's nearly freezing as ice it still managed to hit the right places while you fuck sloppily like a little boy. I bet that the demon I summoned has a bigger dick and can fuck much better. If you have to depend on aphrodisiac to pleasure me then you really are no good of a man." she elucidated squeezing his rump and inserting two of her fingers inside his ass and pumped it along with his trusting.

"Your opinion doesn't matter but I shall reward you for your fierce spirit." Cairus pushed his tongue inside her mouth, making out with her intensely. Celestia replied and kissed him back wildly trying to show him that he's nothing more than just a fuck.

The witch hunter pulled away and decided to change their position. He forced Celestia to turn around for him and kneel on all fours. Somehow he have a pillow nearby which supported under her stomach, a 'perfect item' as he had said, to do a dog style.

Another moan of bliss escaped from her lips as well as his own as he penetrated her in this new position. Her pussy sent pleasurable jolts of ecstasy running up his dick making his mind rampage with only the thought of defiling her. Celestia's pussy actually tightens around him on good occasions making his heart hammer loudly in his chest.

"Your pussy is so fucking good and the squelching sound it makes is just too erotic. This position also allows me to see and touch your thick ass." he mused as his hand groped her soft white rump. Celestia didn't comment further as she endured his rape, wishing for it to be over soon however her body is begging to be soiled more and more.

"No brilliant remarks? I guess you must really be enjoying this position. But you wouldn't mind if I cum now would you? Of course what you want doesn't matter, you're just my plaything. But let me tell you what I'll do. I'm going to creampie this dirty pussy of yours and maybe even impregnate you. Imagine, my dirty sperms swimming inside your womb and fertilizing your precious eggs." Celestia only frowned at this and laid still, silently enjoying his extreme fucking and dirty talking. This position actually allowed his dick to probe her inside in a new angle and hit her g-spot along with other pleasurable nerves.

"I want you. Yes, you heard that right I want you. It's not love or infatuation, it's a sexual obsession to possess and do everything I want with you. And now you're just under my fingertips. The Great Witch of the Enchanted Forest is now my bitch. You hear that, Celestia Ada. You're now my bitch!!" Cairus felt his orgasm overtake his mind as he cum inside her. He pushed his dick deeper inside her womb nearly penetrating inside her cervix and squirted his sperm directly inside her uterus. Celestia could only grit her teeth as she felt his warm white substance coating her insides. The witch orgasmed along with him squeezing his dick harder and feeling the pleasure flood her body and warm up her heart. Her pussy ringed with ecstasy as her body spasmed while her eyes rolled back.

He pulled his dick out of her pussy and watched as his semen dripped down her legs. He relished the sight of his seeds pouring down her cute cunt however Celestia turned back over and inched away from him, glad that it was finally over.

"You didn't think that we're done now, did you? I still have a lot of positions in mind and I'm planning on doing all the pages in the kamasutra with you within this day." Cairus smirked as he watched her terrified face.

True to his words, he fucked her all night long and all day long forgetting to eat and only mated. Cairus had banged her against the wall, made her hold onto the table as he fucks her ass, squeezed his dick between her small yet round tits, repeatedly choked her with his cum due to numerous blowjobs, and coated her whole body with his semen. He never got tired of breeding her and made sure she is healthy and well rested after every round so that she won't wilt away and stay as luminous as she is.

Time passed by and Celestia's beauty never diminished however her mind soon broke due to pleasure and captivity. She's not very much sure how much time had passed by but Cairus had moved her from that dungeon into a nice room with a bed complete with a closet filled with her own dresses and other clothing.

Currently, Cairus had tied her hands on the wall as he fucks her pussy forcefully in rapid successions. Celestia could only moan in ecstasy and submission as he hit her cervix and punish her g-spot. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she felt her orgasm bubble in her stomach making her walls constrict around him. She had been made to orgasm for the tenth time and it's just morning according to him. Remnants of their previous rounds scattered around the room as he liked to change positions repeatedly.

Soon enough the witch hunter eventually came as well and let go of her limp form on the ground before releasing her from the ropes bounding her wrist. He brought her to the bed and laid her there and then joined her afterwards, hugging her tired body against his and pushing his dick back inside her pussy just to feel her. He caressed her bloated stomach.

Celestia had been five months pregnant with their first child but he still fucks her vigorously and carelessly. She was still very rebellious at first but soon she finally submitted to him and allowed herself to be just a toy for his whims and wants. He kissed her neck and gyrated his hips against her, slowly moving his dick inside her pussy as he soon felt drowsy and feel asleep with her knowing that he emerged victorious.