"Of course it's him..."

Looking down at her sleeping, naked form, Kai smiled and slid from under Scathach, setting her down carefully and getting out of bed. Grabbing a towel and going to the bathroom, he decided to take a bath to get the festering smell from the previous night.

Finishing his bath, he went down to the kitchen where he found Shuna, now a Kijin, making breakfast for everyone. "Good morning Shuna, I see your evolution was successful."

"Ohh. Good morning Lord Kai. Yes it was thank you." Shuna looked back and she gained a smirk as she walked up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It was, though sleeping was a little hard due to someone not keeping it down yesterday. It took me all night to get to sleep." she teased.

'Who the fuck said Shuna was a cute and shy?! This girl is a fucking tease what the hell!' Kai was dumfounded and took a minute to reply, "What do you mean up all night?"

"Ohh you know why, 'Ohh Fuck that feels so good' hehehe" she mocked.

Rolling his eyes, "And here I thought you were a cute shy girl, not a tease. Well maybe I'll have to see how much teasing you can take." Kai said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Shuna wasn't losing though, snuggling against his neck staying in his embrace. Her action shocked Kai but he decided to check his system. 'Harem'


Harem Members:

Sarlyn: Affection - 1000 (Completely Over Obsessive)

Scathach: Affection - 150 (Loving Wife)

Shizue: Affection - 50 (Grateful)

Shuna: Affection - 80 (Very Interested)

Shion: Affection - 60 (Intrigued)


Seeing her affection so high, he was slightly surprised, but decided to act on it a little more. Looking down at her, he raised her chin and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Shuna's eyes opened wide and her face turned beet red. "L-lord Kai!"

"Hahaha, I won. Let's finish making breakfast." He teased.

"Alright. Also you shouldn't tease like that. What if Lady Scathach found out." She pouted.

"She wouldn't care. Believe it or not, Scathach is my second wife. Also I wasn't entirely teasing you by kissing you."

"What?! She isn't your first wife! Who is?" She almost yelled.

"Her name is Sarlyn, she'll probably talk to you sometime soon. Thought you probably won't see her for a few years... Anyways, I'll go wake up everyone, do you mind setting the table?"

"Sure thing Lor-"

"Just Kai, Shuna, don't use honorifics. If you really feel the need to use them, only use them in public and formal settings. Otherwise keep it with just my name, I've always hated honorifics."(A/N: I really have... Like I get it in formal settings and whatnot but meh other than that they serve no purpose other than satisfying someone's ego.)

"Ah, Um, Okay K-Kai... I'll set the table."

Kai made his way waking up everyone that wasn't already up, and telling the rest to head to the dining room. Though there weren't many still asleep. The only ones asleep were Scathach, Shion and surprisingly Benimaru. Kai woke Scathach and Shion up by lightly shaking them and lightly speaking to them, like any guy would for their loved ones.

Beinmaru however... He didn't get that shit. No, Kai grabbed the pillow Souei used, walked over to Benimaru and slammed the pillow into his face and said, "Breakfast is done," and walked out of the room.

Kai returned to the dining room, which looked more like a meeting room due to its size, and saw Scathach and Shuna sitting at the head of the table, with an empty chair between them.

Assuming it was his, which it was, Kai walked over and sat down between them. A few minutes later, Shion and the other Kijin walked in and sat down, thanking Shuna for the breakfast.

"Well, I see everyone evolved last night, that's good. I know you all are staying here for now but I'd like to make you all your own residences if you want. I don't mind a couple of you staying here but I tend to keep a few rooms open for guests." Kai said once everyone was settled.

"That's fine with us my lord. If it would save materials, we can all stay in one house, as long as there are enough rooms for us all." Benimaru said.

"Yeah Kai, we don't need our own houses, we can just have our own rooms." Shuna said, which surprised her brother from how she addressed him.

"Okay well, we can do that, but honestly Shuna, Shion if you want to stay here feel free, Scathach wants to get to know you better and I don't mind you living here."

"I would like to!" Shuna says a bit too excitedly, to which Shion nods along.

"Haha, alright, alright you two can stay here, though I would appreciate if you two still shared a room to save space. I'll tell Myrd to make a new building with enough rooms for you four and enough other space. If you all decide to stay after we defeat the Orcs, then I'll give you each more personal residents."

""""Thank you my lord.""""

(Kai POV)

*A couple days later*

"My lord." Souei said as he knelt on the ground next to me.

"What's up Souei?"

"There was a Lizardman Envoy spotted in the forest. They were going to goblin settlements in the area and are now headed here."

"Hmm alright. Shion, go get Benimaru, Rigur, Rigurd and Hakuro and meet me at the entrance of the village. Souei keep an eye on them. If you see a man in a clown costume, leave and come find me immediately."

"Yes sir!" "Of course my lord." They said at the same time. Just like she did for Rimuru, Shion appointed herself as my secretary, which I wasn't planning on changing, it would be nice to have her around.

*10 Minutes later*

I arrived at the entrance of the village and everyone was already there waiting for me, including Scathach who was with Shuna. "Thanks for gathering here, we will have guests soon. Souei how close are they?"

When I asked, Souei appeared next to me, "They will be arriving any minute now."

"Alright good. Once they arrive don't do anything. Lizardmen are too prideful so expect them, especially stupid ones who think they are important, to say some dumb shit. Let me handle them. I just want you all here for your opinions on how to move forward based on what they say."

As Souei said, after a few minutes, the group of Lizardmen arrived in front of the village. I didn't see the annoying shit known as Gabiru yet, which made me slightly hopeful, but when the Lizardmen started banging their spears on the ground I let out an exasperated sigh. "Of course it's him... This is going to be annoying." I also decided to take off my glasses and put them away so my eyes could be seen.

A mounted Lizardman was making his way through the middle of the now parted group, jumping off in some grandiose way once he got close enough as all the other Lizardman knelt. One of them opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't listen. I was still trying to keep myself from erasing this waste of space in front of me off the face of this planet.

I caught the tail end of the sentence, which almost made me lose it once again, "You will all now serve me and consider it a great honor!"

"Okay, fuck this..." I say and release my aura, causing all the Lizardmen to prostrate on the ground. "Alright. I already know why you chuckle fucks are here and I'm going to give you one chance to redo what you said." I said staring daggers are Gabiru and reseal my aura. 'I don't know why this character irks me so much, but he really does.'

"Umm. Right, can I ask who you are first..."

"I'm Kai Kasani, Dragon of the Infinite."

(A/N: I've been trying to figure out what type of dragon he would be and I think this works with his limitless. It's different than Ophis, whose the dragon of Infinity. I really don't know a better name so if you guys think of one put it in the paragraph comments.)

"Dragon! Preposterous! You are in the body of a human! Not only that I've never even heard of you!"

His comment annoyed the ever living shit out of me and I turn to everyone else. "He's the son of the lizardman chieftain. What are the odds the chieftain will hate me for killing his only son?"

"It's a high probability my lord..." Benimaru replied with a wry smile.

"Hmm... Beaten half to death?"

"Much less likely, as long as there's no permanent damage..." He replied once again but with a cold sweat.

"Good enough for me..."

I disappear from my spot, reappearing right in front of Gabiru, bringing my leg down in an axe kick. Due to the difference in speed, he doesn't even have time to realize I was in front of him before he hits the ground unconscious.

Looking at the other lizardmen I say, "Alright... For the rest of you... Head back to your chieftain and do EXACTLY as he says. I will be sending an envoy later tonight, but he will get there much faster than you all. I'll enter an alliance with your tribe for now but if you think any of us, who are much stronger than your so called strongest fighter over there, will serve you then you can die to the orcs for all I care. We're done here." I say and walk back into the village, heading straight for my house with Scathach, Shuna and Shion.


I tried to make this as different as possible, plus I really do hate Gabiru as a character, at least at the start of the series, thus my character does as well... Next chapter will most likely be tomorrow since I missed Wednesday's chapter.