Lord of the Forest?

(Still Kai POV)

"Treyni was it? Since when am I the Lord of the Forest? " I asked in slight surprise.

"Well my lord, since Veldora disappeared and you, another dragon, appeared, it only makes sense that one of two things happened. One, you made Veldora go somewhere and took his place, or two you killed him and took his place. Either way my lord, you took his place as the ruler of the forest, at least in the eyes of all the dryads." She replied like a fanatic.

'Umm, okay? Neither of those things happened but sure, I guess I did take Veldora's place... Whatever it works in my favor, I'll just roll with it.'

"Right... Either way, since your here and the orc invasion is still not over, I assume you aren't here just to greet me."

"Correct my lord. I came to tell you this army of orcs is being led by an orc lord. I also came to make a request of you if I may."

I waited for her to continue but she was apparently waiting on my confirmation, which felt weird. "What is your request?"

"I humbly ask for you to help defeat the orc lord. You are strong, much stronger than anyone else in the forest-"

"Wrong I'm the second strongest, the first is Scathach, but continue."

Scathach looked amazed and I could tell it warmed her heart that I admitted it so easily in front of everyone who is suppose to be my subjects. Though I didn't even mean to say that, I more blurt it out.

"R-right. Still, Lady Scathach is your lover, so you and her are the two strongest beings in the forest by far. I mostly came here to ask for your help in defeating the orc lord."

"Fine, but you need to share everything you know about the orcs and more specifically the orc lord to those of us here."

"Of course my lord."

*After she explains everything about the orc lord.*

"Okay, this won't be too bad. Souei, I want you to go to the lizardmen and talk to their chieftain. Make SURE that they don't engage the orcs if they do make an alliance. I want you to stay there until we arrive, which will be in a week from today. Update me on the situation while your there." I say to my spymaster.

"Of course, my lord." He replies while bowing, using body double and shadow movement to make his way to the lizardman camp.

Seeing him disappear, I look back at the others. "Alright, Rigurd, Ranga, go and get the goblin riders ready to go with us. Kurobe, Shuna, I'd like you two to stay here. Mostly to protect the people who are left here, but Shuna I also need you to run things around here while I'm away. Other than Scathach, I trust you with that more than anyone else. I'd leave Scathach in charge but... well.. She's a complete battle junkie and she hasn't gotten to fight anyone in weeks, other than our training spars. She'd kill me if I made her skip this fight."

"You are exaggerating... Right?" Benimaru asked, almost scared to hear the answer.

"No, I really would." Scathach confirmed instantly.

"Leave it to me Kai." Shuna said with a smile.

"Relax Benimaru, she's coming, so it's fine.. Thank you Shuna, I really do appreciate it. everyone else get yourselves ready. We're going to leave tomorrow. We could make it there sooner than a week but moving in a big group will take longer."

"Yes Sir!" Almost everyone in the room said at the same time.

"Wait Treyni, before you leave." I said as everyone was leaving.

"What is it my lord?" She asked curiously.

"Is the only reason that you all named me the Lord of the Forest because I replaced Veldora or is it something else as well?"

"Honestly my lord, most of it is just that, however, another reason is because your also a dragon. I can tell that something in your body or soul is sealing your bloodline, but it's strong enough that even being sealed, I can tell you are a dragon. Most people wouldn't be able to tell without your eyes, but all dragons have a similar connection to nature." She explained earnestly.

"Connection to nature? What do you mean by that?"

"Well... Simply put, all dragons have a general connection to nature, being the strongest monsters. They are the only creatures other than spirits that can have the power to directly control nature, depending on the dragon. The first dragon, whose name was lost over time, was the dragon of natural disasters, so all dragons that followed have, as a racial trait, a small connection to nature. Hence why almost all dragons have a title based off of natural disasters or phenomenons, like the storm dragon. Dryads being spirits of nature, are able to tell if one is a dragon, normally I wouldn't be able to tell you were a dragon with it being sealed, however, the raw power of your dragon bloodline allows me to still tell." She explained. (This is AU lore, I doubt this is true in the original.)

"Huh, well that's something I didn't know, and now I do... Alright, well it's fine if you know, I wasn't really hiding it. Also yes I know it's sealed, but there's nothing I can do about that. It will be unsealed over time, once it even becomes partially unsealed, I doubt there will be very many people in this world who can actually take me on."

"I agree my lord."

"You can drop the my lord when we're in private, actually I would much prefer you calling me Kai. I don't mind you doing it in formal settings like the meetings but other than that drop the honorifics."

"Yes my lo- Kai."

*At the lizardmen camp.* (3rd Person POV)

"Chieftain!" A lizardman guard can be seen running into the throne room of the lizardmen.

"What is it?" The chieftain replied calmly.

"There's an intruder!" The guard replied quickly.

"An intruder? Who is it?" The chieftain said with a little more agitation.

"We're not sure sir, he isn't killing anyone he's just disabling whoever attacks him and walking past those who don't, he's making his way here." The soldier replied.

"Hmm, let him through, he's not here to kill us, otherwise he would be killing our soldiers." The chieftain said, but before the soldier could get up, they all heard slow steps echoing through the tunnel heading into the throne room.

"Chieftain... Do you feel that aura... It's insanely powerful!" the captain of the guard said to her father.

"Yes... But he isn't here for trouble, of that I'm sure."

Walking into the room, Souei looked up at the lizardman chieftain.

Deciding to start the conversation, the chieftain said, "Ahh hello, I apologize, but we cannot spare much hospitality at the moment. We are in a difficult spot."

"Don't trouble yourself over it. I was sent here as an emmisary by my lord and master to create an alliance with you against the orcs."

"Judging from your aura, you appear to be an ogre."

"Was an ogre. My master granted me the name of Souei and then I evolved into a Kijin."

"I'm sorry but I have no real knowledge of your master."

"My master is the great dragon of the infinite, Lord Kai. He is the new lord of the forest after the disappearance of the storm dragon. He was named the new lord by the dryads as well as receiving a request from the dryads. Their request was for my lord to defeat the orc army, more specifically the Orc Lord."

"A dragon!" Everyone in the hall yelled at the same time.

The chieftain raised his hand to calm everyone down. "Well, we will certainly accept an alliance with your master. I have one request though. I'd like to meet your master, I haven't personally met a dragon."

"Fine. My master will arrive in a week. You are not to engage the orc lord in combat, hold here and don't fight unless the orcs come into the tunnels. I will be staying here until the time comes in case anything goes wrong."

"That's more than acceptable. I remember hearing about the Orc Lord's unique skill 'Starved'. Very well, we will be happy to accommodate you, and we thank you for your assistance. Go and prepare a good room for our guest."

"Yes chieftain." The previous guard who came in replied and left the throne room.

*Back at Kai's village, the next morning.*

"Alright everyone, get ready to head out, we'll be leaving within the hour." Kai said to the people surrounding him.

"Yes Sir!" Almost all of them yell in unison.

After saying that and everyone dispersed, Kai went and found Shuna. "Thank you for taking care of everything while I'm gone. If there's anything you want as thanks, just tell me."

Smiling at him, she said, "Just hurry back." she teased and winked at him.

Smiling wryly at her, "Alright alright. I will."

An hour later, everyone got on their dire wolves and headed out.


This chapter was supposed to come out last night but I fell asleep while writing it so I'm going to post two today. Hopefully.