Pit stop in Blumund

I walked into the town hall and looked at everyone that was present. It was everyone that would be needed to run the country while I'm gone, those being all the Kijin, the Dwarves, Rigur, Rigurd, the girls, and surprisingly Vesta. Apparently he was brought here by King Gazel, and given a job by Shuna and Scathach while I was in the harpy kingdom.

"Good, you're all here. I'm sure you all know that I will be leaving for a week or so soon, not that it's an issue or anything. Scathach and Shuna will be in charge in my place, Benimaru you will be in charge of security like always, and if anyone arrives as far as politically, then leave it to Scathach and Shuna."

They nod and as I was about to dismiss them, Vesta stands up and bows. "Lord Kai, I want to apologize for the way I acted before."

"Sure, just keep working hard, my wife gave you a job, do it well."

With that, I dismiss everyone and pulled Scathach and Shizu aside. "While I'm gone, if there's a giant flying creature called Charybdis, tell Sarlyn, and I'll head back as quick as possible, if I'm not back already."

She nodded, gave me a kiss and walked away. I looked over to Shizu, "Ready to go see your students?"

She nodded to me with a big smile, impatiently waiting to leave already. I shook my head at her, "Let's go, I'm sure you don't want to wait anymore."

We made our way to the edge of town, and I transformed into my dragon form, picked her up and set her on my back.

"Which way is Ingrassia from here?" I ask her.

"It's north west from here, we have to cross through Blumund to get there." She said eagerly.

"Haha, alright, hold on tight." I said to her as I took off, flying towards the northwest.

It took us a little longer than an hour to get to the edge of Blumund and the Great Forest of Jura, Shizu spoke up, or more accurately yelled to me, "Do you think having a massive dragon flying over the country is a great Idea?"

"Ehh I couldn't care less. If they see me coming from the direction of the great forest, I hope it will cause people to be less idiotic when interacting with us. I'll transform back once we get closer to Ingrassia."

"All right, wake me when we get there." She said to me, which bewildered me.

'How can she sleep with the amount of wind going past me... Whatever, I'll just cover her with limitless so she won't feel it anyways.'

I flew in silence for another hour or so, before we flew over the capitol of Blumund, where with my enhanced senses, could see a mix of various emotions from the people below me, most being fear, but some being curious, awe and even anger. I decided to make a short pit stop in the kingdom, so I flew and landed outside of the gates, waking up Shizu on my way down.

Landing on the ground, most of the guards there paled as well as some of the citizens and others waiting outside of the gates. I raised my claw and let Shizu climb on it before setting her on the ground and transforming back into my human form.

We walked towards the gate, talking to each other while ignoring the awed stares. "So why are we stopping here?"

"Ehh I figured we could go ahead and visit the guild leader here real quick before continuing on our way, let's go meet him."

(At the Guild hall in Blumund.)

"I'd like to meet this dragon you all told me so much about." Fuze said to the party of three sitting in front of him.

As they were about to wrap up their conversation, a man burst into the room, "Guild master, there's an Emergency!"

With an annoyed look, he looked over at the adventurer that burst in with a panicked look on his face. "There better be a good reason you burst in here like that."

The adventurer started to nod furiously and continued, "Yes sir! There's a dragon that landed at the gate, and is making his way here! There's also a woman with him."

Fuze looked confused, but then Eren stood up and looked at the adventurer that came in, "What did she look like?!"

The guy looked confused, and looked at Fuze, to which he just nodded, telling him to answer the question. "Well, from what I know she was pretty, had black hair and a tattoo of four red lines under her left eye."

Hearing this, Eren got excited and turned back to Fuze, "It's him! That dragon is Kai and the woman with him is Shizu, she is a friend of ours and she stayed with him when we decided to come back."

Hearing her, Fuze sighed and said to the adventurer, "Guide him in when he gets here." The adventurer bowed and left the office.

"Hah, well that happened much faster than I was expecting." Fuze sighed and sat down.

(Back at Kai, he arrived outside of the adventurer's guild)

When I arrived at the adventurer's guild, there was a man standing outside of the door, when he saw me, he bowed to me and spoke, "Please follow me inside, the Guild Master would like to meet you."

'Not surprising he knew I was here.'

"Lead the way." I say as I grab Shizu's hand and pull her along with me, which she doesn't reject.

We walk down the hall and quickly arrive inside of a room, with a few couches, a desk and some bookshelves. On one of the couches is, surprisingly, Eren, Kaval and Gido, who I hadn't expected to be here when I got here.

"Hello you three, I'm surprised you are here when I decided to stop by."

Kaval and Gido waved, but didn't say anything, while Eren smiled and ran over and gave Shizu a hug, but not before looking at our interlocked hands curiously, then with a mischievous glint in her eye.

She looked at me and said, "Hey Lord Kai, do you mind if I borrow Shizu for a few?"

Noticing what she wanted, I laughed and said, "That's up to her, but I don't mind. Also just Kai is fine."

She grinned and pulled Shizu over to the side of the room while I turned to Fuze and sized him up, while he did the same.

He spoke up first, "I'll admit, when I heard a new dragon was ruling over the great forest of Jura, this isn't what I was expecting. One who can perfectly hide their aura and seem like an unassuming human if not for your eyes. Either way, if you don't mind me asking, what can I do for you, Lord Kai?"

I gave a small chuckle, "Nothing really, we are headed to Ingrassia and I decided to stop by when we were flying over the city. I figured we would meet sooner or later since I told Eren I didn't mind her sharing about my existence anymore. Figured I'd come and meet you now, we'd meet sooner or later anyways. These three being here is a plus, part of me thinks Shizu missed seeing them, so she's probably pretty glad to get to see them. Though I can't stay much longer, we still need to fly to Ingrassia today."

"Well, I won't hold you long, I did want to meet you, though I was planning to come to you."

"You're still welcome to come, but I won't be back for around a week. Also I scared the shit out of a lot of citizens here when I flew over, you might want to calm them down."

"Hmm, I think if I walk you out of the city it will set quite a few people at ease. At least more than if I do nothing, so if you don't mind I will do that."

I nod to him and look over at where Eren dragged Shizu, and saw Shizu with a red face, and Eren with a triumphant grin walking back over to us.

I sighed, "Are you ready to go Shizu?"

She just shyly nodded and waved to Kaval and Gido, saying her goodbyes.

While she was doing this, I looked at Eren and couldn't help but ask, "What did you say to her to get her to blush that much? I've said some stuff I was expecting to get her with, but she remains pretty stoic with me..."

She looked at me and giggled, "She was the same with me at first, but once I started asking in detail, she broke. You were probably weren't teasing her enough, besides, there's a difference between you teasing her and another girl teasing her."

"Hah, maybe, well you are welcome to come visit whenever. Good seeing you again Eren, we got to get going."

"Okay, let me say goodbye to Shizu real quick before you leave." I nod to her and start walking out of the building. Getting outside, I saw Fuze already there, waiting to escort us out of the city.

"You were heading towards Ingrassia correct?"

"Yes? Why?"

"Well, you'll probably need this to get in." He said while handing me an A ranked adventurer's license.

'Ohh right. I needed that to get into Ingrassia. I didn't even think of it.'


Turning back to the building I could see Shizu coming out with a smile on her face once again.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yes, thank you Kai."

I nod back and grab her hand, following Fuze out of the city. Once we got outside of the city, he turned to me and bowed, "Thank you for accepting my invitation Lord Kai. I hope we can have further dealings in the future." He said in a loud voice.

'Heh, smart guy. Saying I came on his invitation will help calm people down even more.'

"Sure. See you again." I look over at Shizu, "Ready?"

She nods and I start my transformation, turning back into my massive dragon form, much to the awe of many bystanders, and even Fuze himself. He was expecting me to be big, but I don't think quite as big as I am. I'm about the same size as Deathwing, as well as my two tails, which is a trait never seen by anyone else.

I lowered my claw and helped Shizu onto my back, I turn and look at Fuze, who subconsciously takes a step back, "You're welcome in my city at any time, I do hope you wait until I'm back though. Well, I'm off." Without waiting for his response, I fly off towards the west, towards Ingrassia.