Twenty Two


I couldn't sleep tonight. I don't think anyone could. We had a long journey ahead of us, with going all the way to Chicago. I stood in front of my window and watched the soft clouds drift past the bright moon. A few stars winked in and out beyond them as well. The night air was cold and crisp, bringing the smells of the first rain we had had in months. Here it was raining, but in Illinois it would be snowing. Mom had already given Fang and I some decent winter coats, better ones than Fang had managed to scrape up with Angel. I turned and walked to the edge of my bed. I flopped down into it, enjoying the feel of the soft blankets and the safety. I stared at the dark ceiling of my room, feeling anxious and tired. Mom had made me promise to be as safe as we could on our way to Chicago. Safe to her meant no flying. We had tickets for a greyhound bus all the way to Chicago, Illinois.

I was awake all the way until the sun began to peek just above the edge of the mountains. Pink, red, and purple hues danced their way across the sky before vanishing with the light. I got up, already jittery and wanting to get going. I opened my door and found Fang standing there, just having walked out of his own room. He looked just as wound up as I was, his dark eyes still looking tired though.

"You ready?" He asked as I walked past him. I nodded and turned the corner into the kitchen. There I found the rest of the flock sitting around the table with pancakes, eggs, and bacon all ready. Mom and Ella were cooking more.

"Wow, early morning for everyone." I said and took a seat at the table. Mom turned and smiled at me, setting a plate of food in front of me.

"Your bus leaves at 7 sharp, so we better get going here in the next half hour." Ella said and sat down next to me. I ate as much as I could of eggs and bacon, toast and jam, even pancakes and sausage, knowing that it would probably be the last decent meal we'd get for a while. We had a lot of snacks packed away but they wouldn't be the same as a meal. Mom handed us each a brown paper bag with sandwiches and juice boxes for the bus ride. A long, 3 day bus ride.

"Come on, grab your coats." Mom urged us as I stood up from the table. It was a 20 minute drive to the bus station and mom wanted us to be there early. Of course everyone began running out to the car. Nudge was strangely quiet, Gazzy's jaw was tight, and Angel seemed aloof. Fang and I each had a backpack with snacks, water, and other helpful things, like pocket knives and blankets. We grabbed everything and shuffled out into the car, our breath forming clouds in the frigid air.

"What time is it?" Mom asked again, now for the fifth time.

"5:38." I answered again, looking down at my new watch. Fang had one as well. "We'll be there more than an hour early."

"That's good, gives you time to find a proper seat." Mom said absentmindedly. She was stressed about us leaving, the bus, Iggy, basically everything. It was all I could do to reassure her. Having the kids here with her would help divert her attention. I sat in the front seat, Fang and the kids were leaned against one another in the back. Ella was sandwiched in between Angel and Fang.

The ride to the bus station was silent. Everyone feared and dread what Fang and I would find in Chicago. I knew the kids were angry that I was making them stay behind. I leaned my head against the window and watched the scenery go by.

"Remember to charge the burner cell while you're on the bus." Mom said, pulling me back out of my trance. I nodded and glanced in the rear view mirror at everyone.

"Give Iggy a hug when you find him for me." Gazzy said, not looking at me. He was the most upset out of everyone.

"You know why you're here, right Gazzy?" I asked, his blue eyes flashing up to meet mine.

"So I'm not in the way."

"No. So you're safe." I said sternly but gently. "You and Nudge went through a lot in the arena, you need to build up your strength again."

"That's not stopping you and Fang."

"Iggy can't wait around for us, Gazzy. You know that."

"He needs everyone." He frowned. "We have more of a chance of getting him out if everyone was there."

"You don't know that."

"And neither do you." Gazzy's angry eyes glared at me and I realized just how hurt he was by this decision. I swallowed hard and noticed Fang reaching out to put a hand on Gazzy's knee.

"We all wish we could do things differently. This is the best option for everyone. Hunker down with your sisters, play in the snow, and don't worry about us." He said softly, and Gazzy looked up at him with tear filled eyes. He took Fang's hand and leaned back in his seat, looking out the window. Fang held his hand the rest of the drive.

"You guys will call us right?" Nudge finally spoke as we parked at the bus station. I smiled and stroked her brown hair gently. We began piling out of the car.

"Of course we will." I said and she hugged me tightly. Gazzy and Angel followed suit, until we were all hugging. It was nearly 6 and mom insisted we go and find our bus so we could get decent seating. After a few more hugs and reassurances, we shrugged our packs onto our backs and walked into the station. I turned and waved back at them, seeing Angel holding mom's hand. Ella was hugging Nudge, and Gazzy stood by himself watching us go.

Waiting for our bus went by faster than I had expected. I spent the whole hour sitting and staring out the window deep in thought. I thought about different plans to find Iggy, where we should start first, even about his condition. I knew that he was in pretty bad shape the last time I'd seen him.

"Max." Fang had broken me from my trance and moved onto the bus quickly. We found seats at the back of the bus, far from anyone else. Luckily there weren't too many people onboard. We got comfortable, or as comfortable as a bus allows, and waited for the ride to start.

"Thanks for helping me." I said.

"Gazzy needs to understand that we're only looking out for him." Fang said, understanding what I meant.

"Doesn't make it any easier."

"I know." Fang reclined his seat back as the bus engine whirred up. I hated the idea of being stuck in a bus for three days as anyone else, but if it made my mom happier, then so be it. It would take us nearly as long just to fly there, and this way we'd be more protected from the elements anyway. I reclined my chair back as well and began to people watch.

There was a family of three up front; a man, woman, and child. The woman wore a red flannel coat with a blue undershirt and jeans. She had long brunette hair and pretty hazel eyes. Her husband was slightly taller and had on jeans and a dark green jacket on. His sunglasses blocked his eyes, but he had nice blonde hair. Their daughter reminded me of Angel with her long blonde hair, but she had green eyes. She had on a cute baby blue skirt and shirt to match.

An older man sat across from them. He was alone and looked to be in his 50's. He wore a faded gray button up shirt with patched jeans and an old baseball cap. His face was well worn and his blue eyes seemed tired. Wisps of gray hair peeked from under his hat.

A younger man in his mid 20's sat in the middle of the bus with his young son. His brown hair was messy, kind of like Fang's but shorter. He had brown eyes that seemed to be watching everyone like I was. His son held his right hand, while his left was tucked into the pocket of his black coat. His sweat pants were stained with what looked like milk. His son seemed to be just younger than Gazzy and had the same brown hair and eyes. He had on a Superman shirt and jeans, and seemed to be proud of them. He continued to try and stand on his seat and punch the air with his free fist, only to be dragged back down by his father.

And there was Fang and I. Two very weary teenagers, looking far taller and thinner for our age. Fang's black hair was slightly over his closed eyes as he leaned against the wall of the bus. His hands were folded over his stomach and his long legs crossed. I sighed and leaned back against my seat, knowing I should follow his advice. This trip would be boring otherwise, and I needed the sleep anyway. We both hadn't slept much last night. I closed my eyes and listened to the people on the bus shuffle around, a few phones go off, even the old man start up an audiobook. Eventually I slipped off into a dreamless sleep.