08. Interactive story?

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

Michelle Gale chuckled as she waved with the toilet paper. She already knew that this will be a problem.

"Hurry up on my back." Anna Gale stuffed toilet paper into her jacket and rushed with Michelle to the outer house.

Luckily Alice was done, so she quickly took the toilet paper and wished her bottom.

Just when Anna Gale let Michelle down, she rushed onto sister's. "Sister, I need to wash my hands."

"Use rainwater." Anna used few drops of rain to spray at her and rushed back with laughter.

Luckily the rain was moderate and they didn't got wet much, but Anna had a new idea. She definitely plans to build eves in front of her house if they stay here.

Rain was getting into the room directly and it was quite messy. She wanted to keep pair of shoes outside to wear and not walk in these muddy things inside.

This time even Anna Gale started felling pressure and after bringing Michelle back to house, she went to relive herself as well.

The wind became stronger and she could feel the draft over her open skin.

"No wonder people in olden times often had problem with this. Maybe I should just build high seat and put toilet cover on it so things won't be this... cold." She literally could feel the wind around her open skin and rushed to finish as fast as possible.

But something's can't be rushed, so she had to wait for her body to extract the food she ate in these two days.

After some trouble she was finally done and realized that rain started falling stronger. Even thunders started hitting outside so she rushed back.

Of course, it was impossible now not to get wet and when she went back home, her jacket was already soaked wet and her clothes as well.

"This won't do. I must find rain clothes or I will have to wash my clothes often." She took off her pants and showed the mud stains from running.

Michelle brought her another set of clothes and glanced at the roof. "Rain is getting stronger."

Indeed, rain was getting stronger and the sound of thunder hitting nearby made all three of them jump a little.

Anna Gale saw their frightened expression and realized that some things can't be controlled.

"Go up to bed. I will come up as well after I put couple big logs into the fire. It seems we will just laze around and sleep. It's perfect weather for it." Anna Gale pushed the two girls towards the stairs and looked at the mess in the living room.

It seems she can't do anything until this two don't fall asleep. She added two large logs into fire and went up as well.

The two girls already waited with her with widely open eyes and she chuckled. "Not sleepy?"

Alice yawned. "Sleepy, just waiting sister to join us."

Anna Gale actually adored these two girls since the moment she saw them for the first time in the hospital.

Her eyes darkened. When they were born her father made such a large fuss as she didn't give birth to sons.

Afterwards he became even stricter at home, making their life look more like prison.

She entered the bed and hugged the two girls. "I am little, but I will grow stronger. Trust big sister. No matter what, trust me."

Michelle Gale now yawned as well and murmured sleepily. "Even if you tell us to jump into fire, we will do that."

"Stupid. If I ever ask you to jump into fire, consider the situation before agreeing. I would never try to harm you, but I might ask you to do opposite. You must think before doing anything dangerous." Anna Gale was strangely feeling smarter since she went trough that pain.

Many things she didn't know before appeared in her mind, making even herself stunned.

Stormy wind and rain hit the small cottage on edge of the forest. But as it was well built or maybe just wind was not strong enough, it was left unscathed.

Anna Gale couldn't fall asleep and as soon she heard the deep breaths of the two girls, she snuck out the bed and slowly went down.

Storm was loud and so she could slowly move things and stack them in different corners.

Food was brought in further corner and left there. The few gardening tools were neatly put into corner that was near the door. She already planned to make something to hang them on walls so they won't take too much space.

Or be danger to her sisters.

There was only the barbecue left there and she actually took it as she feared she would need to use it as fireplace.

But now she used the iron over the corners of the open fireplace and could cook water for drinking and washing.

And she was washing.

First the ground then their clothes.

Even though she might not be good in washing, but better some washing then none.

There was no place to dry clothes so she washed only as many as many hanger they had.

She slowly hung the few things over the stair railing and saw water dripping down and making puddles.

What else to do?

She put the plastic bowl she brought with her under the dripping clothes and stretched.


She was curious about what is going on outside and if some dangerous animals might be nearby.

Luckily nothing such was shown.

The wild boar group was heading deeper into the forest and the other animals probably found shelter to hide.

The village was silent as the road was ancient... muddy. So only couple people went to tend their animals and rushed back inside.

The castle had stone road until bridge that connected castle and the city.

And the city itself...

Anna Gale deeply sighed. The street was not paved, the few people going here and there had difficulty moving and even one carriage got stuck and had to be unstuck.

She followed the carriage that moved towards the castle and found it intresting to follow the life of people like this.

Almost like interactive movie.

On the gates to the castle the guards stopped the carriage and one guard in dark brown clothes sprinted towards the castle to give notice.

Soon the guard sprinted back and the gate got open. The carriage now smoothly went to the main door and she saw a family standing in front of the gate.

An older man with long mustache, an older woman with elegant silvery hair, two younger men that looked like the elder with their mustaches and another teenager that had no mustache but impatient expression on his face.

He wanted to turn around but his father grabbed his shoulder and made him stand there.

"Wow, what I it to make him run away?" She curiously now turned the view towards the carriage and saw a beautiful woman coming out with amazing dress and a young teen girl that shyly smiled at the boy.

Oh my God.


Teen arrangements of marriage?

As expected of ancient times.

The boy visibly disliked the girl but she still stared at him with her shiny eyes and shy smile.

She completely fell for him and is ignoring his emotions. Well girl, you will have to fight hard to get this boy like you.

But looking at his stubborn expression, there will be a trouble on horizon.