20. Going to Yuma city

"Now grab bags and gather all the snacks you want to eat. I'm going back to sport section as I want to gather tents and sleeping bags. We will need them if we travel the country."

She saw them, but had no time to pack them.

Best tents for them were those that you just open up and he was done. But most stable ones are those that have few layers.

She opened storage of the sport store and smiled brightly. Two big pushing carts for heavy loads were inside and she started gathering things.

Ten tents in various sizes, ten sleeping bags in big size. Suddenly she saw fishing rods and took the extendable rod nearby and saw it was a perfect size.

Ten fishing rods, whole boxes with various sizes of fishing hooks and other shiny items in it. She even found various books about basic fishing and smiled.

Next what she saw were bows and arrows.

She needed anyway to train shooting and these were perfect.

She took five in various sizes and one package of spiky arrows.

Anna already filled one of the big carts and realized it was easy to push even if it's so full.

She pushed them to the bags she prepared and went to fill other big cart.

This time she carefully chose various hiking shoes in various sizes, including male shoes, warm thermal underwear in various sizes, more socks, gloves and hats.

Suddenly she saw something.

Water purification tablets. Whole row of various companies were presented on one counter.

She put all of them into one plastic bag and searched other counters. But she found only package or two of each.

She went to the storage area and started searching for it and a found whole corner with such things.

Without thinking twice she took whole ten boxes of it, five boxes of various supplements and additions to food.

Finally she found whole box of compasses and just added to the box.

She took two more of those flip open tents and few more big sleeping bags.

When she came back she saw two girls listlessly gathering sweets with puffed eyes.

"Come help me to prepare to sleep soon. Go bring couple more of flashlights as it so getting darker. It seems it will rain soon."

Even in this world rain came literally with strong winds and thunder.

But the two girls dizzily glanced at their sister and refused to sleep.

"I'll stay awake in case there is danger. We can't stay all awake or all sleep. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

She pushed them onto ground as she gave up putting up the tent and just placed the sleeping bags onto ground.

Luckily the sport store had the mats that go under the sleeping bags so the girls won't feel cold.

The pressure outside made both girl slowly close their eyes and fall asleep.

Anna sighed in relief and continued her work.

Outside the strom was so that she could continue packing.

From time to time she checked on girls and went couple of times to toilet as she drank some energy drink and bunch of power bars to keep herself awake.

Yes, she knew that option of gates will be available right after midnight and she planned using that chance.

"Open gates." She just whispered and gates opened up.

Strangely since getting fighter skill, she could see in semi darkness just the same as any other person in daily light.

She first pulled one mattress to the house and put the two girls on it. She quickly covered them and brought some of supplies into the house. The rain sets, two laptops, the two bags with various games and educational things girls chose, two pads, phones and solar charger.

This will be enough for them to play around while she is in the traveling to the other city.

This time she put timer between the gates on six hours.

As she had no wish to travel in unknown territory in mid of night she planned staying in Mrs Stevenson livingroom and unpacking things from carts as she needed them.

Luckily they put everything into bags so she just unloaded bags from carts and put them together.

As it was too many carts, she just parked them into two rows and glanced at mess in the two rooms. Livingroom was filled with various things in corners and she sighed.


A map of her town could be seen and something that made her feel urgent.

Zombies started scattering again as they followed other sounds.

That means they might leave the places they are hoarding now and will go and travel trough city again.

"If I find next city will I get the gate right away?" She asked.


She glanced at the watch on her hand. In couple minutes the gate could be open.

"Open gate to the store and to the last point I walked."

She soon saw the gate opening and she pushed carts into the gate. "Close the gates to Mrs Stevenson."

She sat on the bike and started pedalling.

The road was free in early morning light and she definitely wanted to be fast. There was nothing under the way, just bunch of flooded fields and not even one village.

She slowly felt exhausted, but didn't give up.

After pedaling for one hour she spoke. "Open gate to the store."

The gate to the store opened up and she just pushed the bike inside and whispered. "Quickly, close the gate."

The gate closed and just then a mule carriage popped up from side street between trees and a sleepy villager saw a young child walking with big bag on her back.

"Are you going to Yuma city?" He already had couple people on his carriage but having this child won't harm his mule.

"Yes." She nodded and they saw her tiered face and made space for her to sit.

The older woman patted her head. "You are wise child. Going to trade today is a good day."

Anna could only smile as she had that intention anyway.

She found various teas without bags in shelves and chose to unload them into brown paper bags.

One bag had camomile, one sage and last one had mixture of hibiscus and rose hips.

"What are you selling?" The old woman looked curiously at the strange bag that child held in hands.

"Teas I gathered and dried. Chamomile, sage and rose hip. That's all I could find." She yawned sleepily and smiled at them.

"Oh. You dried sage? When we stop in the market sell me some as well." The old happily clapped hand.

Anna knew right away that they will buy her herbs and rubbed her head. "I'm sorry, but can someone kindly tell me how much I should as for? Of course I will sell you four a bit cheaper."

The three woman and man happily smiled. "One spoon is two Ceresa."

Ceresa? Is that money here?

"Then you can pay three Ceresa on two spoons." She offered and they happily agreed right away. Suddenly she hit her head. "I didn't know this is sold per spoon so I don't have one."

The old woman rummaged trough one of her baskets and took out a wooden spoon. "We will be in the city just as we pass around that corner."

Anna gratefully smiled and waited for a bit.

And as expected...