36. Teach me

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

Anna Gale let the girls separate soft rose hips and the ones that were bit harder.

"These hard ones we can sell in few days. And these now we can just eat or send to base as snack and vitamin supplement.'' They could make tea for soldier or whatever they wanted.

It's gonna be their present.

She was cooking rice with curry out of the can. The cans she gathered in carts she planned using on her own.

"Sister, maybe we can ask them to find us books of herbs?" Michelle still wanted to gather more flowers.

Anna Gale patted her head. "We can ask tomorrow. Let's wash up and go to sleep."

She took the mattress up and put together with their so they had a big bed for them three.

A big log over the fire and they went up.

Anna Gale was awake far into the night. The things she learned from the gate was not enough for her to survive in case of danger.

She definitely must learn more.

But she can do that when winter starts and she can't move much around. Both worlds will be covered in snow and she has no plan traveling in snowstorm in neither world.

With new resolution she closed her eyes and finally fell asleep.

Next morning she first checked this world.

The Sora city was the last one she traveled to and she saw bunch of villagers around their house working.

Probably repairing what was broken.

Anna Gale enlarged the picture of the castle and saw the young noble standing outside and sending Grom people with carriages full with grain bags.

Will he change or not, is really not her problem. She already knew she had to continue opening the map, but saw that rain didn't fall and over the night the clouds dissapeard.

As she woke up and saw their excited expression, she gave up on opening map in both worlds and sighed. "I will go and help them get some food now. It's still early morning and grass is wet. When I'm back in couple of hours the sun should have dried most of moisture and we can go. Let's go first get something better for our mother than some tent."

Winter is coming and she really found it ridiculous that these people think humans can survive tents whole winter long.

Well, some might, but not these simple people.

The base buzzed already as they expected them and saw the three girls coming out the gate, hand in hand.

"I will close the gate for now so I can save the precious time. Can someone teach me how to drive?" A twelve year old girl wanted to learn driving.

In normal situation this would sound ridiculous, but this is no common situation.

"What do you want to learn?" This time she saw his name.


"Teach me how to drive truck. There are many in city and I just need to drive them trough it. I'll summon gate right in front of it and drive just few feet. Just show me how to do it." Her idea was simple.

Turn on the truck, drive few feet safely and let others take care of the rest.

This idea made everyone stunned.

Simple and efficient...

Anna Gale almost rolled her eyes. Why do grown-ups have to make simple things complicated. Just think in a straight line.

It's easiest.

He started explaining just like day before and she nodded. "I'll drive few truck trough. Please be ready and clear space of all unnecessary people as I don't want to hurt anyone."

Mike Clarkson glanced at general Lewis that just arrived and saw him agreeing.

Soon all onlookers were sent back to their tents and Anna Gale saw Michelle and Alice happily chatting with their mother.

With calm expression she looked at the man approaching and spoke. "General, did you clean up zombies outside your gate?"

He shook his head. Her words from day before rung in his mind and he glanced at nearby man. "Jackson, make an order. They should go and try throwing water on zombies to see how they react."

Jackson was actually more than curious about things that will happen now, but didn't dare to refuse the command.

Anna Gale had no plan telling them those things again. "Map."

They could see her eyes moving left and right as she moved her hand in air as she was touching something.

Finally she sighed. "I found it. But it's gonna be dangerous. I can see group of zombies nearby and as soon as I turn on the truck, they will rush. Luckily they can't go trough the gate so most important thing is only to pass trough. And by the way, is there something I can turn on so they go crazy about the sound? They hate loud sounds and try to avoid them."

General Lewis suddenly had na idea. "City alarm fro everyone. Those things are loud. Really loud..."

"But there is no electricity... how to turn it on?" She looked at him and saw that he was thinking about it and shook her head. "Don't worry. I have couple ideas I want to try."

She still wanted to make the row of cans that would make loud noise whenever it's windy.

For now she chose a big convenience store on other side of the city. There were few trucks nearby.

"I don't know if these trucks have something inside or not." She warned them and went straight to the gate.

She looked at the one with open door and hoped that keys are still inside. But unfortunately, there were not.

So she slowly went inside and did as that soldier showed her how to turn on the car without keys.

Cut these cables.... connect these cables...

Suddenly the sound of truck going on echoed in the silent surroundings and the large group of zombies turned around and started moving.

At first they were slow, but then two literally became faster then rest and sprinted towards the sound like athletes.

As soon they saw the moving truck they started screeching, but that sound didn't travel trough the gate as she just slowly advanced...