42. Molotov cocktail

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

Thousands of sleepy people heard the loud notification and started complaining, but seeing muzzles of guns pointing at them, they realized this was not open society with a free will and got frightened.

Not all were scared.

Such large change made all those that wanted to help and survive feel actually now safer.

So they went back to sleep and by the first light they could hear trucks getting on.

Part of the soldiers will go and another part will keep the base safe.

Anna Gale didn't let her two sisters come as she pointed at their mother getting ready to go out with the other three women.

"Our mother grew out her own shell."

Michelle almost proudly watched their mother taking one crowbar and taking it as a weapon.

Soldiers brought various things that could be used as weapons and everyone took some with them.

"Alice, Michelle... you two can go and play outside or stay inside and play. Either the way, please don't get yourself in trouble. Please?! " She really had no time for them today.

The two girls remembered how she punished them so they agreed not to leave house until she comes back.

She will be away only half a day as they planned to hide her real power and she plans to say that it was timed.

Everything is timed.

But after getting the four gates, she realized that the gate time don't have to be used right away then used when there is a need and could be used in separated pockets of time.

Those four hours she can use separately in minutes or just few seconds to pass.

There was no need to keep gate open all the time now...

She had no idea that her newly found knowledge would make general Lewis crazy if he knew it, but she had a feeling that is better not to tell anyone.

Even the two girls understood that much and never commented on their sister power.

Anna Gale drove with others to the city and pointed out obvious facts. At the moment there where still tens of thousands of zombies in city and they went only to closest part and raided everything.

Thousand people with crude weapons and few hundred of soldiers with firearms were not a small force.

So soon half chose to clean up surroundings while the other half entered homes, stores, shops and various buildings and started gathering anything they thought it could be useful.

As they said before, anything you can carry is your own thing, so first people filled own backpacks. Soldiers didn't say anything to it and let them bring backpacks back and start gathering stuff for the base.

Anything sharp, anything that can be melted into weapon was brought to the trucks and was just put inside.

One truck filled with all kind of pots, pans, cutlery, knives and anything metallic was already on the way to the base.

Next truck was filled with all kind of clothes and shoes in bags.

Third was filled with beddings and sheets. This was Anna's idea as she asked them how do they plan to cover themselves in the future.

Then they moved straight towards the construction company and started moving all the needed material there while Anna passed the gate and looked at few survivers that pointed guns at her.

"If I die, your last chance to survive will be gone as well." Her calm words made them quickly lower their weapons.

"Sorry... We are quite jumpy because the current situation." An big man came forward and pointed at the gate behind her. "Can we go trough?"

She sighed. "Unfortunately no or I would have taken you away the night before. I can bring trough food and supplies, but I can't take other humans trough the gate, not even my own parents. Listen now. There is a base up on the mountain behind our city. There are already thousands of survivors there that are doing best they can you rise new walls and dig deep ditches. They are starting to clean up this city, but there are many zombies. Use water against these creatures as it is almost like acid to them. Throw rocks. I will bring you few palettes of alcohol and do that things from movies..."

She didn't know the name of it, but in movies the alcohol bottles could be used as burning weapon.

"Oh... Molotov cocktail. Smart girl." The big guy chuckled and saw her leaving. "What about weapons?"

"Sorry, I promised all weapons to give to the base as they need it. I fear the big horde will be back soon and you guys need to find way to get to the base. I'll bring you what I can find. Rest is on you." It's not that she didn't trust them, but if she gives them weapons they might get the stupid idea to stay where they are.

So pushing them to go to the base is another way to save them.

She went to her storage and just unloaded four pallets of alcohol and closed the gate.

She saw their stunned expression and then they moved fast. Really fast.

First they prepared everything and then almost three dozen of people came out, including some children and went onto the corners of walls to throw these things.

Hundreds of lit bottles were thrown down and exploded over the crowd of dead creatures.

Of course zombies didn't die rights way, but the more they threw, the more they started getting on fire and soon many fell down and were trampled by others.

Yes, zombies had no compassion or felt sense of stopping. As soon one zombie was down, they would trample over him and soon there was whole firewall of zombies that tried to get rid of this thing that hurt them.

They still felt pain and hated it.

As they were tightly perched together they couldn't escape so easily and the fire spread more and more.

Anna Gale explained to General Lewis about the situation. "They got alcohol and are throwing it at zombies. Even if they kill thousand is still thousand less."

General Lewis nodded. "That is a good idea. We might do the same when time comes. As there is no rain and they lose moisture from their bodies, they will light up fast."

"What about settings flame tower or two on the walls?" One of nearby officers suggested.

"No. We need to save gasoline as much we can. There will be no future supply of it."

"Then we must drag out every inch of gasoline out every vehicle in the city and find electric vehicles."

Luckily this century had many new brands of electric vehicles so they just had to find them.

"We will need solar panels. Lots of them."

Anna Gale slowly backed out and walked towards the man that was staring holes into her. "Mr Gale."

She refused to call him father...