"IS THIS the right chemical? Or this?" Lerian Zeri confusedly ask herself while holding the bottle with the same color of liquid.

It looks exactly the same and there's no name engraved on it. 'Maybe Mom forgot to write it.'

She took the bottle in her right hand and take back the other bottle. She is experimenting something that her mother and her father haven't taught her yet. And she wanted to impress them.

She mixed it on the boiling blue liquid. But she noticed that there's something wrong.

'Oh no!'

The color turns black and the liquid is pouring non-stop. Her eyes widened in shocked and stepped back.

'I took the wrong chemical!'

She was about to run but it's too late. It exploded and she was thrown out from the laboratory and strongly bump her head on the hard wall. She heard her mother and father's voice before she completely lost her consciousness. A tear fall from her eyes as she remember the first time her mom and dad taught her everything she knows.

Since Lerian was young her mom and dad taught her everything. They taught her proper etiquette, how to fight, medicine, and how to experiment. They worked as an agent and spy, and they want her to inherited it.

Lerian Zeri open her eyes only to see darkness. But a scenario suddenly appears. A crying young lady wearing a dusty and old chinese clothing.

A lot of scenario appeared and most of them are all about that young lady's sufferings. A princess to be exact.

Until she was poisoned to death by her sister. Guang Chu Bei. Guang Chu Bei gave her a bowl and said it's a medicine but she was wrong.

And the poor princess Guang Ai Li died. She was bullied by the people around her and called her  'Loser', 'Weak', and 'Ugly'.

Lerian closed her eyes because of the blinding light and when she opened her eyes she found herself inside the unfamiliar room.

'What just happened? I... Didn't die?'

She shriek in pain when she feel her whole body aching. She stood up and walked towards the mirror.

She almost lost her balance in horror when she saw her own reflection on the mirror. It was the girl she's watching a while ago. Pale skin, Violet eyes with a highlight of yellow, navy blue long hair and bruises all over her body and swollen cheeks.

Her body shivers in fear when a girl appeared beside her on the mirror. The lady looked exactly like her but she was glowing. Guang Ai Li.

"Help me... Help me take everything that my mother owns from my heartless father." Guang Ai Li soul said while shedding bloody tears.

'Is this... Guang Ai Li soul?'

Lerian felt herself slowly losing her consiousness and an image of a young girl holding the hand of a lady in an ancient clothing appeared.

"Xiao Li..."

'The memories of Guang Ai Li....'

"Remember this.. Don't let anyone know about you, possessing both pure yin and yang soul spirit. Do you understand?


"Even father?"


Other memories flashed until Guang Ai Li's mother died because of poison. Lerian Zeri doesn't know why her heart suddenly ache after learning Guang Ai Li's memories.

Bei Ru, the concubine that Guang Ai Li's father favor the most. The one who poisoned her mother. She tried to tell it to her father but he just punished her and locked her up in her room without feeding her anything.

She's the empress and emperor's legitimate daughter but the people favor her sister who poisoned the previous Guang Ai Li the most. Guang Chu Bei.

Guang Ai Li's father has two more concubine aside from Bei Ru. And their names are, Yi Tuo, and Nai Feng.

In this world.. there are two types of soul spirits but there are only few chosen people who has it. The Yin and Yang soul spirit.

Guang Chu Bei have half of Yang soul spirit that's why she has lots of suitors who wants to asked for her hand in marriage.

This is also the world for Cultivators and Beast Summoners.

Which helps you to gain energy powers and strenght. Her father is a Rank 4  summoner and Rank 6 cultivator while Guang Chu Bei is a Rank 4 summoner and cultivator.

And as of Guang Ai Li... She's a Rank 1 cultivator. She's sickly and her body is weak. Her meridian is injured because of Guang Chu Bei that's why she can't cultivate.

'They are the worst! I, Lerian Zeri will now live as Guang Ai Li. Princess of QingYi City. I will definitely get everything that is truly belong to her.'

GUANG AI LI groan as she open her eyes, only to see a wooden ceiling. Her body isn't aching so much like before and she feels a little lighter.

"Aiya!" She hissed.

Guang Ai Li stood up from bed. 'Huh? Bed? As far as I remember I collapse and slept on the ground.'

She looked at her surroundings. It's clean unlike last night. The blood stain on the ground is not there anymore and the broken furniture is all fixed up.


She looked at the lady who's holding a tray. Mei Hui. The previous Guang Ai Li's one and only loyal servant.

"Mei Hui... Are you the one who put me to bed?"

Mei Hui nodded and put down the tray. "At first, I thought you were dead when I saw you lying on the ground because you look paler than before. So, I immediately called for the imperial doctor."


GUANG AI LI Profile:

Name: Guang Ai Li

Age: 14

Hair color and size: Long Navy Blue Hair

Eye color: Violet with Yellow highlight

Soul spirit type: Pure Yin and Yang spirit


Name: Lerian Zeri

Age: 20

Hair color and size: Waist length Green Hair

Eye color: Green

Role: A genius nerd from 21st century. She came from a well-known family. She died because of an accident and became Princess Guang Ai Li.