Doubtful Thinking

" Billie, which one do you prefer? the black stripped or the yellowish color? ",

" Billie? ",

" Billie? ", called Jane pausing for a while to let the girl respond to her question since she was just in the changing room with her in the first period.

But, no. Jane didn't hear any answer from the girl even for a little sound or voice from Billie. It was quiet after all.

She went to the nearest chair in the changing room and found that Billie was there and she was snoring on the hand of the chair.

Jane let out a big sigh and put her hand on her hip while stepping towards the sleeping beauty. That's Billie.

" BILLIE! ", screamed Jane on the top of her lung making the girl bounce onto the floor and immediately grunts in pain because of the cement floor effect.

" What is it now ", ask Billie half-waking from her dream and brushing off some of the sleepy modes from her.

" Gosh, wake up. It is been two days and you keep on sick and sad. Now! you're napping all the day long ", whine Jane feeling so unsatisfied with Billie's behavior ever since, she kicks out by her aunt.

" have done so much. But, I don't like it if you talk to me like that..probably, my aunt needs her space. That's all ", explains Billie feeling so betrayed by Jane's impressions. She got it that Jane went crazy about the incidence that her aunt occurred Billie in.

But, still. Billie thought that her aunt needs her space. Even though, she asks for permission to get in but instead letting Billie in.

She shrieked at Billie and storm away from the lawn leaving Billie alone crying her tears out along with her aunt's lover.

" What! You were still on your foot standing up for your aunt? The bitches. Who called you with a 'w' alphabet? The one who ditches on you and walking her ass off toward the ugly man? BILLIE STEWART! ", screamed Jane full of irritation with the sickness on her body, flaming bright just by hearing Billie's explanation.

" It is okay, Jane. I'm fine with the state or the word that she shouts at me. She is still my aunt and I do have the will to respect her but not by saying the bad thing ",

" Urgh! Fine! Now, help me to pick one of them since I got this party invitation from my family. They want us both to be in the party there. No excuses, no pleading saying 'no', No drama queen action. Just go and tag along. Okay? ", announced Jane clear enough for Billie to shook her head rapidly mean 'no!' which is satisfied, Jane more.

" I don't take 'no' as the answer ", descant Jane in some kind of music passage while swinging around in the changing room.

Which is, in the cafeteria.

Making Billie to huffed in disappointed. She got up from her fallen seat and passed through Jane who is excited to look forward to Billie's choices.

No to mention too, she nudged her friend's shoulder and went into the bathroom, just to lock herself from Jane.

" Hey~ that's not fair. You better get ready before I break-in there and swooped your pretty ass ", shout Jane from the outside of the bathroom knocking onto the bathroom door.

" I need to pee. That's all. Now, go away. You are interrupting me to pee. I will choose it once I come out ",

" Which is never right! ", press Jane again stomping her foot on the bathroom door. Billie sigh in annoyed. She opens the bathroom door and walks out of it.

Heading toward the hanging dress on the hanger and make her pace to snatch the floral-looking one for Jane which is the yellowish one.

" Here! use this one. It suits your body well than the striped clam. It will make you look alike some kind of gothic girl ", told Billie toward Jane holding onto the black striped dress and walk around the changing room to put it on a box.

" What's wrong with the gothic girl? they look sexy though. I mean, just seeing by their makeup style and the hair color ",

" There is nothing wrong with the gothic girl. It was just that, it is your family party and you need to be so formal ", explain Billie patting Jane's shoulder and went to the nearest place to sit on.

" Okay! wait up and I will show you, your dress as well. Remember, you need to come with me too ", remind Jane winking at Billie's sight and went into the bathroom for the changing dress.

" okay.. ", mumbles Billie in a half loud and once, Jane gets into the bathroom. She grunts in disappointment.

" Do I have to go too? It is enough for Jane to give me one of her room to get sleep in and now, the party..what could happen after that? ", thought Billie fidgeting with the hem of her work shirt. It took Jane, six minutes to be settled in.

"Ta...Tadaa! ", surprised Jane getting out of the toilet space and show the girl her dress. It hugs her body fitly, it was the exact size of Jane's body.

" Wow~ you look beautiful. Jane ", praise Billie gasping in amaze with the lovely girl right in front of her.

" Aww..thank you, my dear friend ", retort Jane walking toward another suitcase behind the entrance of the changing room.

She took out a black silky plastic which is so mysterious for Billie. She keeps on looking at Jane and trying to figure out the object is.

" What is that? ", inquire Billie that seems to not be able to control her mystery feeling about the covert black silky plastic.

" Well, it was for you and you have two choices too like mine. But, wait for it. I'm about to take it out ", clarify Jane who was still working on with the next plastic wrap of dress and it was gold!

" Why would in the earth. It was in gold color and yours were not like mine? ", ask the impatience, Billie, again hoping to be answered.

" Quiet, Billie. I won't tolerate with you for now ", notify Jane standing up from her bending situation and give her dress a little pat and when to Billie direction.

" There are Channel and Gucci dresses. So, I want you to choose one and of course, you won't be able to wear it in a one-go and quick! ", chuckles the chicky Jane handing the plastic toward Billie and wait for the girl reaction.

Billie gasped in shock. She can't believe it that Jane was willing to do a thing like that. In all of her life, she has always been dreaming to wear one of those branded dresses.

" I-i I'm speechless.. ", mumbles Billie slowly containing herself from tearing right in front of Jane.

She can hear the girl giggles in the front but for Billie. It was too much to work on.

" Nah~ it's okay, Billie. I want you to be the happiest girl in the world so please, don't break yourself down ",

" But, Jane...I won't be fit in...I mean, it was a large luxury family and I have nothing ", whisper Billie feeling ashamed for herself and regret took over her for saying that.

" Hey! I don't want to hear that kind of reason so that you can stop being happy? No, Billie. I don't want that! Now, pick one ", shout Jane loudly and clear enough for Billie to hear it. She starting to be so impatient with the girl's attitude.

" Erm...I guess you can pick them for me since I already pick yours. It was a win-win situation ", confirmed Billie with her bright smile to lighten up Jane's mood swing.

Being the happiest girl that has been pick by some kind of handsome prince, Jane claps in happiness and manages to grab the gold set one and shove it toward Billie, hoping that she will agree.

" I choose this one! I can imagine you in it. It was sexy and intimidated though ", describe Jane along with her eyes close, she can't wait for Billie to change in and show it towards her.

" You just pick a rose for me and I'm going to accept it as for my gift ", Billie takes the gold set one and went into the bathroom for the changing section. With the bright smile that she put on and close the door behind her.

" Faster~ Billie ", sing Jane impatiently with the sound of her heel been stomp on the floor.

" Seven minutes! ", yelled Billie hanging the gold plastic dress on the nearest hanger.

She opens the zip of the plastic gold set and there it is, shining it way out for Billie. Billie gasped in shock feeling so absorbed with the beautiful handcraft of the dress.

The sew was of the zip, the decorative beads, and the mixing color.

" This is wonderful.. ", mumbled Billie all by herself while looking toward the amazing dress. She felt like a newborn baby princess.