Hello, Sexy~

" Mum, Dad~ ", wailed Jane loudly, waving towards both of her parents with the cheeky smile that she always present it for them.

" Woah~ hey! there my daughter. It's been a long time since the last time, you meet us. Now, look at you! skinny body with the brown skin? ", retort Mrs. Scoff with so much love and caring whenever she averting her eyes on the cute girl.

That is her daughter. Jane smiles in delightful and shove Billie to her side and introduced the girl in front of her parents.

" Mommy, Daddy. I brought Billie along with me. Remember? the one that I told you two about the cute pale girl? ", questions Jane looking forward to her parents s' answer.

They both chuckle in happiness and nod their head means 'yes'. Mrs. Scoff went toward Billie's standing point and gave her a big teddy hug.

" Darling~ I hear a lot about you from my daughter. Welcome to this party love ", welcome Mrs. Scoff breaking the hug and gave Billie some lovely welcoming kissed.

" Thank you, Mrs. Scoff, It was Jane who wants me to be on this stage ", reply Billie shyly fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

" Weh~ you still agree with me right? ", ask Jane nudging her father's body to get into the girl talk.

" Hahaha, it's okay. Dear. You're here anyway and... Jane ", call Mrs. Scoff calling out into her daughter.

" Yes! Mom? ", answer Jane with some kind of blank written all over her face.

" Can you bring Billie to the Vip stage? This is the business stage and I don't want you to argue with Micheal, once he was here ", explain Mrs. Scoff patting her side hand to calm her nerves from getting blown by the two years of accidents that Jane has caused her to be in a fight.

" Wait! what? Micheal Angelo was here too! Daddy! why don't you tell me about this! ", yell Jane in a half shouting tone, her breast starting to rose up and down.

" Can't argue with you. He is the one who is going to hosting this party tonight, so...let it be ", tell Mr. Scoff a bit shy to answer his boiling daughter suspicion.

Jane huff in mad and immediately takes a turn toward Billie and pick her hand to walk away from the heating session that they just have.

" Why? Jane, stop. You're hurting me ", let out Billie wailing for her hand to be out of the cage of the sharp claw that Jane has.

Jane stops on her track with a big sigh. She walks out from the place and heading toward her family car along with Billie on her back, following Jane like a loyal puppy.

" Jane! stop! ", yelled Billie which making the girl stop and broke out from her self rough protection.

" Hey..hey, what is happening? Jane? ", ask Billie feeling so confused with the sudden breakout.

" Nothing. I need to go to the nearest bar. I need some alcohol ", stop Jane standing up to her foot and continue her sentence, which is asking Billie if she wants to tag along too.

" You want to go with me? ", ask Jane with her puffy eyes and red nose staring at Billie with empty eyes.

" Y-yes..", answer Billie not knowing that she is going to some kind of crazy place, full of sweat and alcohol smell.


" Billie, can you wait up in here? I want to puke on the toilet first. Please, don't go anywhere. I will be back in a minute. I promise ", slur Jane walking away from Billie views and soon enough, Jane traces was not in there.

Billie sighs in defeat and walks toward the bartender.

For about three minutes, she was there but Jane was nowhere to be found. Billie starting to feel nervous, she got nausea by the smell of the club air.

"Erm. Girl, can I order a cold glass of water ", order Billie tapping her finger on the table waiting for the waitress to turn around and pick her order.

The waitress turns around with some chewing gum on her mouth. She bit each of the gum and take out some cold glass.

" Drink this, it has all the flavor in a one go and it was free, someone has ordered it for you. What a lucky girl are you ", chew the waitress fixing her glance upon Billie's face which is now, full of confusion.

" What did you mean? Does Jane order it? ", ask Billie taking the cold blue looking water and slurp through the pinky straw.

" What? Jane. Well, bubblegum. I don't fucking know who is the Jane chick and urgh.. enjoy your cold water. I'm going to pick myself some rich guy to straddle with ", sigh the waitress girl picking up her cute red bow and tie it around her neck along with some sparkle.

Before, she walks away. She turns around and faces Billie.

" You are not the bitch in here. Your dress seems to be so fancy, well...Baby.. do aware of your surroundings. There is a lot of thirsty guys which in need of pleasure.. ", said the waitress girl before turning to her left and walk upon to a handsome with a beautiful tuxedo.

Her butt swinging following the rhythm and she starts to dance in front of the fancy guy. With some kind of sexist, in it.

Billie turns her face into a different side. The view of the girl dancing for the man to cheer on was so disgusting. She can't stand the stuff like that.

Now, she regrets it coming into the club with Jane but she didn't want Jane to be alone for some strange reasons.

Billie looks at her drinks and chugs it all in one go. When she is done, she starts to feel something heavy around her head.

She barely can open her eyes nor moving a muscle in her body, she just can't.

" What is happening now...", grunt Billie out of sorrow. She tried to move away from the tables but her body was too weak to be doing so.

The next time, that she does was grabbing someone's hands and pinch his hand making the man grunt a bit due to the discomforts.

" Hey! You! what the fucking you did. Yo- ", the man starting to yelled because of Billie sudden move but he stops at the time where he lands his eyes on Billie gown.

" Slow down, John. She looks like hot stuff for tonight ", whispered the other guy calming the man heat with some kind of dirty-minded thinking.

" Ciao! you're right James. Just look at her body, we finally make it. We made her consciousness down and now... it's time for the show to start.. ", whisper the guy name John who was about to grab onto Billie's hands.

Sadly, he can't even reach for Billie's body even for a light touch because of the other's arm that has been wrap around Billie's body, making Billie go wild with the scent of his perfumes.

" Uhmm.. ", winced Billie locking her body with the stranger and she tried to look up and her vision was blurry while the man hand grip was going to even tighter.

" So, it was you guys...Who is daring to drug my wife? Do you know how much damage have you cause? ", ask the stranger man in the fancy tuxedo, looking down to his chest with Billie's face come into the view.

" Hot.. ", mumbles Billie grabbing onto the man suit, forcing his head to look at her side. " Billie..feel..so..hot.. ", mumble Billie again making the guy bend down to her ears and whispered something.

" Behave yourself. If you don't... then this fox will enjoy you as in his dinner ", whispered the guy making Billie pout in furious.

" No..you don't eat your cute baby! you don't taste them unless they want to ", yell Billie making the two boys curb on their place.

Billie starting to blabbering in baby languages till she didn't notice that, she has awakened the sleepy beast.

" You are making me irritated ", whisper the guy fixing his suit and went toward the two boys and kick them right on the stomach.

Making the two boys fall on the ground and grunt in pain but that is not the end since the other one starting to call out for help.

" You're so doom man. We're not going to let you bring out that women unless you want to be safe enough for the pretty look ", shout the boy named James.

Three seconds passed and here comes the bulky fit body guys and it was around ten of them, bringing their weapon to attack the handsome guy, who has Billie on his arm.

" You are so fucked up, man ", said the guy named John smirking toward the handsome guy and went forward to punch him but the man successfully dodges the punch and kick, John head on the backside.

" You are the one, who is going to be fuck up ", told the man in a calm tone while switching Billie to the other side, so that. She is not going to get hit by the bad guys and going to be safe enough.

" Yuu got no more guennss ", yelp Billie chuckling in her drunk with some kind of poker expression.

Making the handsome guy sigh in distress. With the kind of situation and the stupid clinging around his arm and sometimes she will poke his cheek.

" I demand you to stop doing that, or I won't be smooth enough for you ", mumbles the guy in a bit loud tone which only causes the girl to laugh in happiness.

" Daddy looks so handsome in this pight etution ", notified Billie licking her lips seductively while staring deeply into the guy's eyes.

" You surely going to get it tonight ", smirk the guy and bend down to claim the girl's lip but some people didn't want him to do so, till he going to give them only a sidekick and a kick on the stomach.

" Urgh! ", grunt the bulky man and went to pass out of the real world.

" Attack! ", yelled James in an unsatisfying tone.

" Nuuu..my plump lips ", flinched Billie on the verge of crying, making the guy stop and kissed her on the check.

She waking up from the sadness and clap her hand rapidly which means is happy. She was about to kiss the guy's lip but been inject by something.

The vision starting to get heavy and blurry. She falls asleep right on the guy's chest and snoring like the baby girl she is.

" Phew~ less burden I got ", sigh the guy in satisfying. " Now, where are we? ", ask the guy again walking toward the nearest soft couch and lay the girl right on the couch.

" Sorry for the advertisement. She distracts me for like three minutes we fight.. ", said the guy walking back into the battle against the bulky man.

He starting to unbutton his three first buttons on the shirt one of his left hand.

" Now..can we continue it? ", ask the guy calmly looking forward to the foe.

" Fuck it, Jin! ",

" Yes! Fuck you and go die with your lover, shit head! ",

The talk only makes him smirk in devilish himself.

" What good weather that I got today. Welcome, to my hell then ", and with that, the ground starting to fill with man grunts and scream which is in pain.

Punch after punch, yell after yell. The club starting to turn into chaos and there is no police daring to interfere with the problem under the name of Jin King.

The famous businessman in the world that that's holding on to much more corporation. He ruled the world of business and was famous in business but in the dark mode.

He was the seductive God that you could ever dream to sleep on with..