Love? (1)

"He's changed my life. He has done more for me than I could ever ask for. He's my hero, mother"

"Shoto, are you in love with Midoriya?"


End of flashback

(Shoto's POV)

'Love', something I've never been able to fully understand. I haven't had the best home life. My father would overwork me so I could surpass All Might, but since All Might has retired he beats me if I disobey him. Even though he does that, my mother tells me that he loves me, that's what makes me confused about love. But now I live in the UA dorms, away from that cold-hearted bastard.

The next day at the UA dorms

(Still Shoto's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I still don't really know what love feels like. Maybe I should ask Midoriya? No, that would make it way too obvious. I will ask Uraraka.

In the common area

I walked into the common area and saw Midoriya, I felt my face heat up as we made eye contact so I used my right hand to cool off.

"Hey Todoroki-kun, is something wrong? Your face looked kinda red" said Midoriya while him and Uraraka were walking up to me.

"I'm fine, Midoriya. Uraraka, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" Midoriya then walked over towards Kirishima and Kaminari to talk to them.

"What did you need Todo?" I thought about how I was gonna ask without her asking questions.

"I just wanted to know.....what does love feel like? Her face immediately lit up and she started squealing. I tried to calm her down and it barely worked.

"Is it Deku?" She whisper-yelled. I felt my face heat up even worse than last time. I used my quirk gently against my face, again.

"I think so. I'm not sure, that's why I asked what it feels like" she calmed down but still had a huge smile on her face.

"Okay okay! So love is like, when you feel the need to protect a certain person. You'll have the urge to give them affection and stuff like that. Also you'll probably start blushing at the mere sight of them. That's what that heat to your face was" she said winking at me during the last part.

"I- I've wanted to do that stuff ever since the sports festival. Whenever I'm around him I feel the need to keep him safe, especially around Bakugou. So does that mean, am I- am I in love with Midoriya?" She squealed again but this time she drew Midoriya's attention. My face heated up, again, as Midoriya walked up to us.

"What happened over here? I heard Uraraka scream or something!" I couldn't speak, I completely froze. I finally snapped back into reality when Uraraka winked at me then walked away, then I just stared at Midoriya not knowing what to do.

"Todoroki-kun? Are you okay? Do you need Recovery Girl? Water?" He grabbed my arm trying to get my attention.

"I- I- I have to go!" I ran out of the building and headed to class early. I can't believe I stuttered in front of him, how embarrassing.

A/n: First chapter finally done! How was it? This is my first fan fic so I don't really know what I'm doing T^T