chapter 5


Every day of my life is like a curse. Every time I get some semblance of peace or happiness it's always ripped away from me.

It's been two weeks since everyone told me Axton died from his injuries. Ethan told up the doctor couldn't fix him in time, there was too much damage done by the silver bullet. He told us Axton wanted to be buried by his parents, and Ethan did so. When they took me to his grave I was in too much shock to say anything, could only let the tears fall from my eyes. For three days I occasionally felt the same pain racking through my chest.

Alpha Nathaniel was worried because it only happend once when my mother died, yet for me it was constant. In my mind, I just thought it was my punishment for running away. If it wasn't for me... Axton would be alive. It subsided a few days later until the pain completely vanished. The pack doctor left after the alphas death, so we had no one who could really help us understand what was wrong with me, so the past weeks I've just been sulking in bed.

I barely spoke to anyone, my father seemed to understand what I was going through, he never spoke either, he just waited silently knowing all he could do was be there. That's more than the man who raised me could ever do.

Kade...had he never taken my mother from Nathaniel and kept her hostage up until my birth then none of this would have happend. Nathaniel would never have suffered and neither would I. My life could have been normal with a loving family, friends, and at some point a loving mate who didn't have to hide who he was from me.

Sitting up in bed I looked at my arms where there should have been scars, but now they were gone. Axton helped me heal and see the good in people. He showed me how to live. I'd be dammed before I let that go to waste.

A knock on the door drew my attention away and I sighed before getting out of bed. "Come in..."

Ethan walked in with the same neutral expression on his face, ever since axtons passing he's been quiet and very distant, he often avoids talking to me if he has to. I'm not sure why he's been like this but it bothers me.

"...alpha Nathaniel, Leiah, and Darin all left this morning along with his men, they have a lead on one of kades camps of rouges and went to investigate."

I only nodded and sat at the edge of the bed. He sighed before coming over and sitting next to me. "Look, im sorry about what happened... And for not really being the greatest friend lately, just with him....gone... There's a lot I have to take care of and the pack is in disarray...evony... Being Axtons mate...your next in line to lead the pack... You need to take charge and stop with the sulking it's not helping anyone..."

Standing up I looked at him baffled. "Are you serious?! He was my mate, Ethan! You can't just tell me to let it go so easily! How could you even say something like that!?"

"Because you've been in bed for two weeks, how long are you going to wallow in self-pity? Your the luna so act like it! Kade is still out there and a major threat to us all!"

Why was he being so cold? Ethan was my best friend before all this and now he's so distant, so different. Before I thought he was just staying out of axtons way to avoid trouble like he did with kade but it was actually because he knew Axton was my mate and he couldn't tell me. Now that Axton is gone he is worse than ever. Where was the young boy I met all those years ago, who was willing to get himself into trouble, and willing to defend me?

Turning away I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my boots.

"Evony? What are you doing?"

Ignoring Ethan I left the room and made my way downstairs, through the hallway and to the front door.

"Evony! Where are you going?!" Ethan chased after me but I didnt dare look back at him, I needed some time to myself.

"Leave me alone..."


Turning towards him I stopped and shouted, my frustration clear. "I'm going to the cabin! Now leave me alone and don't follow me!"

A panicked look came over Ethan's features at the mention of the cabin. Before I could turn to walk away he grabbed my wrist.

"No! You can't go out there!"

Confused and angry I looked at his hand on my wrist then back up at him. "Why not?!"

He seemed to struggle with an answer and stood there silently with that same panicked look. Why could I not go there? Gears in my head started to turn, he was hiding something.

"Ethan... Why can't I go to the cabin..." He stayed quiet. "What's out there..." He flinched.

"It's dangerous, and way to close to the border! Your luna now you can't put yourself in harm's way!" I could clearly hear the uncertainty in his voice. He was lying.

"Cut the bullshit! What is out there!?" He let go of my wrist and took a step back, clearly surprised, I didnt sound like myself... Was my wolf surfacing? I suddenly felt like I was light on my feet and ready to run a marathon. When Ethan backed off more, that's exactly what I did, I ran.

Straight into the forest towards the cabin. Ethan called out for me but I didnt stop, adrenaline was pumping through me, pushing me to run faster, harder. The memory of seeing Axton in the cabin in my dream drove me to start questioning his death. Was Ethan lying again?

Is Axton alive?

I could hear The heavy thud of paws hitting the ground behind me and glanced back to see Ethan in wolf form catching up. Suddenly I could hear his voice in my head.

"Evony stop! It's not what you think!"

Ignoring him I pushed myself to run faster, silently begging my own wolf to give me her strength. I need to see it for myself I need to go there and confirm my suspicions.

By some miracle my wolf seemed to listen, and help me, giving me the little boost needed to run faster, but in my human form, I stood no chance against a wolf.

Ethan pounced on me from behind making us both tumble to the ground. He quickly shook off the dirt and jumped over me to pin me down. "Evony, listen!"

Snarling I kicked him off much to his surprise and my own my wolf was helping me...

Taking the chance I got to my feet and continued running, the scent of smoke was coming from the direction I was running towards.

Once I came into the clearing I was horrified by the sight before me. The cabin was going up in flames by a raging fire, burning everything around it. My hopes of finding Axton inside diminished as all the memories I had with this place burned along with the flowers. I took a few steps towards the building, smoke was spiraling into the sky with flames licking at everything they could get close enough to.

This was my home. All the years of abuse this was one of the only good things I ever had. I made my first friend here. This was my sanctuary when I was scared or sad. I met Axton here! And now those memories we're burning right before my eyes. Why did my world always come crumbling down around me? Do good things always come to an end? What happend to my happy ending... Falling to my knees I let the silent tears roll down my cheeks as I picked up one of the last flower blooms. My previous hope and resolve nothing more than ash.

"Well, well... What do we have here?"

A chill ran down my spine at the familiar voice as my stomach flipped. I was frozen in place and didnt dare look behind me. It couldn't be...

"I never expected to see you again... Daughter..."