Chapter 3. Yuck! What happened?!

Neizhy's P.O.V.

We are now inside the classroom. We are taking our plan in action. This is the revenge I will let those bitches have a taste. Their own medicine as they say.

"Is everything okay there best?" Yzhette asked me.

"Yeah. And so we need to hurry now or else they will find out about this, and I bet you won't like that. Right?" I told her while gesturing her to come with me go outside now.

After we left the classroom, we have gone to canteen and ate, after that, we're back again inside the classroom. And guess what, what we're seeing right now?

All of them were whispering with eachother. They're in different bunches with each circle of friends they have and they have their own topic about what's happening now.

"yuck! What happened?!"

"Good for them. They are always bad to all of us."

"I'm wondering, who could it be that dared to do something like this on them."

"Hahha look at their faces, they're so laughable! I'm just curious why bianca hasn't suffered anything like them?"

"She should also be there because of her attitude and character that just the same with that two!"

That's just an example of what we continuously heard from their chattering, trying to whisper with eachother.

Dana is now covered with red liquid which if one will to look at her, it's like menstruation, it's really disgusting, so there she is, crying and doesn't know what to do in her situation. While camelle also doesn't know what to do with herself. She's just standing there, foolishly looking in her hands with the overly malodorous poos of cat. It's a little watery so it's more yuckier. Just smelling that alone make her want to vomit. So I know that this is the right time to be in the picture.

"Omg! What's happening here?" I asked innocently, like I really don't know something.

"Oh it's the two of you again?" I exclaimed in shocked, I even gave them a perusal look from head to toe.

"I almost can't believe that this is really happening to the both of you! Just what really happened?!" I asked them like I'm really concerned about them.

"Aww you're so pitiful right now guys." I said in a very sad tone as if I'm in sorrow seeing them in that situation.

"Yes they are best. Just look at camelle. She's emitting a fetid odor from that poo in her hands." Yzhette said while covering her mouth in disgust.

"Yes you're right on that best. Need any help camelle?" Oh I'm sorry. I've changed my mind. I'm scared I will put dirt on my own." I said while rising my browse.

"And look at dana, she's so disgusting." Yzhette said while smilingly looking at dana.

"Stay away from them best, it's better to be cautious than to rue later." I said to her while pulling her near me.

"You two?!" Bianca pointing at us, angrily.

"You're the one who did this to my friends! Am I right? You're the one behind this all! You f*cking bitch! I'm gonna make you pay for this!" Bianca said in her anger. She's so furious right now, trying to dashed forward to us.

"Hmm well we are also sad for what happened to them bianca, but you know it's like we really just can't help from laughing." I said to bianca then I burst out laughing at the end of my sentence that made her blood boil in anger to me.

"Hahha well that's the truth bianca." Yzhette said while giving Bianca a smirked that formed in her lips.

"You're emitting such bad odour so stay away from us! Shoo!" Yzhette added while covering her nose trying to drive them away from us.

"Best lets go. Bye Bianca, and oh dana, please make yourself a favour so next time you won't have that kind of trouble. And you camelle, next time, you better choose a good perfume so you won't emit such a malodorous smell." I teased them.

"Bye everyone! Hope you enjoyed." I said playfully then walked out with Yzhette, leaving them dumbfounded.

We left the place happily, laughing at them. Poor them, they didn't know who they're messing with. A smirked formed on my face while looking back at them.

It's been one month since the first day of class and the fight and displeased between Bianca's group and us were still the same. Nothing change. There's a rumor that says there will be a guy named Harold that will transfer here. And everyone hoped that He will be sent at the same class with us. Rumor said, he's famous Hollywood actor.

I am now walking outside, I'm going to the garden that Yzhette and I usually stayed whenever we have our free time. I was just leaning on the three when one stone touched my shoulder. I haven't even tried to recover from shocked when suddenly, another stone fell on my face and with a book too.

"Ouch. Sh*t! What was that?!" Thus I screamed in shocked.

Such a good looking man, I am seeing right now in front of me. I don't know but I feel something the moment my eyes laid on him. I felt happiness inside my heart. It feels like, I've known him for a long time. And that my heart has longed for him all this time, and so it feels so happy right now that they've reunited. He's truly handsome, yes, but I am not attracted with him. I stood up and conversed with him.

"Hey! You! What's the Problem with you? Ahy are you targeting me?!" I asked him angrily, while surveying him. He looked pensive while looking at me with amazement.

"Hmm I'm sorry miss. I didn't do it on purpose. It was unintentional. I didn't know that there's a person in there." He said apologetically. He seemed to not know what's next step he should take.

"Okay. Since you really seemed to be unintentional, then I will forgive you, of course." I said to him then I slowly formed a smile on my face.

"Thanks again. Then are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked with concern. Scanning me everywhere.

"I'm okay, don't worry. I'm neizhy by the way." I said then smiled to him.

"I'm Harold. It's nice meeting you neizhy." He said happily.

"It's my pleasure to meet you Harold." I said to him truthfully. I don't know but something inside of me likes him so much. Then we shaked hands and had a smile both on our face.

"So I hope you will let me make things up to you for what I did earlier. I suggest that we have a dinner together later. It's on me." He said with smile, waiting for me to agree.

"Oh sure! Why not? As long as it's on you, I will go!" I said with so much joy hahah of course! It's food and it's free! So I gave him my sweetest smile ever.

"Hmm then I will take my leave now." He said with a light smile on his face.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"I will expect you later at blue moon restaurant then." He said then left. I just smiled and assured him I will go.

"sure." I answered gleefully.