Magical transformation consumables

When Jessica left with the other twenty magical warriors, the other elite magical warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty went forward in the air towards Trikki and the rest to grab hold of them.

Trikki and the rest of the girls that went to fight with Lydia to slay her couldn't do anything to her since Deborah, Lauren and Lucretia joined in the fight to protect Lydia from their overwhelming attacks.

In an instant, a spell was cast on them and they felt that their body was locked up in space.

When they realized that they couldn't move again, it dawned on them that the magical warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty had come for them.

Then they became gloomy.

They began to imagine their heads been beheaded and their bodies been burned to ashes.

"Helena, please forgive us" Trikki quickly said.