Destruction and Reformation

"Okay. We can help you with that." The person from the Illinoith race said.

The person then said in an incomprehensible language to a young woman that was before her who was also from her race.

The young woman nodded her head and went to a room to bring a large, loose hooded robe.

When she brought it over, dozens of mysterious patterns could be seen on the surface of the robe. It was the like the patterns were embroidered into the robe.

She then handed it to Jennifer and said "Here. Take this and wear it. It should conceal you from whoever will look for everywhere and try to kill you"

Jennifer nodded her head.

She then then wore the robe over the scarlet robe that she wore and pulled the hood over her head.

Immediately she did so, the patterns on the surface of the robe lit up, while invisible and imperceptible waves of concealment power began to emanate from them in all directions, making it seem like she was in an another dimension.