Arrival of the professionals

"What? Even her mother was involved in that attempt at destroying you?" Sylla asked with shock in her tone.

"Yes. She was even the one that gave her daughter that evil magical spell to master and use on me." Helena answered.

"I hope your sister caught them, or she could pose a great danger to you in future." Sylla said.

"Same here. But I doubt that they have been caught. This is because they used some form of extremely powerful evasive treasure to escape the training camp even as it was placed on magical lockdown. However, I hope they have been caught. Or they would pose a tremendous problem to me in future just as you have rightly said." Helena said.

"Hmm. But anyways, you are too powerful to be destroyed by them. They shall gather against you, but in the end, they shall all be destroyed by you, no matter the numbers that they would come in against you." Sylla said with a smile while Helena laughed.