Chapter 1

My sisters and I ambled through the school entrance. We're being besieged by a variety of students.

Ambling upon tiled white floors, we continued down the bright hallway. The walls were empty, aside from a few timepieces, boards, and dull portraits that hung flat. Throughout the school hallways, dark blue lockers crowded the lower half of the walls. Each classroom was equally uninviting and unstimulating. No amount of change, no matter how small, will be beneficial. We abruptly stopped as we reached our classroom, eagerly expecting our teacher.

Aliyah Blackheart, the queen of manipulation, was standing in the far right corner next to the door with a certificate of goodbye to your self-esteem. She was the embodiment of corruption, chiseled by its hands, and able to metamorphose into a narcissistic, red-headed beast at whim. Beside her, Taylor Midnight took a place with a distinct posture. Even a simple hello could be dangerous with Taylor. She inflicted so much torture that your mind was reduced to nothing. Every time a student took their life, it gave them the power of victory and control. Emily Hyde, the same traits as her fellow friends did, torture, kill, and mock. It was the same rotation on repeat.

I took a quick glance at them, even though it was risky. Aliyah and her friends came closer with bad intentions. Halting suddenly, they crossed their arms over their chest and gave us a hostile expression.. As she turned her head, Aliyah scowled at Emily and Taylor. There was a long pause before she spoke again after remaining silent.

"Oh, look girls, it's the nobody's," Aliyah scoffed as she narrowed her scowl towards us.

Livy briefly caught my attention when I looked away. Darkness had returned. Livy became an uncontrollable darkness, warping any authentic spirit she had. A destructive product. Humans cannot control their own will against this entity. Darkness was rising. It would destroy any mere human in a manner of minutes. It became clear to the naked eye that stopping Livi was a death sentence. She was instructed to strike by the monster in her head, while the beast in her chest prepared itself. I recognized it, but it still felt strange. Man is oblivious to a darkness that exists. Questions loomed, but I could only watch Livy. She paused and looked at me.

"And give me a good damn reason we should give a flying fuck what you say?!" Livy openly declared, irritation garnishing her vocal cords.

Livy cracked her knuckles separately and scowled at Aliyah's vacant expression. Afterward, she lowered her arms to her sides. To assert her dominance, Aliyah takes a small step forward, provoking Livy's aggressive tendencies. We quickly realized it wouldn't work when Livy stayed still during Aliyah's introduction.

"Because I am THE MOTHER FUCKING QUEEN AND SHOULD BOW TO YOUR KNEES!! MUTT!" Aliyah malevolently proclaimed.

The look in Livy's eyes became more focused. She stood, illustrating no shame in her authority, revealing further ways to show to her bullies she was not someone to fuck with. Livy tightened her right hand. Instantly, black blood oozed through her veins. She spoke, frightening the crowd of students who circled amongst us.


The features of Aliyah's face changed. With a vicious grin, she acted like nothing could harm her. Aliyah glanced around, and her friends copied her, leading to their success.. She gave Livy a poisonous look and took a step closer to assert her dominance as the queen. No one, not even Livy, was defeated in that war.


Aliyah jerked forward, a ball of jet black magic shaped in her clawed-like hand. With an upward dive, she harshly thrust the jet black ball at Livy. The assault couldn't be prevented by any motion quickly enough. Livy was sent flying across a different angled hall after a black ball struck her chest, causing her to crash to the surface. Nora and I locked our gaze onto Livy's still body. Seeing Aliyah derive pleasure from my sister's unconsciousness made me angry, and I lashed out. With a chuckle of amusement, I pointed my hand perfectly. Her twisted games made me angry, so I took a strong step forward.

"Aliyah, I can't deal with you anymore! Nobody has done anything to you or your friends, including us. DO YOU NOT GET IT IN THAT COCK SUCKING HEAD OF YOURS!!! I pointed my finger harshly as I slowly lost control. Your behavior is causing both you and those around you to be miserable. Your friends only stay with you because they believe you're some kind of special angel. However, you are a narcissistic sociopath who foolishly believes that she is the queen! BITCH! YOU RULE NOTHING BUT YOUR YEAST INFECTED VAGINA AND AN ALTER EGO THAT'S THE SIZE OF AN 5-YEAR-OLD," My voice rang among the hall as loud cheers encircled us. Right as it quieted, her magic vanished. Immediately, she crossed her arms and sneered erratically, trotting up to me. With a halt, her red lips moved.

"Are you insulting me, you stupid dragon?" Aliyah, unemotionally mentioned as she snickered, trying to push me off the edge.

I rolled my eyes. "I am not insulting you, I am describing you," I instantly mentioned, as the crowd of students immediately gasp and fell into groups of whispers. Aliyah rolled her eyes in disbelief, finding no joy in it. She scoffed and continued the conversation.

Aliyah scoffed, "I WILL CARVE YOUR HEART OUT AND FEED IT TO THE WOLVES!" Her anger rose as she high-five Taylor and Emily.. In doing so, they gave the same glare and did what they expected.

I sighed, "Have you forgotten I RUN WITH THE WOLVES YOU IDIOTIC RETARD!!"

I turned swiftly, checking if Livi was okay, or not the fundamental question was, would she be able to wield her beast?

[Livy's pov]

I stood and advance towards Aliyah, my eyes and teeth emerging. I ran across the room, passing Tetra, and punched Aliyah across the face. She drifted across the hallway, leaving a trail of blood. She collided with the lockers and fainted. Taylor and Emily abruptly shifted their bodies, taking small steps as they fell to their knees and glared at me with anger.

Because of my angry outburst, I could sense the students' bodies tensing up. Despite their shock, I remained unaffected. I shift to meet Tetra's concerned eyes. Her half-turned body blocked my path, and her displeased expression gave away her thoughts on my actions. Because of the detentions we received every time hell froze over this school, I exhaled, but with a smile bared across my lips. I peer over my shoulder to see an enormous smirk on Nora's face. There was a glimmer of concern in her eyes. She casually advances, passing us with a playful smirk on her face. She made a sudden stop with a narrow break. Nora rummages in her pockets and pulls out a dark red apple and a knife with a silver edge. She gracefully holds the apple and knife lightly. Without squinting, she carves a sample of the apple.. She scowls at Taylor and Emily as she guides the knife to her mouth and eats a straightforward piece of apple.

Nora slowly ingested the apple piece. She wore a devious smirk on her face, taunting them with her blood-shot eyes and deadly white fangs, making me want to laugh. Taylor made a dramatic forward motion. Removing Nora's reign. Nora knew better than to let a small child think they could control her, so she stood up straight and gave the child a menacing look.

Taylor chuckles at Nora. Finding it amusing how Nora was trying to redeem her dominance when she knew for a fact that Nora was too weak to stand her ground against her.

Demonstrating her dominance, Taylor dipped to the right and crossed her arms, showing Nora who the true Queen of the fight was. She spoke with a smirk.

"Hey, Freak! I would back away. Your corrupt body might get everyone contaminated. In fact. Corrupt your baffling puppy dog over there, and you're a pathetic, weak untamed Dragon, they need to be on a leash for their destructive behavior."

Nora quivered. Nora dropped the apple when her left hand became limp. Her right hand gripped the knife fiercely as a cold fury took over. Swiftly, she gestured with the silver-edged knife towards Taylor and Emily; her face twisted in a sinister grin.

"I'M NOT A FREAK!!! Livy is not a puppy! A wolf is what she is! It poses a serious risk to you and your family's well-being. AND TETRA IS A THOUSAND TIMES MORE OUTSTANDING THAN YOUR TWISTED FRIENDS!!" While tapping her blade against Taylor.

In a swift move, Nora growled and stabbed Taylor's shoulder with the knife, causing her to cry out in pain. "DON'T FUCK WITH MY FAMILY!" Nora emitted another growl. Her irises turned a dark shade of red, and she instinctively transformed her normal teeth into fangs.

Nora grabbed the knife and turned it, causing Taylor's shoulder to ache even more. With no hesitation or reaction to Taylor's injury, she pulled the knife out of her shoulder and delicately licked the blade. The taste made Nora scrunch up her face and put her in a bad mood. Your blood has a pathetic and foolish taste that reminds me of someone. Allow me to ponder on it. Oh yeah, you're, unfortunate ass. Well, you're safe. "No vampire in this city wants your blood, and if they did, I feel sorry for anyone who feeds off a bitch like you," Nora announces dramatically.

Nora twists on the balls of her feet as she tapped the bloodstained knife on her shoulder, lugging her strides towards us. Nora provided a confident smirk. She turns again, quickly facing Taylor, then spoke again.

"The throne may belong to you guys, but I will soon become the queen." In a cowboy-like fashion, Nora nodded her head dramatically. Intentionally jabbing forward and punching Nora in the face, Taylor provoked her to fight again. Nora maintained her stance and smiled, making it clear to Taylor that she was not to be messed with.

Taylor stepped back weakly, grasping onto her injured shoulder. Suddenly, she turned to Emily and nodded her head. As she notices the worry forming in her eyes.

An unpleasant voice drifted through the students, dimming our smiles and diverting our eyes to the figure in the crowd.. It was then; our teacher's infuriating eyes greeted us. By that moment, I swallowed unintentionally. With a fake intention, I tried to act normal.

"Yes, Mrs. Hazelbrook?" I mentioned, trying to push down the heavy pain in my chest, but found it incredibly challenging to handle alone. Her eyes were filled with rage and she saw right through my innocent act. Pointing her finger harshly, she spoke across the crowd.

"Go to the office now, all three of you!"

We squeezed through the crowd, passing Taylor and Emily, who found the idea of us getting into trouble amusing. They laughed and raised their middle finger up at each of us. In return, we identically raised ours with a huge smirk. Roaring at every student to head to class or face detention, Mrs. Hazelbrook followed behind. The hallway became a wasteland, as they all disappeared in an instant.

[Tetra's pov]

We confidently walked down the hallway, passing through blinding lights and crippling darkness. We obeyed skeptically, our pace incredibly cautious. A moment of silence was our only companion as we immersed ourselves in a wonderful daydream.. The room where the meeting was held was uninteresting, with dark chairs, a wooden table, and inadequate natural light from the windows. We were feeling mad while sitting with our arms crossed. We're eagerly awaiting the lecture that will be the highlight of our lives. Our teacher closed the door to the room and perfectly straightened herself up, and began with clearing her throat and speaking roughly.

"If I ever hear you guys fight another student, I will not HESITATE to expel you! Now, down to business. She quickly folded her hands and cleared her throat again. Tetra, Nora, and Livy, I know who you are. I know Tetra is a dragon and I know Nora is a vampire and I know Livy is a wolf. It is time for you guys to know the truth of your future, but I can not say, only you can find out."

We transitioned from angry stares to uncontrollable fear. Whenever someone knew our secret, it felt like a twisting, stabbing pain. They will pursue us for our true selves, and life as we know it will be altered. A mythical creature that combines the features of a dragon and a witch, with the ability to control fire. A creature that is a vampire or a witch. Plus, there's a wolf\witch\vampire. Will this be our last chance to experience freedom, or have we ever truly been free?

Our teacher remained stationary, as her eyes observed our silent panic. Silence washed over the room. I grabbed a black chair and perched onto the chair, hoping to calm the weary feeling I was having. Livy and Nora were scared stiff, and I was too, all of us standing still. Our so-called teacher spoke again, seating herself on the far side of the room and using a rough and deadly tone that made us instantly look up and meet her gaze.

"Tetra, Nora, Livy, don't fear me please, I will not tell a soul, cause I know they would hunt you, but let me explain if you are comfortable?"

We nodded our heads, despite the discomforting glare given to us.

I possess unlimited powers as a War Lord. She maintained a poised posture while speaking, crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap. The image you see doesn't define me; I'm a mystical being who restores broken souls and protects mates. It's a pity, but the three of you are not interested in finding mates. Can you explain why? Be careful with your necklaces because they have a dominant force used for dark forces. They will remain evil forever if anyone approaches it.

We were toying with our necklaces, oblivious to their powers, until Livy spoke after we glanced up.

"We don't want mates because of our past," Livy mentioned, irritated at the thought.

War Lord examined us, from silent breath to the slightest movements of our bodies only to find our eyes on her. She was strangely calm yet creepy, making me uncomfortable with her stare. I knew there must have been a reason for it, so I chose not to question it, even though my curiosity was strong..

My sister's eyes wandered over to me, curious about what was going on, but she was unaware of the underlying concern. War Lord stood up and stepped forward with ease, seemingly unfazed by anything, which I believe to be true. My soul was tormented by a multitude of thoughts, each one seeking the truth through a barrage of questions. My sisters and I stared in confusion with wide eyes. I'm curious why she stood so close. She used only one hand to tap our forehead with her index finger, putting us into a death-like sleep.

No logical question, no simple answer, just a deathlike sleep..

Suddenly, my eyes were wide open, and my body jerked upright. I stumbled upon a grassy field. Upon looking around a few times, I realized I was the only one who remained on this terrain.

The surrounding stillness made me stand cautiously. I checked the sky for any creatures, but nothing was in my line of sight.

This place felt strangely unusual. My mind was in a state of confusion, trying to comprehend it. Suddenly, a man materialized right in front of me.

As he instantly moved closer, I assumed a combat position. I sensed his near brush and immediately felt a wave of sympathy around me. Until his rough hand caressed my face, I thought I was losing my mind. I yielded and corrected my posture, resting my head on his gentle hold.

We knew we had a genuine love connection as we gazed into each other's eyes. Someone I truly love is finally within my reach after all the daydreaming and yearning. My hand contacted his cheek, and he disintegrated into dust.

I realized it was just another false intake and a single tear escaped my eye. My dream felt impossible, unless I wished for a thousand more years.

In an instant, the sun, land, and trees disappeared. The shadow of the night hung over me like darkness. The presence of a distant blackness gave me the sensation of being watched. I couldn't find my way out of this place, even though my feet turned in all directions.

My feelings were indescribable. Trapped didn't even cover it. In this suffocating seclusion, my true feelings withered away, leaving me a chained soul, unable to rediscover my humanity. I became heartless because of the nightmare I went through. I knew I'd never be the same as my body became a black hole of chaos and destruction.

[Nora's pov]

My surroundings caused me to wake up suddenly. As I stood, I realized I was in a neglected area. Standing for 20 minutes, I couldn't figure out why I was there.

Everything was fine until a foreign dust storm emerged. My first official attempted was to wander in it like it didn't disturb the hell out of me until the dust storm gripped hold of me. Upon hearing that, I quickly fled to a nearby rock until it was safe.

I gazed at the crimson sky, yearning for some harmony in this barren land, but understanding that serenity was impossible when I felt so alone..

What occurred that summer will always feel out of place in my heart, and I was afraid that loving another person would only bring additional agony. Finding my mate was my purpose of being here. I'm lost in this never-ending dust storm. I'm not even sure where to start. Would my love for him be equal to the love I felt for Tyler Dunn?

The storm passed, and I saw destruction all around me. Despite the damage, I was alive in the wasteland..

I confidently stood, as the fierce wind blew my red, wavy hair in its stormy mist. I noticed the silence and set off in the heat and dust. An old-fashioned man with a wide smile appeared.

He placed a kiss on his hand, sent it my way, and left a drop of blood dripping from the corner of his lips, while his intense stare was imprinted on me. He repeated the same action, causing my heart to flutter.

Despite blushing at the thought, I fearlessly walked up to him. My love for him turned into a blazing fire. The creature perished as it vanished into the blood-red sky.

[Livy's pov]

I jolted awake and opened my eyes. The night sky was filled with dark clouds while the stars shone brightly. The black trees surrounded me, each size unique, yet each concealing a secret that I couldn't hear. I placed my hands on the ground and jump in the air, landing on the balls of my feet as my one hand supported my posture. My head slowly rose as my eyes gradually changed into blue, and my body transformed into a wolf.

When I looked up, I saw a big blood moon and stood there, glaring. This sign was confusing to me. Normally it would be blue, but the impossible vision had me confused.

I walked hesitantly towards the woods. Sinister whispers lurked in the shadows of trees, where the darkness outshined the light. A persistent nightmare that nobody wanted to experience, despite the weariness in my chest.

My mind was my prison, a game that masqueraded as reality. I deliberately rushed through the woods, feeling the brisk breeze hit my fury body. The creature within me, unable to be tamed, was burdened by the constant weight of dark thoughts.

My steady halt was accompanied by the aroma of warm pine and a hint of impending doom. I heard a mournful and beloved howl singing its sorrows into the emptiness of the night, causing me to snap my head towards the hill nearby.

The black wolf on the hill beat me to it, even though my paws regained their motion. I was frozen by his intense stare. The black wolf quickly transformed into a man. I revert to human form and gently lift myself up, all while maintaining eye contact with him.

He was a ferocious and fearsome creature, notorious for annihilating everything in his path. Smirking recklessly, he shows no concern. Rather than letting fear take over, I felt a seductive confidence.

His reddish-brown hair and ocean blue eyes held a grip on my soul, while his smile seduced me into a trance. I was stuck in one thing.

The man I accepted and loved was gone in an instant as darkness approached. I had a feeling that it was a hoax designed to devastate me, a chronicle where I'd be abandoned with only myself. I knew it would end up like this, even though it was hard for me to consider this possibility. It's likely that this man would leave me permanently. The main reasons were my principles and who I used to be.

[Tetra's pov]

I was abruptly awoken and immediately sat up. Although I felt like I was in an unfamiliar room, my heart rate eventually steadied as I scanned the area.

I rose from my bed and approached the door. While I was looking out, I saw Nora and Livy at the entrance of their rooms, both holding their heads. I announced my presence by taking a step forward.

"How do you all feel?" I questioned.

"Like shit, you?" Livy said in irritation.

"I feel like someone hit me with a bat," I said, trying to wrap up the pieces of what happened and how we got here.

"Same. how bout you, Nora?" Livy questioned as she leaned on her door frame.

"I am fine. I just don't get it. Why were we sent to a land in our minds, just to see our mate? That was like my best and worst nightmare ever?"

We all had the same question, but we avoided thinking about it. The three of us headed downstairs after getting dressed.

"You guys ready for school?" I said, rolling my eyes and standing up from the couch.

Livy and Nora rolled their eyes in disgust.

"I am never ready for school. Why would you even consider asking that question, Tetra?" Livy mentioned as she grabbed her keys from the hook.

While getting into the car to go to school, I shrugged my shoulders. Livy made sure her 1967 Chevrolet Impala was parked in front of the school, ready for our quick escape as soon as school was over.

My sisters and I walked with confidence among scattered students and teachers. The classes seemed to fly by and lunch time was already here. Holding a tray filled with various foods, I walked over to my sisters. I became lost in my thoughts until I was brought back to reality by a voice. "Watch out, she is going to trip you."

I hit the ground painfully after reacting too slowly. The lunchroom was filled with chuckles and laughter. Taylor's face twisted into a sneer as I looked up. I wasn't happy, as food smeared my face and spilled down my shirt. I stood, despite, My favorite dark blue wolf and dragon shirt was ruined as spoiled food dribbled down it, and I scowled at them with no emotion.

I looked up and saw Livy and Nora striding towards me with angry expressions. Placing their hands on my shoulders, they gave a nod of agreement. They crossed their arms and passed me, removing their hands while beaming angry eyes at them.

"Stand," Livy said with a growl.

"And why should I listen to you?" Taylor mentioned unwillingly, not listening.

"Let me say this again so your 5-year-old brain can process it. STAND OR I'LL NOT HESITATE TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!! WITH MY TEETH!" Livy said again with a growl.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Your not the boss of me puppy dog," She said mockingly.

Livy's fist was so tightly clenched that blood started dripping down her wrist. Placing my hand on her shoulder from behind, I saw her eyes flash dark red as she turned her head. I tapped Nora while she was still facing Taylor and her friends. I spoke to her in a whisper.

"Nora, we need to get Livy out of here. Her dark wolf is coming out."

"There's too many people circling us. How are we going to do that when they're all watching?" Nora questioned.

I gave her a clueless shrug. Despite my warning, Nora persisted in holding her ground while I struggled to hold Livy back.

"Aww, the puppy dog is angry, you poor little thing. We might have to put you done for your destructive behavior," Aliyah mocked as she stood from the lunch table.

That was a mistake. Livy quickly escaped my grasp and landed a punch on Aliyah's face. Aliyah lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground. Livy climbed up, glanced at me and Nora, broke Taylor and Emily's neck, then jumped off and landed gracefully..

Livy came back to us and yawned, having to defeat the fools.

Aliyah picked up her head slowly and said.

"You and the Storm family can rot in hell! You monsters!!" She shouted.

Nora immediately ran towards Aliyah and forcefully pushed her head to the ground. Flipping her red hair, she spoke to Aliyah.

не связывайся с моей семьей, сука

[Don't mess with my family, you bitch]

"What's going on here?"

We snapped our heads towards the sound and our faces lost all color when we recognized the approaching figure. A student stood up from a different table in the lunchroom and whispered something in her ear, causing her to stop mid-walk.

Back at the lunchroom table, the student hurriedly returned. With a furious look on her face, our principal strode towards us. We swallowed but didn't show fear.

"Tetra, Livy, and Nora. you are here by out EXPELLED permanently from this school. You are no longer allowed near it or in it." Our Principal announced to the entire school lunch.

Our principal departed from the lunchroom. Nora and Livy cheered behind. "YES! I've been waiting for this day my entire life!" Livy shouted out of excitement. I laughed at them. "So have I, sis. This place was a dump anyway," Nora mentioned.

We departed from the school and drove to our home. In the car, I was full of admiration for Livy and Nora. They impressed me with their stunts, punch, and Russian accents.. We were pleased when we got our revenge in one day. I was proud of my sisters.. They always had my back, no matter what.