
Where am I... what is this place... why does my head hurt so much

"Stop panicking... calm down" a monotonous voice rang.

Gradually Eto calmed down... But something was wrong... He couldn't see anything.

"Open your eyes..." The monotonous voice rang again.

That's strange.. Eto thought and then opened his eyes. He was in a circular room with glass ceiling and white walls. He saw his reflection in the glass ceiling. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with white shorts. He had grey hair with deep black eyes.

"Where am I"?

"You're in the operating room of the ship SERENDIPITY" The monotonous voice said.

"Who are you?"

"My name is H. Am the ship's A.I ."

"Okay. what am I doing here and why can't I remember anything?"

"You were in an accident 3 days 22 hours and 45 minutes ago.. Your ship was attacked by Crustaceans."

"Alright. why can't I remember anything?"

"Your hypocampus sustained some damage. It will take approximately 2 hours 33 minutes for you to get your memories back."

"Wait ! Did you say the accident happened 3 days ago..?"

"Correct.. You've been asleep for 3 days 22 hours and 45 minutes.. we are currently enroute to the planet SEREN or as you call it HOME."