I'll protect you

After Anna grabbed Ayanelle and started running, she brought out her hoverboard and jumped on it, when the space worm saw it, it remembered the humans it attacked the other time, It sent out a burst of electricity from it's body, it hit Anna's hoverboard as she jumped on it and it was short circuited, Anna fell to the ground but she quickly flipped in the air and landed on the ground with both feet then she continued running while holding onto a scared Ayanelle.

The space worm shrieked and started throwing electric arcs at Anna, Anna dodged the electric arcs, The space worm jumped into another wormhole and appeared in front of Anna, She jumped over the shrieking worm that dived for her and hit the ground, The space worm was angry, it failed to catch the other creature from yesterday and it's master had sucked out a bit of it's life force, It felt like it's soul was being twisted, It's master then sent it to this planet again to look for another rare life form, and it ended up running into another human who was preventing it from getting it's job done. it couldn't open a wormhole for a while so it had to chase her while flying.

' I'm going to kill you.' it said in it's mind while shrieking out.

Anna ran while increasing her acceleration, she started running faster and faster until she was just a blur, the space worm didn't lose out in speed and started gaining on her, Anna's max speed was just over 400km/h, but the space worm was having no trouble keeping up with her, but it couldn't get past her.

Anna scrunched her brows. Her mind was racing, looking for ways to lose the space worm. she couldn't access her spatial storage because the electric arc it shot at her some time ago was disrupting her spatial storage.

'How am I gonna lose this thing.... whatever it is'

"Anna, I sense someone in front, Just after those trees."

Anna snapped out of her thoughts as she heard what Ayanelle said. She was shocked that Ayanelle could notice someone so far away but she didn't think much of it, Getting away from this space worm took priority at the moment, She used her enhanced vision to look forward and saw someone 500 metres in front, the length of 5 and a half football fields, She ran faster pushing herself past her limit while also dodging the arcs of electricity the space worm threw at her.

The space worm opened a wormhole right above her and threw another arc of electricity, she dodged it by docking and sidestepping to the right, she got hit on her shoulder after the space worm threw another electricity arc that curved around her, she grimaced.

Ayanelle looked at her worriedly.

Anna looked back at Ayanelle and smiled then she stroked her head "I'll protect you Aya, It's just a flesh wound."

She increased her speed and flip over the space worm with Ayanelle held close to her body, She ran and broke her limits and her speed continued increasing, it felt like perpetual acceleration, She grimaced cause her skin started ripping and blood started coming out, but seconds later, her regeneration would kick in and close up the wounds making it as good as new, she finally lost the space worm for a moment, she got close enough to see the person, when she saw the person, she shouted.


Jen was walking was walking through the tree in a high tech black colored suit that hugged her body and showed all her curves, At her back was a plasma sniper rifle and running behind her was a Brown colored animal with black and white streaks. After hearing her name, she turned and saw Anna breathing hard and sweating, Kara hid behind her when she saw Anna.

"Anna, what happened to you."

Anna said breathlessly "Behind me.... shoot it."

Jen scrunched up her brows but she did as Anna said, she took the plasma sniper rifle from her back and aimed at the direction Anna came running from, she saw a blur racing towards them, she activated her powers of tachyphysia, everything slowed down and she saw what the blue actually was, she had a shocked expression on her face, but then she stilled herself and shot at the space worm. The space worm sensed something heading towards it, at it's speed, it obviously couldn't avoid taking a hit, so it shifted slightly and took the hit at it's anterior just above the mouth, the space worm shrieked in pain and fell on the ground, the plasma was burning it slowly eating into it's skin, the space worm shrieked and started thrashing on the ground.

Jen moved closer and was about to shoot at it, when a wormhole opened below it, and the space worm fell into it, before Jen could shoot it closed.

Anna looked at where Jen was and saw the space worm disappearing and sighed in relief, Ayanelle was standing right beside her with concern in her eyes.

"Anna... Anna, are you alright."

Anna who was sprawled on the ground with her clothes torn in the shoulder and ankle turned to look at Ayanelle.

"Yeah, am good, just resting."

She closed her eyes and said while raising her fist to the sky. 'Am real good and I just broke my limits.'

"Anna, are you alright."

Jen came and squatted beside her while she looked at her in concern.

"Am okay Jen, thanks for the help."

Kara was looking at Anna curiously then she noticed Ayanelle and she shot her a condescending look and continued looking up at Jen.

' I think that Taw just looked down on me.' Ayanelle thought to herself. she moved closer to Anna and rubbed her face on Anna's hand, Anna carried her and sat down on the grass and stroked her, Ayanelle shifted closer to Anna body, she looked up at Anna's face.

"Thank you."

Anna looked at her and nodded, Jen looked at both of them and asked. "Is that your pet."

"Hmmm, not yet."

"How so."

"Well she hasn't agreed to come home with me."

"Oh." Jen said while nodding in understanding. "Does she have a name."

"It's Ayanelle." Jen was startled when she heard a voice in her head, she looked down and saw Ayanelle looking at her with rainbow colored eyes."

"Was that you." she asked Ayanelle with a curious expression on her face.

Ayanelle nodded " Yes it was."

"So Ayanelle." Ayanelle looked at Anna who called out to her.


"Would you like to come home with me."

"Yes I would if you promise to give me M&M's everyday."

"Yes. Yes I promise." Anna beamed with a smile on her face and stoop up and hugged Ayanelle.

Jen looked at them and smiled, Kara looked at Jen with a pleading expression, Jen looked at Kara and stroked her behind her ears, Kara moved closer to Jen's body and cuddled.

"Hey Ann, You have any idea what that thing was."

"No, I was about to ask you the same thing, It just came out of nowhere and started chasing after my sweet, fluffy cute Ayanelle."

Jen smiled then scrunched her brows "It attacked us yesterday and it was also after Kara."

When Jen mentioned Kara, that was when Anna noticed the Taw in Jen's arms, she reached out to stroke it and Kara hissed at her, she quickly took back her arms as she noticed Kara looking at her with a condescending look.

'Strange.' Anna thought to herself

"So Jen, lemme guess you couldn't find that thing in the database."

Jen turned to Anna. "I actually did, and those space worms are pretty rare, if captured, you can harness their power and create wormholes to anywhere in the galaxy, it's rumored that if you can find an adult space worm, you can open wormholes to other galaxies, The one that attacked us was a smaller one."

"Wow, that sounds pretty awesome, So that's why you're with your Rifle."

"Yep, I was going hunting, was trying to catch it for research."

"Hey can you help me, that thing shot out arcs of electricity and short circuited my hover board and my spatial storage device, I can't bring out anything."

"Yeah sure, I've got just the thing."

Jen waved her arm and a cloud of tiny nanobots came out of her glove, they flew into Anna spatial storage and fixed the problem, Jen looked at her holo watch and said to Anna.

"It was interfering with the connection in your spatial storage, if you had smashed your spatial storage, all your gear would've popped out."

"Thanks Jen."

Jen waved her hands and the nanobots flew back into Jen's glove. she brought out her hoverboard from her own spatial storage and gave it Anna.

"Let's go find your hoverboard."

Anna looked at the board. "But how are you gonna keep up."

Jen raised her arms and said "Like this."

Anna noticed that Jen was floating.

Jen smiled "Hover boots, cool right."

Anna nodded "Very cool."

They both started flying in the direction Anna's hoverboard fell.


After finding it and fixing it, Jen fixed it and they headed back to the city. Anna went home and Jen went back to her lab, When she got to the lab, she wrote on the Holo screen in front of her.

Abilities: Wormhole creation, Shooting lighting arcs. Next to the words was the diagram of the space worm.