Confrontation II

After Anna incapacitated Aya, She continued running center after asking Sam and Ava if they ran into anyone from the other team, but they said no.


"I can't get in touch with Aya." Jake said to Karl.

Karl furrowed his brows. "You think she ran into someone from the other team."

"That bit is clear." Eto said.

Karl looked ahead in the direction where Aya ran to, He taught he heard something coming. Eto heard it clearly and shouted.

"Incoming attack."


Anna increased her acceleration and continued running center, she saw a tall building and she felt that this was the one, Anna trusted her instincts so she sent a hover drone into the building close to it and it climbed to the topmost floor, it was the same height with the building she was aiming at, She looked at the drone footage and saw three guys standing and talking.

She moved the drone closer and she saw the flag behind them.

"Found you."

Anna contacted her teammates.

"I found them." Anna told them where she was and then waited for Sam and Ava.

"What are we gonna do." Ava asked.

"Going in head on wouldn't be a good idea." Sam said.

"Here's what we're gonna do." Anna said while looking at them. she continued.

"You two will run in there and attack them from different directions, I'll come in from the roof while their distracted and disable them."

she paused then continued.

"We'll have to be quick otherwise my brother can just teleport with the flag and hide out in another building."

Sam and Ava nodded.

"Ava, You'll go high and I'll go low." Sam said to her.


"Incoming attack." Eto screamed

Ava shot at them with her hand gun but Eto dodged it by sidestepping and hiding behind a pillar, Karl also dodged, Karl side flipped and hid at another pillar, Jake Was a bit slow, and Sam caught up to him and swung his bo staff at Jake's head but jake reacted in the nick of time, he raised his arm guard with the force field and blocked it, the hit pushed him back, He grimaced and realized that the force field had broken, he brought out the shotgun and started shooting at Sam, Sam moved very fast and dodged all the bullets then hid behind another pillar close to the entrance.

While Ava flew in and dived straight at Jake, he was too slow to dodge this one and Ava katana hit him on his shoulder, he felt like screaming cause it hurt, he held it in and cursed.

Eto and Karl had already made their move when Ava flew in and hit Jake, Karl raised his great axe to hit Ava's wings but she furled her wings behind her and rolled forward, the axe hit the ground and created a small crater the size of a man's thigh on the ground.

Karl brought the axe up again and shot at Ava as she rolled on the ground dodging the bullets, she moved like a ballerina balancing on one leg while she skipped and jumped, Eto had already teleported when they showed up, He teleported to the roof and found his sister standing there, she was calm and had a confident smile on her face.

"Though I'd catch you here."Eto smiled and said to her while activating his power.

"Yeah I knew you would, it was pretty obvious when those two attacked, you'd know the next attack would be from the top." Anna replied and activated her powers.

"You know this isn't training little brother, This is going to hurt."

"Anna, You're older by just a some months."

They stared at each other for some seconds, the air was electrified with the energy from their powers been activated, Then they moved and appeared in the air, They exchanged a few blows and Anna got one in to knock Eto back, he fell towards the building but he did a backflip and got his positioning back, he Looked at Anna who wasn't holding back, he smiled and teleported behind her but she moved like a blur and appeared by his throwing a kick at his face, he raised his hand guard and activated the force field, he blocked it but Anna just increased the consistency of her attacks, Anna quickly brought out her twin daggers and slashed them across the force field which broke, Eto's gaze flickered for a moment, He jumped back after she threw a dagger at him and he caught it and threw it back, when the dagger was still in the air, he brought out his rifle and started shooting at her, she saw through his ploy and dodged all the bullets heading towards her.

She moved seamlessly and effortlessly through the gaps in the bullets, she caught the dagger that was thrown back and kicked off her left foot, she jumped up and started shooting at him with the handgun, he teleported and moved away from her line of sight, He appeared on the building of a roof a little distance from the building they were fighting on.

Before he could catch a breath, he saw a katana heading for his shoulder for his gun, he tried to move but the katana cut through his gun before he could dodge.


Meanwhile at the ninth floor, Sam and Karl were fighting and Sam's bo staff was covered in flames, he swung it at Karl's leg but Karl covered it with his great axe, he moved back then placed his right leg in front of his left leg and threw his axe at Sam, Sam sidestepped as the axe flew and was about to hit Jake who was fighting with Ava, Jake and Ava moved out of the way before the axe cleaved them, Jake shot at Ava who used her Arm guard shield to block the shots aimed at her, she held her katana and flew close to Jake while he was reloading and cut shotgun in two, Jake activated his powers when Ava aimed at his ribs, Diamond covered his skin and when he got hit, the electricity couldn't get through to his skin so he was safe for a while, Before he could bring out his handgun, Ava had already moved back and flew at him with blinding speed, she raised both legs and kicked him while she was in the air, He flew backwards and crashed through the window and fell all the way to the ground, he was okay but unconscious, He had his powers activated when he fell out.

Ava moved to help Sam while he was fighting with Karl, they started walking in tandem trying to corner Karl.

Ava flew a few feet in the air while shooting at Karl form the air, While Sam used his bo staff to keep on attacking Karl, Karl had to focus on defending if he didn't want to lose.

He used the lasers from his eyes to destroy all the electrified bullets before they got close to him while he used his strength to block and deflect all the hits coming from Sam.

"Eto, We're losing ground."

He called Eto.

"Yeah I know but am guessing Aya is almost to the goal." Eto replied to Karl.

"I hope so, I don't know how long I can hold on." Karl said after deflecting another hit from Sam but the flames covering the bo staff were increasing the heat around him. Karl was tired of being on the defensive, He's arm guard force field was about to crack, He couldn't take more than three hits before it would break.

Ava flew down and swung her katana downwards on Karl's arm guard force field, the force field broke and Karl flew back because Sam's bo staff hit him squarely on his stomach, he flew into the wall and collapsed, Ava quickly flew and landed by his side and swung the electric katana on his ribs which made him faint.


Eto continued running and dodging hoping that Aya was close to accomplishing her goal.


Earlier before the Aya left.

"So Aya is gonna copy my teleportation and Jake's Diamond skin then she'll copy my sister's speed and get to the flag." Eto told everyone his plan and they nodded.

Aya copied Jake's Diamond skin and he showed her how to make I appear on just one part of the body.

In the fight between Anna and Aya, She shifted the diamond skin to her shoulder underneath her clothing and took the hit, she pretended to be too exhausted to get up and Anna left after she didn't get up. when Anna left, she smiled and ran as fast as Anna in the direction Anna had been coming from and she saw a tall building just like their's but with eight floors instead, She quickly got to the right floor but stopped at the entrance when she saw Alex standing and watching the entrance, she saw her face reflected of the mask Alex put on.