You know I actually thought I was gonna die the first time I realised the ship was falling back when we were still on the planet.
The second time I thought I was gonna die was when we came off world and the fleet of Stropers were in our way. I'm still surprised that we made it out of there alive.
We got stuck in space for some minutes after we escaped, But then we got rescued by some other group of people, there were two girls and a boy in this group, well that's what I think, I haven't seen anyone one else on board this ship after we got on, this ship was bigger than the one we got on when we were going off world.
One of the girl's ran up to my mother, the girl was wearing a silver mask that covered her entire face, she stopped in front of us and bowed to my mom which startled me, when I looked at my mother's face, I saw a smile but it disappeared as quickly as it came which made me think that it wasn't there.
My mom almost always kept a straight face when she speaks to others, but when she spoke to this masked girl in front of her, she did so with a smile on her face.
The masked girl took us to a large room in the ship, It had a floor to ceiling window that showed us the beauty and vastness of space.
It was pretty fascinating to say the least, the stars were still as faraway as they were back at home.
I looked around this room, there were three bedrooms and three bathrooms, it was really big and I was actually thinking, why would they build it this big, Maybe it was for the captain and the vice captain or for the important crew members.
"Why did that girl call you princess."
I asked my mom when we sat down after food was brought to our room.
She looked at me while still chewing the food.
"You can leave."
She said to the robot that brought the food, it was one of the older models with blank faces and wheels.
"Because I used to be a princess."
She said curtly after the robot left the room.
"Why'd you stop."
"Eat your food."
she didn't reply to the question and I knew better than to continue asking when she didn't want to talk.
I continued eating my food.
Eto left the med bay with Anna walking by his side.
"So what happened."
Anna looked at Eto with concern and excitement on her face.
"We ran into a lot of trouble, we almost died twice, well I almost died three times."
Anna nodded and waited for Eto to continue speaking.
"You know how many Stropers we had to fight on the planet, there was a Stroper there, I think that was a female, when I fought her I couldn't even teleport, she almost killed all of us especially me and then off planet when we were in space, there was a fugging fleet, am still surprised that we managed to survive that."
Anna looked at him with concern then she raised her hand and ruffled his head.
"Glad you didn't die bro."
"Yeah am glad I didn't die."
"So you know who you were sent to pick up."
Eto put his chin on his hand.
"Apart from her name and the fact that the little boy calls her mom, I don't know anything else, I was pretty surprised when Alex called her princess."
"Yeah me too."
Alex and Anna continued walking towards the bridge where Brady was, They walked in and Brady looked up at them, Anna in particular was the one who he focused on, he didn't spare a glance at Eto after he saw him come inside.
"How long till we arrive at HQ."
Anna asked him when she sat down at a sit in front of a Holo screen.
"one minute and twenty nine seconds."
Anna nodded and turned to Eto.
"We'll be arriving in a minute so you best go check up on your teammates."
Eto nodded and left them there, he saw Alex walking towards the bridge, He raised his hand to stop her cause he wanted to ask her who Gamila really was but he put his hand down before she could see his raised hand and walked away.
Alex walked into the bridge and went to her own sit on Anna right hand side.
Anna turned to her when she sat down.
"You okay."
Alex looked at her nodded.
"Am okay."
Eto walked to the room where he, Sam, Jake and Karl were, Sam and Jake were playing Holo chess and Karl was playing a video game.
"One minute and twenty seconds."
Karl looked up from the game he was playing.
The ship came out of warp and entered the docking bay. Brady walked out first and disappeared after walking through one of the doors, Eto came out with Anna and Alex, Karl Sam and Jake came out after them and then Gamila and Hiro came out last.
Miss Everdine was waiting for them when they exited the ship.
Miss Everdine said when Gamila and Hiro exited the ship.
"Aunty Everdine."
Hiro called out when he saw Miss Everdine, he ran up to her and hugged her. she patted his back when he hugged her, she smiled at him.
"Hello Eva."
Gamila said to Miss Everdine.
"Come, I'll take you to where you'll be staying."
She left with both of them without even speaking to Eto and the others.
"Well that was strange."
"It's like we were invincible."
"I feel invincible after surviving that."
Eto, jake and Karl spoke at almost the same time.
"Well see you guys later."
Anna said to them while dragging Alex along.
"Yep am out to, am practically starving."
Karl said while walking away too.
"Wait for me, am coming."
Jake shouted and ran after him.
It was just Eto and Sam standing there.
Sam said and walked away.
Eto stood there with his arms behind his back, he was thinking about the attack on Hiro's planet, it felt like overkill for a planet without a space army or any planetary defense.
He walked away heading in the direction of the information room.
"Forger... Forger..."
A voice shouted out in the darkness.
I knew I was dreaming when I saw the darkness which is kind of strange, how do you see darkness, How do you know that the darkness you see isn't light to someone else.
This is the first time am having this dream if you wanna know. And this Forger dude who's name is being screamed in this darkness is as strange to me as it is to you.
Hiro saw a bright light shining in the distance and the sounds of metal being hit on metal rang out.
He saw a humongous being with a hammer, the being had a black body that looked both illusory and real with stars all over it's body, the stars were shining and seemed to move from one part to the other, Hiro could only see the being from the waist up, the other part of the being was below a cloud of stars that he couldn't see through, the hammer was pure black and seemed to absorb all the light coming from the spherical ball below it, The being raised the hammer and swung it down, Hiro was shocked cause from where he was standing, he was no different from a speck of dust floating close to this being, Just the pressure he faced from the being was enough to kill him, The hammer swung down and hit what looked like a tiny galaxy under the beings hammer, To Hiro, it was the galaxy he was in, Everybody had seen the simulation of the Galaxy of NYCTOS.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
"Forger.... Forger."
I heard the voice again and this time I heard it clearly, the voice was screaming forger. My heart raced when the being turned around and looked at me, I felt like my soul was being ripped out of my body, the eyes of the being were like two sun's but brighter and way more dense, I could feel the heat from where I was standing.
"Oh you're here."
I thought the being was talking to someone else but he moved his head close to me and that's when I realised that the being had only eyes on it's face, there was no nose or mouth or ears on it's head and the voice I heard was in my head.
"I'll be right with you."
I heard in my head again before he disappeared.
The voice shouting forger stopped midway, it's like someone held the throat of the person that was shouting.
The being reappeared at the exact same spot it disappeared from.
"You know my name."
He asked me without even turning to look at me anymore, he picked up the hammer and continued hitting the galaxy under his hand.
'Forger, that's his name.'
"Your... name.. is Forger."
I said with a stutter in my voice, Am surprised I could even think and speak. The being dropped the hammer and the hammer floated close the galaxy of NYCTOS.
"Yes, and do you know who I am."
He asked another question.
He paused before continuing.
"Am your father."