Anna was standing right before the portal, she was entranced, all the theories about teleportation were spinning in her head.
"The human body contains more than 10^26 atoms, only subatomic particles that have been entangled can be teleported, for them to be able to record the quantum states of all the atoms in the human body would require an astronomical amount of data storage and even worse the rules of quantum mechanics state that you can never truly measure the precise position or momentum of an atom."
Alex, Ava and Aya who were standing behind Anna heard her speak and they were staring at her with confused expressions.
Alex who had put on her mask again tapped Anna on her shoulders.
"Anna, are you okay."
Anna turned around quickly with.
"Yes, let's go."
Alex shrugged and followed Anna who was still thinking about how this would work.
' Of course if they had two different quantum computers, one to calculate the position and one to calculate the momentum of the atom, it could perhaps work.'
Anna thought and shook her head in askance.
' They would have to account for the atoms in our body and track all of them so no one goes missing when we come out on the other side and I can't forget that they would have to entangle all the atoms in our body to prevent us from losing some atoms.'
Anna stood right before the portal and was lost in thought, if her friends heard what she was thinking about, they would look at her with shocked and dumbfounded expression.
' Or maybe they are transforming our atoms into temporary energy so it can be transported to the other point and then they will restore it to it's original pattern and structure.'
Anna shook her head again and stepped into the portal, it felt like diving into water, cool and wet but when she came out on the other side, she wasn't wet and the feeling faded away.
Eto was looking at the girls as they moved an entered the portal, he saw Anna when she stood for some time right before entering the portal and even when she shook her head twice, he smiled.
"Hey Eto what's up with your sister, I've not seen her so flustered before."
Eto turned to Karl who asked him the question.
"I think she's trying to understand how the portal works, You know we have 10^27 atoms in the human body and to move all those atoms from one place to the other will need those particles to be entangled which is the connection between two particles, a change in one will result in a change in the other and vice versa...."
Eto stopped talking when he noticed Karl's face paling in shock and confusion.
Karl held his shoulder and said.
"I was just asking why she looked confused, I didn't say do the same thing to me."
Eto laughed.
"She is just trying to understand how the portal works."
Sam and Jake walked over.
"Let's go."
Sam said and started walking in the direction of the portal.
He walked and appeared on the other side then Jake, Eto and Karl appeared behind him.
The room they appeared in was big and white, it looked like an observatory, it had glass walls and glass ceilings, Eto looked around and saw that to his left the planet had two sun's which means longer days and hotter afternoon's but when he looked at the other side he saw that to his right, the land was filled with snow.
He was surprised, he didn't expect to see something this interesting, he looked down from the platform they were on and saw that he was not the only who was surprised, Jake had his mouth opened, Karl had a wow hole in his mouth, Even Sam's mouth was parted slightly in shock.
"Alright, if you've seen enough come down so I can process your information."
A man wearing a white suit with white shoes called out to them and they turned to look at him, he had white hair, brown skin, white beard and white eyes without pupils, he looked like that caring old man that lives in the neighborhood.
Everybody stepped of the platform and went down to meet the man. He told them to raise their wrist bands then he waved his hands and the information on the wrist bands appeared in the air right above their wristbands.
He nodded his head and sent a message to their wristbands with a schedule and where they would be staying.
"Find your rooms, you start your classes tomorrow."
He was about to walk away when a voice called out to him.
"Excuse me sir."
He looked at them and saw a young boy of about Fourteen years, with his head bent down.
"Can I help you."
Hiro looked at him and spread out his arms.
"I don't have a wristband."
He looked at Hiro then nodded.
A wristband materialized in front of Hiro just above his left palm, He grabbed the wristband and it displayed his information after he put it on.
Name: Hiro Lleh.
Age: 14.
Organisation: ??.
Affiliations: ??.
Rank: Recruit.
Status: Healthy.
"Now go find your rooms and settle in, you can explore the school before your classes start tomorrow, Good luck."
The man in the white suit turned around and walked away.
Eto looked at the girls and Anna said.
"Our building is on the south side of the school, see you later."
Eto nodded and they watched the girls walk in another direction that opened up into a long hallway that led to the south side of the Academy.
Hiro came and stood beside Eto, and Sam, Karl and Jake walked out, Eto and Hiro followed after they passed the door and it closed behind them.
Eto looked at his room number on his holo screen that was been displayed from his wrist band.
"Room R10."
Eto said and he looked at Hiro who was walking beside him.
"What's your room number."
Hiro lifted his arm and showed him the room number displayed on his holo screen.
"Room R10."
Eto nodded.
"Well looks like we are in the same room."
Karl looked at Eto who was walking behind him.
"Hey, What's your room number."
Karl nodded and said.
"Mine's R14."
Jake said after Karl told Eto his room number, he looked at Sam and asked.
"What's yours Sam."
Jake nodded and looked at Eto.
"You guys are in the same room."
Eto nodded and looked behind at the long hallway they were still walking on.
"Hey guys, anybody know where we are."
Everybody stopped and looked around, the hallway was long and it seemed to stretch on for much longer, Jake tapped away at his wrist band and a map showed on his holo screen.
"We just need to go straight and at the end of this hallway, we'll take the left and our building should be on that side, we're at the west side of the Academy."
They nodded and continued walking then they got to the cross road and took the hallway on the left, they arrived at the building on the west side and when the doors opened they were surprised at the sight that greeted them.
The building they saw was like a terrarium but bigger and the center of the building was hollow with a pond filled with fishes of different colors, the top of the building was made with glass ceilings like the room the portal was in.
They gawked at the sight and stepped inside the building looking for their rooms, Jake and Karl left them and went to look for their own rooms, Even though the rooms were numbered like that, they weren't all on the same floor, Jake and Karl's room were on different floors, while Eto's room was on the second floor.
Eto, Sam and Hiro took the elevator and headed to their room, they opened the door and the room they saw was similar to the one they stayed in back at the NIC Waystation, a large commons with three bedrooms in it.
They all split up and selected their rooms and went inside to remove their belongings from their spatial storages.
When Eto came outside, he saw Sam waiting for him.
"Let's go look around this place."
Eto nodded.
"Yeah, I wanna see what the NIC academy has."
They were about to leave when Eto turned around and walked to Hiro's room.
"Hiro, we're taking a tour of the academy, wanna come."
Hiro spoke from behind the door then he opened it and they all walked out of the room.
Since classes were starting tomorrow they saw a lot of students walking about and searching for their rooms.
Hiro pulled up a map of the Building they were staying in.
"They have a cafeteria, a training hall, a race track, a fighting room, a virtual pod room, a weapons room."
Eto and Sam nodded as they listened to what Hiro said.
"So where do you wanna go first."
Eto asked Hiro.
Hiro thought for less than a second before he said.
"fighting room."
When Anna, Alex, Aya and Ava walked through the doors that led to their building, they gawked at the sight. There was a glass bridge leading to their building, it was floating above a lake with crystal clear water and in the lake were a lot of multicolored fishes, the building had a lot of flowers on it and even butterflies and birds where flying around it, it looked beautiful.
As they were crossing the bridge, some of the colored fishes swam out and jump over the bridge dropping water on their faces and body, they smiled and continued walking into the building, even inside the building there were some birds and butterflies flying everywhere.
Anna and Alex were in room R1 while Anna and Ava were in room R2 right beside Anna's room, when Anna opened the door to her room, it was a bit similar to the one in the NIC waypoint.
The room had floor to ceiling windows and two bedrooms, as soon as Anna stepped into the room, Ayanelle appeared and jumped on to the couch and stretched her body then she raised her head and looked at Anna.
Alex took a step back when Ayanelle appeared, she didn't know about Ayanelle.
Anna held her hand when she was about to take another step back.
"She's my pet."
Alex nodded and visibly calmed down.
"Am not your pet, we're friends."
A voice echoed in both Alex and Anna's mind.
"She can talk."
"Yes of cause I can talk."
Alex looked at Anna in surprise, Anna smiled and walked to where Ayanelle was lying down and petted her.