History II

Eating lunch with everyone else in her family, Erina told them about what she had learned so far with unbridled excitement, only to be told by everyone else that she hadn't even gotten to the good part yet.

"Really?! That's amazing! History doesn't even feel like a class, it feels like storytime!" Erina exclaimed, anxious to get back to the lesson.

Having eaten her lunch, she rejoined Rinte in the lesson room. Walking in, Erina saw Rinte sitting by the window reading a book to pass the time while waiting for her to return.

"U-um Rinte? I'm back... So can we continue the lesson?" Erina asked with a slight quiver in her voice, unsure whether Rinte would find her rude or not.

Standing up from her chair with a slight smile, Rinte reassured while walking to the center of the room, ready to continue her lecture, "Don't worry about it, you can always interrupt me while I'm reading to let me continue a lesson."

Unpausing her videos, Rinte began, "So, where did we leave off... Ah, okay, so we left off with how the USA devolved into tyranny. It happened after a series of bad presidents took office, leading to one final president who became corrupted and took over the government to allow him to stay in power indefinitely. After President Johnson corrupted the government, he quickly began waging war, to expand the territory of the United States. Unafraid of fighting other nations because the US invested so heavily in the military, Johnson began by declaring war on the neighboring countries. Taking over Canada, Greenland, and Mexico faster than anyone would believe."

Switching screens, to show a map of Europe and Asia, Rinte continued, "With The USA practically ruling the North American continent, and South America ruled by magic mutated beasts. The rest of the world began scrambling to set up defenses before the US invaded their own countries. With tensions high, war broke out all across the world, leading to what histories call World War 3."

Skipping over the battles, Rinte continued straight into the results of the war, not wanting to show Erina the scenes from the war.

"So when the fighting finally stopped, the world map had changed immensely. North America had turned into a complete nuclear wasteland, uninhabitable by any life. The destruction of North America began with the Nations fighting against the United States sabotaging several large bomb storages causing them to blow. However, as Johnson realized that he wasn't going to win the war, he began blowing up the rest of North America to take as many people he could with him. Thus today, the majority of North America is a wasteland, with only small patches of areas untouched. Because of that, North and South America are currently deserted of all human inhabitants."

Seeing that Erina seemed scared after listening to the story, Rinte sat down next to her calming her down, comforting her with some nicer details and other pictures.

Having soothed Erina, Rinte continued, "Europe at the outset of the war banded together, leading to the eventual fusion of the countries in Europe, into the European Coalition. Australia annexed islands until it became the People's Republic Of Australia. Asia on the other hand, where we live Erina, devolved completely into anarchy at one point during the war. We'll go more into detail of what happened during this time once you are older, but during this time, a warlord named Alexander Vladimirovich came into power, unifying the entire Asian continent under his regime."

Listening to Rinte's lecture, Erina had been diligently filling out the little map that had been given to her, however, there were two spaces in the Asia continent, not one. Seeing that Rinte was about to move on Erina asked, "Rinte? What am I supposed to put for Asia? There are two spaces, not one..."

Hearing the question, Rinte assured that Erina didn't need to put anything down yet and that Erina will know later when to fill in Asia.

Having answered Erina's question, Rinte dove back into her lecture, "Now, moving onto Africa... During the war, Africa was eventually swept into the conflict, which led to chaos across the entire continent. However, during the chaos, a strategic genius rose into power, uniting Africa as a whole. To her though, uniting Africa wasn't enough, and through the rest of her life, she firmly established The Empire of Africa as one of the world powers. After the peace treaty was signed between the rest of the countries remaining after World War 3, they all decided to band together to form the United Nations, taking the name from an alliance from before the war."

Stopping for a second to drink some water, Rinte looked over to Erina, watching her admire the view outside the window while the lesson was paused. Unaware of the soft smile that formed on her face at the child who loved the outdoors, yet couldn't go out much due to her body, Rinte walked over and patted her head a few times before walking back to the center of the room.

"Okay continuing on with the United Nations. So the United Nations set up their headquarters in the capital city of the Asian Regime. However, this would lead to some massive problems later down the line, namely a war of succession. Because of this war of succession, the headquarters was obliterated, leading to the United Nations building a new floating headquarters in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The war of succession occurred after the death of Alexander Vladimirovich, joining his wife in the afterlife. Thus, leaving only the Prince and the Princess behind without naming an heir, leading to chaos breaking out. The war of succession eventually just became a full-blown war within the country, and when the dust settled, the siblings decided to call a peace treaty, and have the country split into two, the Yang Supremacy and the Yin Kingdom. In the end, the names were chosen due to how the two countries now ruling Asia looked like a yin yang symbol on the map."

Realizing that those were the two things to write in on the blanks, Erina jotted them down before asking, "Rinte, Rinte! We live in the Yin Kingdom right?"

"Yup Erina, we live in the capital of the Yin Kingdom, the fortress city of Novosburg, a massive city 150 square kilometers in size," Rinte replied, happy to answer any questions that Erina had.

Looking at the clock, Rinte spent some time going back and answering any questions that Erina had. Answering questions for 15 minutes, Rinte announced, "Okay Erina, History class is over for today. We'll take a small break before our next class."