A Chaotic Class Day~

The next day, with an uneventful morning, Erina fidgeted around, practically bouncing in her seat, unable to contain her excitement as the clock ticked closer to the time that Blizzard would come pick her up.

"Yuiko! Yuikooo!" Erina whisper-shouted as soon as they were released to work independently in class, "Let's work together!! I want to finish it in class so we don't have homework!"

Laughing, Yuiko tapped her pencil against Erina's notebook, "Alrighty, alrighty, we don't have much time before class ends and we have to go to train with our mentor people, so we should just focus on getting it done."

Sliding their desks over to form a large table, Vladimir, Hiroshi, and Krystina sat down to join in, with Krystina sliding into her seat, faking crying, "Don't leave us all out, Yuiko~! My dearest friend I've known for so long~"

Snorting, Vladimir retorted with a light smile, "What she means is that she wants to copy you two since you work at a ridiculous speed compared to us all."

"Sure, sure, Krystina, just make sure you actually know the material," Yuiko reminded, knowing she wouldn't be able to stop Krystina even if she wanted, "You should though since we have learned all of this before…"

"Andddd that's the third page done," Erina hummed, interrupting the conversation as she hummed to herself, flipping to the next page of the packet, "Only two more to go~"

Stunned, Krystina groaned, "How are you so fast, Erinaaa… this is unfair…"

"Vlad and I are already on the second page, you know?" Hiroshi chuckled, "it's because you two are too busy chatting over there~"

"Well I'm being carried to be honest," Vladimir confessed, running his hand through his hair, "Hiroshi is just a god at these types of problems, so he's the one doing most of the work."

Deciding to just buckle down and get to work, Krystina tied her hair back as she began blitzing through the worksheet, determined to catch up and then pass Vladimir and Hiroshi.

Back at the teacher's desk, he was quite mystified, as out of the 5 tables, four were quite chatty and working his packet that was also homework, while one table, tucked away near the left, was dead silent, concentration practically wafting off of the students as they raced to finish.

Sitting up, Erina beamed in joy as she exclaimed, "I'm done~ woohoo~ now I can just rela-"

"DONE HAHA YESSSS," Krystina shouted, pumping her fist, "The power of REVENGE carried me through to surpass you three! HAH!"

Shaking her head as she flipped the packet to start the last page, Yuiko teased with a grin, "seee~ you can do it if you try~ using your power of revenge~ sounds very scientific, Krystina!"

Nodding along, Erina added with a laugh, "I wonder if this power of revenge could make it so you don't procrastinate a ton on your homework too, Krystina…"

"Truly a mystery," Vladimir agreed, nodding along like a wise sage, "Maybe it could make it so she thinks of some more team formations for us using this mystical 'power of revenge'..."

Unable to come up with a response, Krystina sat there, muttering to herself about how 'they wouldn't understand' and how 'her powers only manifested at certain times' while tapping her pencil against the desk. Cooling her head while looking off into the distance away from the table, Krystina distracted herself by studying the posters on the walls, making sure that whenever she looked at a poster near her teammates head's, to exaggeratedly make it clear that she wasn't looking at them.

"How long are you going to keep sulking?" Vladimir asked, pressing the eraser at the end of his pencil into her nose, "We're all done now so we're going to play cards since the teacher doesn't care."

"...Fine," Krystina relented, adjusting her chair to receive the cards being dealt, before squinting and adding, "Erina please go easy on us normal people, people not blessed by the luck gods…"

Suppressing her laughter while nodding in agreement, Yuiko added, "Not all of us are as blessed as you~"

Steaming in embarrassment, Erina nodded before whispering to avoid a commotion, "I'll try my best, but still, I think you all over exagger-"



"You're totally dreaming."

"Yeah, don't worry, Erina. We're not~,"

Falling quiet at their statements, a little flustered while being unable to come up with a response, Erina elected to sort her cards with a slight crinkle in her eyebrows, concentrating her full attention on the cards.

Glancing at the clock, having finished sorting her cards, Yuiko muttered to the group, "I think we'll only have time to play one game before class ends, there's only 10 more minutes…"

"Oh yeah," Hiroshi nodded, "you can't stay after class for long today, right? It's a kidnapping day today, I think?"

Snorting, Erina nodded, starting the round of cards, "I guess you could put it like that… I'm still quite excited today though! It's the second class with Blizzard and I get to learn some stuff, not just like… go over stuff I know."

"I already smell the luck from a mile away…" Krystina muttered, nudging Vladimir to go after seeing the first card Erina played, "I'm glad this game isn't totally luck based…"

Playing his card, Vladimir asked, "So then, what do you think of your teacher… tutor person, Yuiko?"

"He's alright," Yuiko answered with a chuckle, "not quite normal I'd say, but a decent bit more normal than Erina's~"

Pausing for a second, Yuiko then added, "You three will probably eventually catch someone's eye in the future, so I guess, don't be too surprised if it happens? Volcano, my tutor, mentioned how our grade is quite stacked this year compared to some of the past ones."

"Good to know, good to know," Vladimir nodded, letting out a resigned sigh as he was eliminated early from the round, "Also good to know Erina's luck is still there, gotta double check to make sure sometime, you know?"

"I feel like now you all are just playing into this joke," Erina interjected with a slight pout, "it's not that extreme, it's just you all also don't really pay attention to the game, and just chat!"

"That… That might be true…" Yuiko nodded, "but it's much more fun to lean into this joke~"

Sighing, having seen the nods of agreement, Erina glanced at the clock, before sliding down in her chair, lessening her focus on the game and back to the conversation.