"So having trouble with your tie again? Didn't your father show you, how to tie that damn thing!?" Mrs.Jones looks at Gena with an angry look before looking at her husband how had just left the room, to get another cup of coffee. "Mom, I know how to tie it. Only on other people, it's harder to tie it on myself" Gena wasn't about to tell her mother that she forgot how to tie her tie because she knows that her mother would be angry with her. With a giggle from Robert, he walked over to help Gena with her tie. After finishing Gena's tie and eating their breakfast, the two went to get their shoes. Without thinking Robert looked for his shoes that he left their yesterday, Gena looked at him and started to giggle. With a confused look on Roberts's face, he asked where his shoes were. Gena as always said " Robert, you need to remember where you place your stuff" and pulled his shoes out of the closet in the same spot he placed them yesterday. " Yes Babe, I'll start doing that" he said with sarcasm. Gena glared at him. He looked away then finished tying his shoes and stood up, with a few seconds of him getting Gena tackled him. " wow so smart lovebirds" Gena's father said with a tiny giggle, before pushing them out the door so they weren't late for school.